Picture of Invent Logic | Field Actions | Show / Hide | IV_Logic_014

Invent Logic | Field Actions | Show / Hide | IV_Logic_014

This segment explains the basics of setting up a "show or hide" action for a field in MegaEdit using a boolean value for simplicity. When a specified condition, such as a variable change, is met, the action either shows or hides the field. To avoid confusion with field IDs, it's recommended to rename fields in the InDesign layers tab. Configuration involves selecting the field to control and setting the action to either show or hide, based on the condition. This method effectively manages field visibility in your template.

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00:00:05:22 - 00:00:07:28
So we'll
start off with the really basic one

00:00:07:28 - 00:00:10:28
we've got, show or hide?

00:00:14:01 - 00:00:15:02
Very, very simple.

00:00:15:02 - 00:00:16:26
All that's doing,
and I've just linked this

00:00:16:26 - 00:00:19:26
to a boolean value
just to keep it nice and simple.

00:00:20:13 - 00:00:23:13
All that will do
is show or hide the entire field.

00:00:23:14 - 00:00:25:16
So it doesn't just sort of empty
the field.

00:00:25:16 - 00:00:27:29
It actually does
hide the field completely.

00:00:27:29 - 00:00:30:29
Once it's in MegaEdit.

00:00:33:00 - 00:00:36:00
Configuring this nice and easy.

00:00:43:28 - 00:00:46:08
So all you want to do is specify

00:00:46:08 - 00:00:49:06
your condition, which will be the change
of one of the variables.

00:00:49:06 - 00:00:50:18
Doesn't have to be a boolean.

00:00:50:18 - 00:00:52:15
Can be whatever you want it to be.

00:00:52:15 - 00:00:55:08
But then the resulting action,
you're going to make sure that you're

00:00:55:08 - 00:00:58:08
selecting a field
that's within your template.

00:00:59:04 - 00:01:02:03
Now actually a point of note
before we continue here,

00:01:02:03 - 00:01:07:04
if you've not renamed all of the fields
within your Invent template,

00:01:07:17 - 00:01:10:19
this is where it can get quite confusing,
because each of those fields

00:01:10:19 - 00:01:13:20
will just have an ID
and differentiating them from one

00:01:13:20 - 00:01:16:20
another is going to drive you a bit mad.

00:01:16:21 - 00:01:20:21
So what I would
recommend is making sure that in

00:01:22:01 - 00:01:24:23
your layers tab inside InDesign,

00:01:24:23 - 00:01:29:11
that you've just renamed all the fields
that you actually want to drive using in.

00:01:30:07 - 00:01:33:07
It makes it much, much easier.

00:01:33:26 - 00:01:36:17
So select the field you want to control

00:01:36:17 - 00:01:39:04
and then from the resulting list,

00:01:39:04 - 00:01:41:27
all we want to do is switch
between show and hide.

00:01:41:27 - 00:01:43:05
And that's it for those two.

00:01:43:05 - 00:01:46:05
That is
that will result in that behavior for us.

00:01:46:15 - 00:01:49:10
So one of your conditions will be show.

00:01:49:10 - 00:01:52:10
The else condition will be hide.


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