Picture of How to Add Text to a Dynamic Product? - MegaEdit

How to Add Text to a Dynamic Product? - MegaEdit

How to Add Text to a Dynamic Product? - MegaEdit

With MegaEdit editor, you can add text and captions to your images.

To add text,

1. Open the MegaEdit editor.

 Text Options

Helps you with additional text options such as:

  • Fonts

        - Font selection

 Border and Background

Helps you with options for adding border and change background color.

  • Border Options

           - None


Helps you with options to add shadow effects for the images.

  • Shadows On/Off

            - Offset X

5. Enter the text or caption in the text box.

You can add the same text to multiple pages by copying the text box object and placing it on other pages.

The changes are auto saved in the editor.


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