Picture of Configuring Downloadable Products using the Batch Product Tools | BG_068

Configuring Downloadable Products using the Batch Product Tools | BG_068

In this tutorial, we will learn how to specify downloadable products on a large scale using the batch product tools. This functionality utilises the Upload Folders area of Infigo. Assets you wish to assign as downloadable products are added to this folder, then the batch product tool is used to assign particular assets to particular products.

Tutorial Video Transcript

A transcript of our tutorial video, ensuring you can find exactly what you need, when you need it.

You can search this page to find the relevant time-stamp in the video. Also, this text can be used as part of the tutorial search feature.

00:00:07:05 - 00:00:10:04
In this tutorial,
we'll learn how to specify downloadable

00:00:10:04 - 00:00:13:23
products on a large scale
using the batch product tools.

00:00:14:16 - 00:00:19:10
This functionality utilizes
the Upload Folders area of Infigo assets

00:00:19:10 - 00:00:23:00
you wish to assign, as downloadable
products are added to this folder,

00:00:23:10 - 00:00:26:29
and then the batch product
tool is used to assign particular assets

00:00:26:29 - 00:00:29:29
to particular products.

00:00:30:00 - 00:00:32:03
We're going to begin by selecting

00:00:32:03 - 00:00:35:03
or creating an upload folder.

00:00:35:14 - 00:00:38:14
So we navigate to that particular section
within Infigo.

00:00:39:07 - 00:00:44:06
This folder will act as the recipient
for all of our downloadable file assets,

00:00:44:06 - 00:00:48:02
which we wish to assign to our products
as part of this batch tool.

00:00:48:22 - 00:00:52:17
if you do not wish to automatically upload
downloadable file assets.

00:00:52:21 - 00:00:57:16
So for example, if you don't require them
or if you want to utilize a URL instead,

00:00:57:25 - 00:01:01:10
you will not need to complete this section
and you can skip to downloading

00:01:01:10 - 00:01:02:24
the batch Excel file.

00:01:07:17 - 00:01:09:26
So you can see we
have a couple of examples in here already.

00:01:09:26 - 00:01:12:28
If you are creating a new upload folder,
you can click

00:01:12:28 - 00:01:15:28
Add New Upload Location.

00:01:18:04 - 00:01:20:04
Each to complete
the details of the new folder.

00:01:20:04 - 00:01:24:05
So things like name description, folder
and then set it to active.

00:01:24:19 - 00:01:27:19
And then click on insert.

00:01:27:20 - 00:01:29:08
In this case
I'm going to use one of the ones

00:01:29:08 - 00:01:32:08
I've already made.

00:01:32:10 - 00:01:35:05
Once you've created your folder,
click on manage.

00:01:35:05 - 00:01:38:23
This will take you to a screen
allowing for the upload of assets

00:01:38:23 - 00:01:41:23
to that particular folder.

00:01:43:10 - 00:01:46:10
Once you're in there,
you can click on Upload.

00:01:46:12 - 00:01:48:27
And then select the relevant files.

00:01:48:27 - 00:01:52:05
You'll see now
that that's been placed into that folder.

00:01:53:24 - 00:01:55:17
Bear in mind as well
that you do have the ability

00:01:55:17 - 00:01:59:06
to create subfolders
within the root upload folder.

00:02:00:05 - 00:02:02:20
You see,
I've already got one existing here.

00:02:02:20 - 00:02:05:20
I could say new folder
if I wanted to create another.

00:02:10:14 - 00:02:13:14
Give that a name and click create.

00:02:14:08 - 00:02:17:08
Then it's simply a case of navigating
to one of those subfolders.

00:02:17:12 - 00:02:20:07
And then again
you can upload files to these locations.

00:02:20:07 - 00:02:24:10
So next we're going to take a look
at exporting and configuring our batch

00:02:24:15 - 00:02:28:00
product document
which utilizes an Excel format.

00:02:28:22 - 00:02:31:04
So we'll begin by navigating
to our product

00:02:31:04 - 00:02:34:04
Management screen

00:02:40:14 - 00:02:43:14
Go to the product data section
over on the right hand side.

00:02:43:14 - 00:02:45:24
And I'm going to export to Excel.

00:02:45:24 - 00:02:48:29
And you can do it as either
just the selected products.

00:02:48:29 - 00:02:50:17
If you wish to just select a few.

00:02:50:17 - 00:02:53:17
Or you can export
your entire database of products.

00:02:55:23 - 00:02:57:21
The downloaded Excel file will contain

00:02:57:21 - 00:03:01:05
a high quantity of information
related to your products.

00:03:01:18 - 00:03:03:05
Contained within these columns

00:03:03:05 - 00:03:06:06
are the options related
to configuring downloadable products.

00:03:07:03 - 00:03:10:28
Now, whilst this sheet allows you
to modify your already created products.

00:03:10:28 - 00:03:12:13
So you'll see there's a different

00:03:12:13 - 00:03:15:21
row for each individual product
that already exists.

00:03:16:07 - 00:03:20:02
You can also use it as a way
of creating brand new products

00:03:20:02 - 00:03:24:10
within Infigo Go simply create new rows
by adding information to them.

00:03:25:16 - 00:03:27:05
just completing the information

00:03:27:05 - 00:03:30:05
that you consider to be critical
for those particular products.

00:03:30:26 - 00:03:34:22
Do you remember to leave the product
ID blank for any new products, though?

00:03:35:02 - 00:03:38:09
This is the unique identifier
which determines whether a product

00:03:38:09 - 00:03:41:09
will be updated or created.

00:03:41:16 - 00:03:44:16
More detailed resources
on the batch product tool

00:03:45:06 - 00:03:48:13
and its capabilities can be found
within the Infigo Academy.

00:03:50:15 - 00:03:53:11
Now, what you'll see is that there's
a lot of columns of information

00:03:53:11 - 00:03:56:11
here, so you don't want to be manually
searching through them.

00:03:56:14 - 00:03:59:00
the easiest way
to find the relevant columns

00:03:59:00 - 00:04:02:00
and the relevant products
is to use Excel's search tool.

00:04:02:18 - 00:04:06:10
So click control
F to bring up the Find and Replace window.

00:04:06:25 - 00:04:10:06
And then you can use a search terms
such as download

00:04:10:18 - 00:04:13:18
something which matches the name
of the settings you're looking for,

00:04:13:27 - 00:04:15:06
and that will take you to

00:04:16:23 - 00:04:19:03
the required columns,

00:04:19:03 - 00:04:22:03
which you can then enter values for.

00:04:22:26 - 00:04:26:27
Now what you will find if you're doing
downloadable product settings, is that

00:04:26:27 - 00:04:30:24
the settings are not all grouped together
and are spread throughout the template,

00:04:30:29 - 00:04:34:21
so this find and replace
option is a great way of navigating

00:04:34:21 - 00:04:37:21
between them.

00:04:44:27 - 00:04:48:15
Now, if you're wishing to auto upload
related assets

00:04:48:15 - 00:04:51:25
utilizing the upload folders in Infigo,
then you will need to create

00:04:51:25 - 00:04:55:08
additional columns
at the end of the Excel template.

00:04:57:20 - 00:05:00:27
These columns are designed to handle
both regular and sample

00:05:00:27 - 00:05:04:16
download files, and there are two types
of column that you can use.

00:05:05:04 - 00:05:07:07
So one is related to URLs.

00:05:07:07 - 00:05:10:07
So these columns could either be
download URL

00:05:10:25 - 00:05:14:04
or sample download URL.

00:05:18:01 - 00:05:18:18
What you can do

00:05:18:18 - 00:05:23:08
is use these columns to provide a direct
URL to the downloadable file.

00:05:25:22 - 00:05:27:11
also got the option which we will use

00:05:27:11 - 00:05:30:11
in this case of Download Asset.

00:05:31:04 - 00:05:34:07
And you can also use Sample
Download Asset.

00:05:36:12 - 00:05:38:20
You can use these columns
to specify the relevant

00:05:38:20 - 00:05:41:20
file location from the upload folders

00:05:43:13 - 00:05:45:28
that you've already specified.

00:05:45:28 - 00:05:48:00
Now, it's important to note
that you cannot set

00:05:48:00 - 00:05:52:09
both the URL and asset values
simultaneously for the same row.

00:05:52:09 - 00:05:56:21
So for the same product, choose either
the URL option or the assets option,

00:05:57:01 - 00:06:00:01
or leave both empty
if they're not applicable.

00:06:01:27 - 00:06:03:26
I'm just going to utilize
one new column here,

00:06:03:26 - 00:06:06:26
which is my download asset.

00:06:09:21 - 00:06:12:11
Next step is to input the relevant file

00:06:12:11 - 00:06:15:03
information into the newly created

00:06:15:03 - 00:06:16:12
The download assets.

00:06:16:12 - 00:06:20:06
The name should match a file in the upload
folder that you've selected.

00:06:20:27 - 00:06:23:15
If the file is in the root upload folder.

00:06:27:25 - 00:06:29:08
If I navigate back to my upload

00:06:29:08 - 00:06:32:08
folder, just to show you what I mean.

00:06:34:27 - 00:06:36:17
So if the file is in the root folder,

00:06:36:17 - 00:06:39:17
so the top level folder,

00:06:39:26 - 00:06:42:14
you do not need to specify
the name of the upload

00:06:42:14 - 00:06:45:14
folder itself in the Excel sheet.

00:06:45:14 - 00:06:48:01
So for example
we've got a file here called sample

00:06:48:01 - 00:06:51:14
download followed up PDF
which is located in the root folder

00:06:52:16 - 00:06:55:16
which is the sample upload folder.

00:06:56:20 - 00:06:59:06
when we're putting this into our batch

00:06:59:06 - 00:07:03:17
Excel sheet,
all we'll need is a sample downloadable

00:07:03:17 - 00:07:06:17
file, PDF.

00:07:13:00 - 00:07:13:26
This is due to the fact

00:07:13:26 - 00:07:17:15
the upload folder is selected
during the batch import process.

00:07:17:17 - 00:07:21:01
Now identifying assets within the batch
Upload Excel sheet

00:07:21:01 - 00:07:24:01
when they're in
subfolders is slightly different.

00:07:24:09 - 00:07:25:04
So in this case

00:07:25:04 - 00:07:29:15
the subfolder name needs to be identified
before the file name itself.

00:07:30:06 - 00:07:33:06
So let's go back to our folders
as an example.

00:07:33:15 - 00:07:37:08
I'll navigate to our sub folder
and then we've got this file in here.

00:07:38:20 - 00:07:40:04
However if we want to actually link

00:07:40:04 - 00:07:43:04
that using our Excel sheet.

00:07:47:18 - 00:07:48:20
We need to actually put the name

00:07:48:20 - 00:07:51:20
of the subfolder first stop subfolder

00:07:52:22 - 00:07:55:22
forward slash and then the asset name.

00:08:03:13 - 00:08:05:13
Once you've made any necessary changes.

00:08:05:13 - 00:08:09:24
So new products dated products
to this Excel sheet, make sure it's saved.

00:08:10:22 - 00:08:13:04
Then navigate
back to the product management

00:08:13:04 - 00:08:16:04
area of Infigo.

00:08:16:07 - 00:08:18:10
Go to Product Data

00:08:18:10 - 00:08:20:15
Import from Excel.

00:08:20:15 - 00:08:22:23
And then this has got
a bit of information here showing you

00:08:22:23 - 00:08:25:01
the kind of additional columns
that you can add.

00:08:25:01 - 00:08:28:21
This download asset is not the only file
that you can

00:08:28:21 - 00:08:30:09
automatically assign to your product.

00:08:30:09 - 00:08:33:09
You can also do things
such as static PDFs,

00:08:33:09 - 00:08:37:14
Mega edit or InDesign products,
that kind of thing.

00:08:37:14 - 00:08:40:23
And there are other resources on the
Infigo Academy which will explain these.

00:08:41:19 - 00:08:45:10
In this particular example,
we just want to select the relevant

00:08:45:10 - 00:08:47:12
upload folder, which contains our files.

00:08:49:05 - 00:08:52:05
Choose the relevant Excel file.

00:08:52:09 - 00:08:55:09
And then click import from Excel.

00:08:55:16 - 00:08:57:28
That process will start
and all of those products

00:08:57:28 - 00:09:00:28
will either be updated or newly created.

00:09:02:07 - 00:09:05:10
We can verify this by going to the product

00:09:05:10 - 00:09:08:10
variance settings of the products
that we've updated.

00:09:13:06 - 00:09:15:02
Going to the info tab

00:09:15:02 - 00:09:18:27
down to the downloadable product section,
and then I'm able to download the file

00:09:18:27 - 00:09:21:10
that was automatically uploaded
as part of the process.


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Where is the product data button
Our product management screen looks different to this, have I missed a step where I turn this feature on? The buttons in our top right are Add new, Export to XML, Export to Excel and Import from Excel
( 0 ) | ( 0 )
Step by Step Guide

Configuring Downloadable Products using the Batch Product Tools | BG_068

In this tutorial, we will learn how to specify downloadable products on a large scale using the batch product tools.

This functionality utilises the Upload Folders area of Infigo. Assets you wish to assign as downloadable products are added to this folder, then the batch product tool is used to assign particular assets to particular products.

Creation Date: Aug 08, 2024
Created By: Sam Webster

1. Navigate to Upload Folders

We will begin by selecting or creating an Upload Folder. This folder will act as the recipient for all of our downloadable file assets which we wish to assign to our products.

If you do not wish to automatically upload downloadable file assets, you will not need to complete this section and can skip to downloading the batch Excel file.

Navigate to Upload Folders

2. If you are creating a new upload folder, click Add New Upload Location

If you are creating a new upload folder, click Add New Upload Location

3. Complete the details for the new folder and click Insert.

Ensure a name, description and folder have been input. It's also essential to ensure the folder is set to Active, otherwise it cannot be accessed by the system.

Complete the details for the new folder and click Insert.

4. Click on Manage

This will take you to a screen allowing for the upload of assets to the folder.

Click on Manage

5. Click Upload and select the file(s) you wish to add to the folder

They will be uploaded and a pop-up dialog will confirm this.

Click Upload and select the file(s) you wish to add to the folder

6. Navigate to Product Management

Next, we will take a look at exporting and configuring out batch product document, which utilises an Excel format.

Begin by navigating to the Product Management screen.

Navigate to Product Management

7. Click on Export to Excel (All found)

This will download an Excel sheet containing details on all of your currently created products.

Click on Export to Excel (All found)

8. Excel Sheet

The downloaded Excel sheet will contain a high quantity of information related to your products.

Contained within these columns are the options related to configuring downloadable products.

Whilst this sheet allows you to modify your already created products, you can also use it to create brand new products within Infigo. Simply create new rows, completing the information you consider critical to those products. Remember to leave the ProductID blank. This is the unique identifier which determines whether a product will be updated or created.

More detailed resources on the product batch upload tool and its capabilities can be found on the Infigo Academy.

Excel Sheet

9. The easiest way to find the relevant products is to use Excel's search tools

Bring up the find and replace window using Ctrl+F. It is recommended to search for a term such as "download".

You will find that the downloadable product settings are not all grouped together and are spread throughout the template.

The easiest way to find the relevant products is to use Excel's search tools

10. Input data into the relevant cells as appropriate

Input data into the relevant cells as appropriate

11. If you are wishing to auto-upload related assets from the Upload Folders in Infigo, you will need to create additional columns at the end of the Excel template.

These columns are designed to handle both regular and sample downloadable files.

There are two types of columns you can use:

1.URL Columns: “DownloadUrl”: Use this column to provide a direct URL to the downloadable file. “SampleDownloadUrl”: Use this column to provide a direct URL to the sample downloadable file.

2.Asset Columns: “DownloadAsset”: Use this column to specify the relative file location from the upload location for the downloadable file. “SampleDownloadAsset”: Use this column to specify the relative file location from the upload location for the sample downloadable file.

Important Note: You cannot set both the URL and Asset values simultaneously for the same row. Choose either the URL option or the Asset option, or leave both empty if not applicable.

If you are wishing to auto-upload related assets from the Upload Folders in Infigo, you will need to create additional columns at the end of the Excel template.

12. Input relevant file information into the newly created columns

For Download Assets, the name should match a file in the Upload Folder you have selected.

If the file is in the root Upload Folder, you do not need to specify the name of the upload folder itself.

For example, if your file "Sample.pdf" is located in the "Root" Upload Folder, all you will need to specify in the Excel sheet is "Sample.pdf". This is due to the fact that an Upload Folder is selected during the batch import process.

Input relevant file information into the newly created columns

13. Creating SubFolders

It is possible to create subfolders within your Upload Folders, which can also be used to house files.

Create these by navigating to the upload folder and clicking New Folder.

Once created, navigate to the subfolder and files can be added in the same way as the root folder.

Creating SubFolders

14. Selecting files from subfolders in the batch upload sheet

Identifying assets within the batch upload Excel sheet is slightly different when they are located in sub folders.

The subfolder name needs to be identified before the filename itself.

For example, if a file named "Sample.pdf" is located in the "RootFolder/SubFolder" directory, you will need to enter "SubFolder/Sample.pdf" in the batch product sheet.

Selecting files from subfolders in the batch upload sheet

15. To upload the batch data sheet, navigate to the Product Management area and click on Import from Excel

To upload the batch data sheet, navigate to the Product Management area and click on Import from Excel

16. Select the relevant Upload Folder containing your upload assets

Select the relevant Upload Folder containing your upload assets

17. Select your modified batch upload file

Select your modified batch upload file

18. Click on Import from Excel

Click on Import from Excel

19. You will be informed when the upload has completed

You will be informed when the upload has completed

20. We can verify the upload by navigating to the product variant settings of our modified or newly created products

We can verify the upload by navigating to the product variant settings of our modified or newly created products

21. Navigate to the downloadable product options and download the associated file

This should match the assets you specified in the Excel file.

Navigate to the downloadable product options and download the associated file

Individual Search Words

digital, access, retrieve, file, link, format, obtain, acquire, electronic, resource

Alternate Search Phrases

configure digital downloads, set up file access, batch upload files, manage download assets, assign electronic products, link to digital files, specify download settings, upload product files, bulk configure downloads, manage product resources