Picture of Adding, Editing and Unpublishing Countries, States and / or Regions

Adding, Editing and Unpublishing Countries, States and / or Regions

Adding, Editing and Unpublishing Countries, States and / or Regions

In order to add missing/new counties/counties to the list, you will need to log in to your platform account with your Platform Administrator account.


1. Go to Configuration > Countries > locate the country you wish to add the missing/new county and click Edit.



2. Click Add New and complete the details: 


3. Click Save and Continue Edit > then click on the County and Region tab. 

In the menu that pops up, enter the county/region's Name and Abbreviation, then check 'Published' if you would like it to be available right away, and adjust the display order if you do not want it to be sorted alphabetically. 

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