Picture of Example of Custom Quoting Configuration in Connect: printIQ | CI_printIQ_013

Example of Custom Quoting Configuration in Connect: printIQ | CI_printIQ_013

In this tutorial, we explore an example of an Infigo product configured using the Connect printIQ custom quoting capabilities. The video demonstrates how several attributes of the product are mapped to the attributes and operations in printIQ to ensure accurate quotes. Users can select different sizes, materials, and embellishments, and the configurations are sent to printIQ in real time to generate quotes based on these specifications.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:07:10 - 00:00:07:17
In this

00:00:07:17 - 00:00:10:21
tutorial, we'll take a look
at an example of an Infigo product

00:00:10:21 - 00:00:14:01
which has been configured
utilizing the Connect printIQ

00:00:14:02 - 00:00:17:02
custom quoting capability is.

00:00:17:13 - 00:00:19:22
We will see that
the product has several attributes

00:00:19:22 - 00:00:24:09
configured, which in turn have slightly
altered mappings to attributes

00:00:24:09 - 00:00:27:09
and operations
in the linked printIQ system.

00:00:28:09 - 00:00:31:18
This ensures that the correct quote
is returned from printIQ

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when requested from Infigo,

00:00:34:18 - 00:00:37:10
as the chosen specifications
of the product have been utilized

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to actually create the quote.

00:00:41:05 - 00:00:43:29
So let's start off
with looking at our product.

00:00:43:29 - 00:00:47:21
So our product is a simple multi-part
product within Infigo

00:00:48:02 - 00:00:51:06
several attributes have been created
and assigned to the product,

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giving the end user the ability to decide
between a few different sizes,

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a few different materials,
and some embellishments.

00:01:03:17 - 00:01:06:20
Once these selections have been made
and a quantity has been input.

00:01:06:20 - 00:01:08:00
Request price can be used

00:01:08:00 - 00:01:11:27
to directly request the price
for this specific product configuration

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from the Linked printIQ system.

00:01:19:12 - 00:01:22:20
If successful, the returned price
will be displayed to the end user.

00:01:22:20 - 00:01:25:27
So first of all, let's navigate
to the admin side of this product

00:01:25:27 - 00:01:28:27
and navigate to our product
variant settings.

00:01:37:02 - 00:01:37:12
From here

00:01:37:12 - 00:01:40:12
I'm going to click on Connect Link.

00:01:42:17 - 00:01:44:13
So this is where I will define the base

00:01:44:13 - 00:01:48:26
specification of the products
mapping to our printIQ system.

00:01:49:15 - 00:01:53:01
We can then override parts
of this specification as necessary

00:01:53:07 - 00:01:57:04
for the different attribute
values, such as size or material,

00:01:57:11 - 00:02:00:11
to ensure
that we're retrieving a correct quote.

00:02:03:03 - 00:02:04:06
You'll see that once we clicked

00:02:04:06 - 00:02:08:00
connect link, a pop up appeared,
allowing us to input these mappings.

00:02:14:19 - 00:02:15:19
In this example that we

00:02:15:19 - 00:02:18:19
can see a range of mappings
have already been carried out.

00:02:18:20 - 00:02:22:15
This includes things such as stock
selection, coloring,

00:02:23:18 - 00:02:25:18
poll type,

00:02:25:18 - 00:02:28:18
and so on.

00:02:30:23 - 00:02:32:29
Next we'll take a look
at how the specification

00:02:32:29 - 00:02:36:03
varies for the different values
of our attributes.

00:02:36:09 - 00:02:39:09
So this is things such as the size
or materials.

00:02:39:18 - 00:02:42:05
So I'm actually going to navigate
back to my product variant.

00:02:42:05 - 00:02:45:05
But this time I'm going to click on edit.

00:02:46:03 - 00:02:47:05
From here I'm going to navigate

00:02:47:05 - 00:02:50:12
to attributes and the attributes tab.

00:02:50:12 - 00:02:52:03
And here we can see the attributes

00:02:52:03 - 00:02:55:03
that have been assigned
to this particular product.

00:02:56:11 - 00:02:59:24
This functionality does also work
with attribute combinations.

00:02:59:24 - 00:03:02:24
However they're not set up
on this particular example.

00:03:08:20 - 00:03:10:15
So we'll begin

00:03:10:15 - 00:03:13:24
by taking a look at our size
attribute options.

00:03:14:16 - 00:03:17:14
So in addition to three fixed sizes

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this product also contains a custom option

00:03:20:25 - 00:03:24:27
which in turn reveals two additional
length and width attributes.

00:03:29:21 - 00:03:30:05
Going back

00:03:30:05 - 00:03:33:06
to the product's admin area,
I'm going to navigate to the attribute

00:03:33:06 - 00:03:37:06
values of that particular attribute,
a size

00:03:38:11 - 00:03:40:08
and edit values.

00:03:40:08 - 00:03:43:14
You'll see that each of the options
we have within that attribute

00:03:43:24 - 00:03:46:28
has their own connecting option,
which I can select.

00:03:50:16 - 00:03:53:16
So I've selected one of the fixed size

00:03:54:00 - 00:03:57:00
That's again opened up our pop up window.

00:03:59:08 - 00:04:00:25
And we can see if I scroll down that

00:04:00:25 - 00:04:04:09
the majority of options are using
the inherited option.

00:04:04:29 - 00:04:08:08
This is meaning that their value is taken
from the higher level

00:04:08:08 - 00:04:11:08
specification that we saw earlier.

00:04:11:09 - 00:04:13:25
Additional information
on this inherited option

00:04:13:25 - 00:04:16:25
can be found in the notes
at the top of the screen.

00:04:18:15 - 00:04:20:21
we can see in this particular example

00:04:20:21 - 00:04:25:22
that the finished size has been mapped
to a different specific value.

00:04:26:09 - 00:04:30:11
This will ensure that the correct product
specifications are used to quote.

00:04:30:11 - 00:04:33:23
If this value is selected
within the size attribute

00:04:33:27 - 00:04:36:24
by our end user on our Infigo product.

00:04:40:06 - 00:04:40:18
Next, we'll

00:04:40:18 - 00:04:43:18
take a look at the custom size option.

00:04:44:12 - 00:04:45:18
This one slightly difference.

00:04:45:18 - 00:04:49:08
Just as a reminder, this is where we get
those two additional attributes appearing

00:04:49:20 - 00:04:52:20
or width and length.

00:04:55:18 - 00:04:57:20
We can see this time
that our finished size

00:04:57:20 - 00:05:00:20
is not being amended
from the base specification,

00:05:00:20 - 00:05:01:26
and this is because we wish

00:05:01:26 - 00:05:06:04
for the specification to now be altered
by those two additional attributes

00:05:06:15 - 00:05:08:26
that have been become available
to our end users.

00:05:08:26 - 00:05:11:15
When custom is selected.

00:05:11:15 - 00:05:14:22
So the custom option is purely
being used to control those length

00:05:14:22 - 00:05:16:07
and width attributes.

00:05:16:07 - 00:05:18:24
It's the length and width
attributes themselves

00:05:18:24 - 00:05:21:22
that are going to modify the specification
and the mapping.

00:05:21:22 - 00:05:23:18
To printIQ.

00:05:23:18 - 00:05:26:18
If I navigate back to those

00:05:26:18 - 00:05:28:10
to my attributes,

00:05:28:10 - 00:05:30:25
I can see my length
and width width attributes here.

00:05:32:17 - 00:05:32:26
Go to

00:05:32:26 - 00:05:36:01
the connect link options
and you can see here.

00:05:36:01 - 00:05:39:03
Once again
that whilst most of the options are using

00:05:39:03 - 00:05:42:17
the inherited values
from the higher level specification.

00:05:43:05 - 00:05:47:24
We are instead
using a custom finishing size,

00:05:48:14 - 00:05:51:21
and then that custom finishing size
reveals two additional options

00:05:52:10 - 00:05:54:21
for the depth,
which is the one that we've chosen.

00:05:54:21 - 00:05:57:09
We're using the actual attribute value.

00:05:57:09 - 00:06:00:27
So whatever the customer has
actually typed within the attribute box.

00:06:00:27 - 00:06:03:27
Next, we'll take a look
at the material selection.

00:06:04:19 - 00:06:09:01
This again is giving us the option
to select between four static values.

00:06:09:01 - 00:06:12:01
So again it's quite easy to configure.

00:06:14:19 - 00:06:15:17
Going back to our products

00:06:15:17 - 00:06:18:17
admin area I'm going to go to the relevant

00:06:19:13 - 00:06:22:13
attribute and then go and edit values.

00:06:23:02 - 00:06:26:03
Once again each one of these options
has a connect link.

00:06:26:13 - 00:06:29:29
And as we saw with the sizing
most of these options are going

00:06:29:29 - 00:06:31:22
to still be using inherit.

00:06:31:22 - 00:06:34:14
So we're still going to use the base

00:06:34:14 - 00:06:38:16
However we can see in this case
that the selection of this particular

00:06:38:16 - 00:06:42:23
attribute value will result
in a particular selection of stock.

00:06:50:12 - 00:06:53:01
And then finally
we'll take a look at our embellishments.

00:06:53:01 - 00:06:56:09
So whilst this is visually different
on our actual product,

00:06:56:19 - 00:07:00:04
our embellishment attributes
is still working in a very similar way.

00:07:00:16 - 00:07:01:18
So what we have here

00:07:01:18 - 00:07:05:12
is three static values
that we can choose between and based on.

00:07:05:12 - 00:07:09:10
The static value we select
is going to modify the specification ever

00:07:09:10 - 00:07:12:10
so slightly to printIQ.

00:07:13:27 - 00:07:14:28
So same process I'm

00:07:14:28 - 00:07:17:28
going to go to my attributes.

00:07:18:13 - 00:07:21:13
Go to embellishments
which is the relevant attribute.

00:07:22:01 - 00:07:24:04
And go on the connect link option

00:07:24:04 - 00:07:27:04
for one of those attribute values.

00:07:31:16 - 00:07:32:01
Once again

00:07:32:01 - 00:07:35:01
we can see that most are inherited.

00:07:37:26 - 00:07:40:14
However, in this example
we can see that an additional section

00:07:40:14 - 00:07:44:03
operation has been specified to map
the embossing. Now.

00:07:46:05 - 00:07:48:25
The emboss
block value that's been specified here

00:07:50:06 - 00:07:51:25
is again drawn from the

00:07:51:25 - 00:07:55:16
printIQ instance
that links it to this storefront.

00:07:55:26 - 00:07:58:26
So it's not actually something
that we've got specified within Infigo.

00:07:58:28 - 00:08:02:20
It is just a mapping that we're getting
from the linked printIQ instance.

00:08:02:20 - 00:08:04:10
And that is basically it.

00:08:04:10 - 00:08:08:09
So that's a simple example
of mapping a product

00:08:08:18 - 00:08:11:18
between Infigo and printIQ.

00:08:11:25 - 00:08:14:28
Using the custom quoting functionality,

00:08:15:16 - 00:08:17:15
you can see that
it is fairly simple to set up.

00:08:17:15 - 00:08:20:21
There's just a little bit of legwork
to make sure that based on the selections

00:08:20:21 - 00:08:25:10
that we've made on our Infigo product
landing page, we get the necessary

00:08:25:10 - 00:08:29:24
feedback and correct quotations
from our printIQ system.


Step by Step Guide

Example of Custom Quoting Configuration in Connect: printIQ | CI_printiq_013

In this tutorial, we'll take a look at an example of an Infigo product which has been configured utilising the Connect: printIQ Custom Quoting capabilities. We will see that the product has several attributes configured, which in turn have slightly altered mappings to attributes and operations in the linked printIQ system. This ensures that the correct quote is returned from printIQ when requested from Infigo, as the chosen specifications of the product are being utilised to create the quote.

Creation Date: Jul 30, 2024
Created By: Sam Webster

1. Our product

Our product is a simple Multipart product within Infigo. Several attributes have been created and assigned, giving the end user the ability to select between:

  • Sizes

  • Materials

  • Embellishments

The front end of this product is accessible to all should you wish to view it:


Our product

2. Once these selections have been made and a quantity input, Request Price can be used to directly request the price for this specific product configuration from the linked printIQ system.

Once these selections have been made and a quantity input, Request Price can be used to directly request the price for this specific product configuration from the linked printIQ system.

3. If successful, the returned price will be displayed to the end user

If successful, the returned price will be displayed to the end user

4. Navigate to the admin side of this product and navigate to Product variants

Navigate to the admin side of this product and navigate to Product variants

5. Click on Connect Link

This is where we will define the base specification of our product's mapping to our printIQ system. We can then overwrite parts of this specification as necessary for the different attribute values such as size or material, to ensure we are retrieving a correct quote.

Click on Connect Link

6. A pop up appears allowing us to input the mappings

In this example, we can see a range of mappings have already been carried out, including stock selection, colour and more.

A pop up appears allowing us to input the mappings

7. Next, we will look at how the specification varies for the different values of our attributes (such as size and material) Navigate to Product Variant tab and click Edit.

Next, we will look at how the specification varies for the different values of our attributes (such as size and material)
Navigate to Product Variant tab and click Edit.

8. Navigate to the Attributes area

This functionality also works with Attribute Combinations, however these are not set up on this particular example.

Navigate to the Attributes area

9. We will begin by taking a look at our Size attribute options

In addition to three fixed sizes, this product also includes a "Custom" option, which in turn reveals two additional "Length" and "Width" attributes

We will begin by taking a look at our Size attribute options

10. In the product's admin area, navigate to the attribute values

In the product's admin area, navigate to the attribute values

11. Click on Connect Link next to the relevant attribute values

In this example, we'll start with one of the fixed size selections.

Click on Connect Link next to the relevant attribute values

12. Size specification

We can see that the majority of the options are using the [Inherited] option, meaning their value is being taken from the higher level specification we saw earlier.

However, we can see in this case that "Finished Size" has been mapped to a different, specific value. This will ensure the correct product specifications are used to quote if this value is selected within the Size attribute by the end user.

Size specification

13. Next, we'll take a look at our "Custom" size option

Next, we'll take a look at our "Custom" size option

14. We can see this time that our Finished Size is not being amended from the base specification.

That is because we wish for the specification to now by altered by the two additional "Length" and "Width" attributes that have become available to our end users.

The "Custom" option is purely being used to control the "Length" and "Width" attributes.

We can see this time that our Finished Size is not being amended from the base specification.

15. Navigate back to the product's specified attributes and select Connect Link on the Length or Width attributes.

Navigate back to the product's specified attributes and select Connect Link on the Length or Width attributes.

16. We see these attributes are modifying our finished size mapping

They are set to a custom sizing, with the corresponding width or depth being driven to the value input into the attribute.

We see these attributes are modifying our finished size mapping

17. Next, we'll take a look at the material selection

This again is giving us the option to select between four static values

Next, we'll take a look at the material selection

18. Navigate to the attribute in the admin area and click Edit Values

Navigate to the attribute in the admin area and click Edit Values

19. Click on Connect Link next to one of the attribute values

Click on Connect Link next to one of the attribute values

20. With this option we can again see the majority of options are set to be inherited from the higher level mapping, however the stock has been specifically set to one of the values drawn from our linked printIQ instance.

With this option we can again see the majority of options are set to be inherited from the higher level mapping, however the stock has been specifically set to one of the values drawn from our linked printIQ instance.

21. Whilst visually different, our Embellishments attribute works in a similar way. We have three static values to choose between.

Whilst visually different, our Embellishments attribute works in a similar way. We have three static values to choose between.

22. Navigating to our Connect Link settings for these attribute values, we can see that an additional Section Operation has been specified to map the embossing

The EMBOSS BLOCK value that has been selected is again drawn from the printIQ instance linked to this Storefront.

Navigating to our Connect Link settings for these attribute values, we can see that an additional Section Operation has been specified to map the embossing