Picture of What is Invent Logic? | IV_Logic_009

What is Invent Logic? | IV_Logic_009

This section covers the setup logic window, which allows creating if statements to control various elements on a form. It explains the basics of if statements and their applications, such as controlling visibility, size, position of fields, changing variable values, and modifying fonts and images. The flexibility of combining multiple conditions and actions is highlighted. An example of a business card with different layouts demonstrates how changing one variable can trigger multiple adjustments, showcasing the potential of these if statements for creating dynamic forms.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:06:14 - 00:00:07:13
So main

00:00:07:13 - 00:00:10:13
section here, the set up logic window.

00:00:10:17 - 00:00:14:05
And what this basically allows you to do
is to create if statements.

00:00:14:28 - 00:00:18:01
Now I imagine most of you
are at least somewhat familiar with

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if statements that quite widely used,
in a nutshell, it's basically saying

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that if a specified condition is met,

00:00:27:08 - 00:00:30:01
then a certain action should happen.

00:00:30:01 - 00:00:33:04
So this allows you to create
really variable forms.

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And you can sort of
you can scale this as well.

00:00:36:15 - 00:00:39:29
So it can be a really simple variable,
a really simple if statement

00:00:40:16 - 00:00:43:16
where it's just one condition, one action.

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Or you can have it so that there's
multiple conditions, multiple actions

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and multiple different instances
that it's looking at as well.

00:00:53:20 - 00:00:57:12
So what we call else statements
and I'll show you that in a moment.

00:00:58:18 - 00:01:01:18
Now there's loads of different things
that the if statements can do.

00:01:01:23 - 00:01:03:17
I'll show you all the different

00:01:03:17 - 00:01:07:04
individual bits of functionality
just so you've got clarity on those.

00:01:07:14 - 00:01:10:04
But just as an example,
it allows you control

00:01:10:04 - 00:01:13:10
the visibility of variables
on the user facing form.

00:01:13:15 - 00:01:16:13
So pretty much the same thing
that the parent variable can do

00:01:16:13 - 00:01:19:13
just in a different way.

00:01:19:13 - 00:01:23:04
you can control the size and position
of fields on your actual canvas.

00:01:23:05 - 00:01:26:05
You can control the visibility
of fields on your canvas.

00:01:26:11 - 00:01:30:05
You can change the values of variables
in the user facing form

00:01:30:11 - 00:01:33:08
based on other variable values.

00:01:33:08 - 00:01:35:27
you can change the font.

00:01:35:27 - 00:01:39:04
You can change the image of things
that are on your actual canvas.

00:01:39:29 - 00:01:42:09
Loads of different potential things.

00:01:42:09 - 00:01:46:05
and when you add all of these together,
you've got the power to create really,

00:01:46:29 - 00:01:50:13
really variable, options on your

00:01:51:20 - 00:01:52:23

00:01:52:23 - 00:01:56:21
So let me just show you an example
on this product here that I've made.

00:01:57:20 - 00:01:58:23
So it's all well and good.

00:01:58:23 - 00:02:01:23
Seeing it in individual bits
and pieces will do in a moment.

00:02:01:29 - 00:02:03:18
But I've set this up.

00:02:03:18 - 00:02:05:10
It's not a perfect product by any means,

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but it gives you an example of what
this kind of functionality can do.

00:02:09:11 - 00:02:12:11
So what I've set up is a business card,

00:02:12:16 - 00:02:16:15
and we're working on the assumption
that this company has two completely

00:02:16:15 - 00:02:20:14
different styles of, well Infigo, has two
completely different styles of,

00:02:21:01 - 00:02:24:01
layout of the cards
that they can actually work with.

00:02:24:10 - 00:02:29:14
So I've got all links to this one
drop down box here.

00:02:30:00 - 00:02:34:18
If I change from standard to QR,
the entire layout will change.

00:02:34:29 - 00:02:37:23
Fields are hidden.
Fields are moved around.

00:02:37:23 - 00:02:39:03
Fields are shown.

00:02:39:03 - 00:02:43:07
variables are shown and hidden
inside the fields themselves.

00:02:43:14 - 00:02:45:29
All from changing that one statement.

00:02:46:28 - 00:02:48:01
Now, there's other things that are,

00:02:48:01 - 00:02:51:28
present in here as well to do with logic,
smaller logic statements.

00:02:52:04 - 00:02:55:04
But this is the sort of big one
where there's loads of stuff happening

00:02:55:08 - 00:02:59:00
and that's all done in one single,
quite complex if statement.

00:02:59:00 - 00:03:01:08
But I'll show you a bit later on.

00:03:01:08 - 00:03:04:08
We'll show you the kind of capabilities
that you can have.


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