Picture of Defining Redirect Behaviour on Quick Ordering | BG_065

Defining Redirect Behaviour on Quick Ordering | BG_065

Defining Redirect Behaviour on Quick Ordering | BG_065

This feature introduces two catalogue settings: "Add to Cart Mode" and "Redirect on Add to Cart."

The "Quick Add to Cart" option within the "Add to Cart Mode" setting allows products to be added directly to the cart from search results, categories, tags, and the homepage without redirecting to the product page or cart. At present this is the only option in this dropdown. More additions will be introduced in future deployments.

The "Redirect on Add to Cart" setting controls post-addition to basket redirection behavior, offering options to either not redirect at all, redirect to the cart, or redirect to checkout.

These settings are now available in the "Catalogue Settings" section and aim to enhance user convenience and efficiency.

Creation Date: Jul 02, 2024
Created By: Sam Webster

1. Navigate to Catalogue Settings

Navigate to Catalogue Settings

2. Locate the "Add to cart mode" setting

When utilising the quick add to cart mode, the add to cart action will try to add the product to the cart without going through the product page or redirecting to the cart.

This is a skip product page setting for all products which do not require any additional design or input.

At the time of creation "Quick add to cart" is the only available option, however more will be added in the future.

Locate the

3. Locate the "Redirect on add to cart" setting

This option allows you to control the redirection behaviour when quick add to basket is utilised

Locate the

4. Select No redirect from Redirect on add to cart

Select No redirect from Redirect on add to cart

5. Click on Save

Click on Save

6. Navigate to the front end of your store and add a product to basket using the quick add functionality

The easiest place to access this is through Featured Products, however it will be available in numerous areas, such as within the search or on category pages. Wherever you see the product cards.

Navigate to the front end of your store and add a product to basket using the quick add functionality

7. You will remain on the same page, however a pop up message will confirm the addition of this product to the basket

You will remain on the same page, however a pop up message will confirm the addition of this product to the basket

8. Return to Catalogue Settings and select Cart from Redirect on add to cart

Return to Catalogue Settings and select Cart from Redirect on add to cart

9. Click on Save

Click on Save

10. Return to your storefront frond end and add a product to basket again

Return to your storefront frond end and add a product to basket again

11. This time, you will be redirected to the basket/cart screen

This time, you will be redirected to the basket/cart screen

12. Return to Catalogue Settings and select Checkout from Redirect on add to cart

Return to Catalogue Settings and select Checkout from Redirect on add to cart

13. Click on Save

Click on Save

14. Return to the front end and add a product to basket

Return to the front end and add a product to basket

15. This time, you will immediately be redirected to the checkout process

Please note, this will take Checkout Requirements into consideration. If your customer does not meet these specified rules they will not be able to check out.

This time, you will immediately be redirected to the checkout process