Picture of Invent Logic | Field Actions | Set Size | IV_Logic_015

Invent Logic | Field Actions | Set Size | IV_Logic_015

The "set size" feature in Invent allows for resizing fields based on conditions.. Options include modifying height, width, or both, either absolutely or relatively. Additionally, fields can match the size of other fields on the canvas. Text fields offer further adjustments based on text dimensions. Users should ensure consistent units between InDesign and MegaEdit.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:06:07 - 00:00:09:07
Next one down is set size.

00:00:09:14 - 00:00:11:29
Now I've got this set up really simply.

00:00:11:29 - 00:00:14:26
So again it's a,

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err It's a boolean value.

00:00:18:05 - 00:00:20:13
And it's just saying that
if I've got the boolean

00:00:20:13 - 00:00:21:23
ticked, it's going to be one size.

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If it's unchecked,
it's going to be another.

00:00:23:24 - 00:00:26:07
But of course you can make it
more complicated than that.

00:00:26:07 - 00:00:30:01
So you can link it to drop down
variables and various other things

00:00:30:08 - 00:00:34:11
to actually have greater control
over what this size change is going to do.

00:00:36:14 - 00:00:37:29
You can see that it kind of thing
it's doing.

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It's just taking that entire field,
and it's resizing the entire field

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to what you specify it to be.

00:00:46:11 - 00:00:49:15
So let me show you the options that
we have available when specifying this.

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There's a few more options for this one.

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So again we start off with our conditions.

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We specify our actions
where we specify one of our fields.

00:01:03:15 - 00:01:06:15
And then we go to set size.

00:01:07:19 - 00:01:10:19
Now there's a few different options
we have in here.

00:01:10:24 - 00:01:14:10
So we have the ability to just modify
the height in isolation,

00:01:14:21 - 00:01:18:03
the width in isolation
or the height and the width.

00:01:18:14 - 00:01:23:13
And if you specify any of those, you then
get the resulting option to be able to

00:01:23:13 - 00:01:26:13
either do absolute height, width or both,

00:01:27:05 - 00:01:30:05
or a relative height width or both.

00:01:30:22 - 00:01:33:13
So absolute will just be you specify

00:01:33:13 - 00:01:36:13
what that size is going to be.

00:01:36:14 - 00:01:38:24
Relative is a relative change

00:01:38:24 - 00:01:41:24
from the current size.

00:01:42:15 - 00:01:45:19
So for example I've just got width
specified here as absolute.

00:01:45:25 - 00:01:48:15
So my width is going to be 100.

00:01:58:06 - 00:02:00:04
Another thing we have in here

00:02:00:04 - 00:02:03:04
is the ability
to actually match existing fields.

00:02:03:13 - 00:02:07:04
So if you don't want to sort of specify
individual heights and width.

00:02:07:04 - 00:02:12:09
So if I go to match field
you can specify another enabled field

00:02:12:09 - 00:02:15:09
which is on your canvas.

00:02:16:24 - 00:02:18:29
And then you've got
additional options in there.

00:02:18:29 - 00:02:21:13
So then you can say
okay well I want this to match

00:02:21:13 - 00:02:24:15
the width of that field
or the height or the width and the height.

00:02:25:06 - 00:02:28:02
We also have some additional text options
in there as well.

00:02:28:02 - 00:02:31:22
So if these are text fields
you have the ability to

00:02:33:06 - 00:02:35:26
base those changes on the actual text
within the fields

00:02:35:26 - 00:02:39:14
and control the text within the fields
rather than just the fields themselves.

00:02:39:23 - 00:02:42:26
So text width,
text height, text width height.

00:02:53:14 - 00:02:54:00

00:02:54:00 - 00:02:56:13

00:02:56:13 - 00:02:58:02
something I should probably note
to the developers.

00:02:58:02 - 00:03:00:03
this doesn't have a unit on there.

00:03:00:03 - 00:03:03:03
I think this is

00:03:04:09 - 00:03:05:29
if it's the same as position,

00:03:05:29 - 00:03:08:29
I think it's a point value.

00:03:09:14 - 00:03:12:05
Yes, I'll confirm that,
but I think it's a point value.

00:03:12:05 - 00:03:16:00
So when you're actually
specifying a value in here make sure that.

00:03:16:00 - 00:03:19:15
And if you're referencing
your actual, InDesign product,

00:03:19:23 - 00:03:23:25
make sure that you've got the same unit
specified in InDesign as well.

00:03:23:25 - 00:03:26:07
Otherwise it's going to start
getting quite confusing.

00:03:26:07 - 00:03:27:23
you probably know how to do this.

00:03:27:23 - 00:03:31:20
Most of you probably know InDesign a lot
better than I do, but just to show

00:03:31:20 - 00:03:34:20
where you can change those units
if you need to,

00:03:34:29 - 00:03:36:08
if I can remember.

00:03:36:08 - 00:03:38:00
So if I go to

00:03:39:14 - 00:03:42:07
Edit Preferences

00:03:42:07 - 00:03:45:07
and then units and increments.

00:03:47:10 - 00:03:51:07
I can change my units as necessary.

00:03:53:07 - 00:03:56:18
So for example,
if I change this to points.

00:03:59:16 - 00:04:01:02
Click on okay.

00:04:01:02 - 00:04:03:15
And then click on one of those fields.

00:04:03:15 - 00:04:05:29
If I go to the properties tab,

00:04:05:29 - 00:04:09:02
I can now see what the height
and width of that particular field

00:04:09:02 - 00:04:12:02
is in point values, which is what

00:04:13:11 - 00:04:16:11
MegaEdit is going to use.


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