00:00:05:22 - 00:00:07:28
So we'll
start off with the really basic one
00:00:07:28 - 00:00:10:28
we've got, show or hide?
00:00:14:01 - 00:00:15:02
Very, very simple.
00:00:15:02 - 00:00:16:26
All that's doing,
and I've just linked this
00:00:16:26 - 00:00:19:26
to a boolean value
just to keep it nice and simple.
00:00:20:13 - 00:00:23:13
All that will do
is show or hide the entire field.
00:00:23:14 - 00:00:25:16
So it doesn't just sort of empty
the field.
00:00:25:16 - 00:00:27:29
It actually does
hide the field completely.
00:00:27:29 - 00:00:30:29
Once it's in MegaEdit.
00:00:33:00 - 00:00:36:00
Configuring this nice and easy.
00:00:43:28 - 00:00:46:08
So all you want to do is specify
00:00:46:08 - 00:00:49:06
your condition, which will be the change
of one of the variables.
00:00:49:06 - 00:00:50:18
Doesn't have to be a boolean.
00:00:50:18 - 00:00:52:15
Can be whatever you want it to be.
00:00:52:15 - 00:00:55:08
But then the resulting action,
you're going to make sure that you're
00:00:55:08 - 00:00:58:08
selecting a field
that's within your template.
00:00:59:04 - 00:01:02:03
Now actually a point of note
before we continue here,
00:01:02:03 - 00:01:07:04
if you've not renamed all of the fields
within your Invent template,
00:01:07:17 - 00:01:10:19
this is where it can get quite confusing,
because each of those fields
00:01:10:19 - 00:01:13:20
will just have an ID
and differentiating them from one
00:01:13:20 - 00:01:16:20
another is going to drive you a bit mad.
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So what I would
recommend is making sure that in
00:01:22:01 - 00:01:24:23
your layers tab inside InDesign,
00:01:24:23 - 00:01:29:11
that you've just renamed all the fields
that you actually want to drive using in.
00:01:30:07 - 00:01:33:07
It makes it much, much easier.
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So select the field you want to control
00:01:36:17 - 00:01:39:04
and then from the resulting list,
00:01:39:04 - 00:01:41:27
all we want to do is switch
between show and hide.
00:01:41:27 - 00:01:43:05
And that's it for those two.
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That is
that will result in that behavior for us.
00:01:46:15 - 00:01:49:10
So one of your conditions will be show.
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The else condition will be hide.