Picture of Invent Logic | Field Actions | Set Background | IV_Logic_018

Invent Logic | Field Actions | Set Background | IV_Logic_018

In this segment, we explore the "set background color" feature in Invent, which allows you to dynamically change the background color of a field based on variable logic. This can be driven by variables or predefined resource sets, and colors can be specified manually using RGB, CMYK, or spot color values.

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00:00:05:19 - 00:00:08:19
So set background color

00:00:08:24 - 00:00:10:08
again quite self-explanatory.

00:00:10:08 - 00:00:12:03
And what it does,
it allows you to actually drive

00:00:12:03 - 00:00:15:21
the background color of the entire field
that it's associated with.

00:00:16:09 - 00:00:19:09
A simple example is again,
just driving between two colors.

00:00:19:19 - 00:00:22:19
You can make it more detailed
as you see fit.

00:00:24:05 - 00:00:27:05
How we specify those.

00:00:28:20 - 00:00:31:20
Choose set background color
when we're defining our action.

00:00:31:29 - 00:00:35:19
After we've chosen one of our fields
and again you have the choice

00:00:35:19 - 00:00:38:19
of how you choose the color
you want to drive it to.

00:00:38:25 - 00:00:40:20
You can do it as a variable.

00:00:40:20 - 00:00:43:27
So it's based on one of the
another variable that you've got present

00:00:43:27 - 00:00:46:27
within your product.

00:00:47:03 - 00:00:48:17
Or you can have it as a resource.

00:00:48:17 - 00:00:53:06
So the same way as we saw with the image,
we can drive from a resource set.

00:00:53:19 - 00:00:57:12
so a color resource set that we've got
defined in our system already.

00:00:57:23 - 00:01:01:06
So let's say
we have a, a brand called Resource Set.

00:01:01:07 - 00:01:03:15
We can drive it that way.

00:01:03:15 - 00:01:06:27
But with color you can also just manually
specify what the color is as well.

00:01:07:10 - 00:01:09:23
So if I set that
as cool, the specification

00:01:11:00 - 00:01:12:14
say select color.

00:01:12:14 - 00:01:17:05
We can then either specify it as RGB
or we can specify it as Cmyk.

00:01:17:24 - 00:01:20:08
And we've got the addition addition
of actually specifying

00:01:20:08 - 00:01:21:28
this as a spot color as well.

00:01:21:28 - 00:01:24:28
If we wish to do so.


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