Picture of Showing Order Details on the Purchase Order Input Section of Checkout | BG_066

Showing Order Details on the Purchase Order Input Section of Checkout | BG_066

Showing Order Details on the Purchase Order Input Section of Checkout | BG_066

We've enhanced the checkout process to better accommodate customers needing to enter their PO number after seeing the full order amount, including VAT and delivery costs.

This short tutorial will show how the order summary can be displayed on the PO number entry page as part of the checkout process.

A new setting, "Show totals summary," has been added in Payment Methods settings for Purchase Order.

Creation Date: Jul 02, 2024
Created By: Sam Webster

1. Navigate to Payment Methods

Navigate to Payment Methods

2. Locate the Purchase Order row and click on Configure

Locate the Purchase Order row and click on Configure

3. Check Show totals summary

Check Show totals summary

4. Click on Save

Click on Save

5. Navigate to the front end, place items into the basket and proceed through the checkout

Navigate to the front end, place items into the basket and proceed through the checkout

6. When the Purchase Order input page is reached, full order details will now be displayed.

When the Purchase Order input page is reached, full order details will now be displayed.