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00:00:06:14 - 00:00:09:20
So the next one down is set position
00:00:09:20 - 00:00:12:20
in many ways to set size.
00:00:14:12 - 00:00:15:11
But that gives you the ability
00:00:15:11 - 00:00:20:16
to actually change the position of a field
based on your variable selection.
00:00:21:00 - 00:00:22:21
Now again, mine is very simple.
00:00:22:21 - 00:00:24:13
I've just linked into a boolean value.
00:00:24:13 - 00:00:27:13
But you've got much greater
control over this if you need it.
00:00:30:15 - 00:00:33:04
So setting this up is similar.
00:00:33:04 - 00:00:36:04
00:00:36:04 - 00:00:37:15
And the available controls
00:00:37:15 - 00:00:40:15
you've got a similar to set size as well.
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So set position.
00:00:54:20 - 00:00:56:00
So choose your field.
00:00:56:00 - 00:00:59:03
Choose set position
and then the and the result we've got in
00:00:59:03 - 00:01:01:22
there is the ability to choose the
y position.
00:01:01:22 - 00:01:04:22
The x position the x and y position.
00:01:05:16 - 00:01:08:16
If you choose those again
as with the set size
00:01:08:16 - 00:01:10:22
you've got the ability to choose absolute.
00:01:10:22 - 00:01:14:13
So the absolute
position on the canvas, of
00:01:15:29 - 00:01:19:01
particular field or you can do relative.
00:01:19:05 - 00:01:22:05
So that's relative
to where it starts off its position.
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You see as well
00:01:28:06 - 00:01:31:06
that we do have the ability again
to match field.
00:01:31:06 - 00:01:34:25
So if you want to move something
to where another field is
00:01:35:10 - 00:01:39:14
you can choose the field
you want to match it to and then specify
00:01:39:14 - 00:01:43:03
whether it's the x position
the y position, or the x and y position.
00:01:43:08 - 00:01:46:08
You want to match it against.
00:01:46:09 - 00:01:49:23
Now, something
I picked up whilst creating this template,
00:01:50:05 - 00:01:53:05
which Duncan very kindly help me out with
00:01:53:12 - 00:01:57:11
is where you have to measure
from in terms of this position.
00:01:57:11 - 00:01:59:05
This is very important.
00:01:59:05 - 00:02:02:05
So when you're going off MegaEdit,
00:02:03:02 - 00:02:05:07
the position we're measuring from
is the top
00:02:05:07 - 00:02:08:09
left position, of the actual
00:02:09:11 - 00:02:10:22
field itself.
00:02:10:22 - 00:02:14:00
You want to make sure that instead of
if you're getting those measurement values
00:02:14:00 - 00:02:17:08
from InDesign in terms of where you want
to move things from and move things
00:02:17:08 - 00:02:20:08
to, you want to measure
from the same location.
00:02:20:12 - 00:02:23:12
Now, again, this is something that most of
you probably know how to do.
00:02:23:21 - 00:02:25:25
but I will just show you.
00:02:25:25 - 00:02:28:25
So if I go to.
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Let's just select our field.
00:02:32:25 - 00:02:36:18
If I'm on my properties
tab inside InDesign.
00:02:36:24 - 00:02:39:24
And again, sorry,
that will be very small text for you guys.
00:02:39:24 - 00:02:42:03
it's InDesign itself.
00:02:42:03 - 00:02:44:21
You've got this little icon here
which is showing you where it's
00:02:44:21 - 00:02:47:24
measuring that position
from on your actual canvas.
00:02:49:24 - 00:02:53:05
If you're getting a reference
from InDesign to use in Invent
00:02:53:15 - 00:02:56:18
you want to make sure you've got top left
specified as your reference point,
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and then you can use those
X and Y positions safely.