Picture of Infigo Placeholders

Infigo Placeholders

Infigo Placeholders


There is a complete list of placeholders in admin where you can search for Order specific or Orderline specific placeholders. These are located under Admin -Placeholder Overview.


Order-specific placeholders are officially supported for things like Invoices and Packing Slips (which are at an Order context) and Orderline specific placeholders are officially supported for things like Job Tickets (which are at an Order line item context).

Note:  Some Order specific placeholders will still work on job tickets, and some Orderline specific placeholders will work on Invoices and Packing Slips, however this would not be an officially supported configuration and may not work as expected.

If you click the > next to a placeholder in the list, you will see that it expands to give you an example of how to use the placeholder, as well as a brief description of what it's for:



A placeholder when used throughout the system should be included within a starting and ending percentage symbol. For example:

%JobId% - is the correct way to use a placeholder that will be replaced with the Job ID value

%CustomName% - is the correct way to use a placeholder that will be replaced with the Job Custom Name value.

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