Below is a breakdown of all the default reports we display on our Infigo Insights Platform Dashboard.
This dashboard and many of these reports are only available if you login using your platform admin login and navigate to the platform level in Infigo.
Count of Active Users by Storefront
A table that shows a breakdown by storefront of all the current users that are set to 'Active' on that storefront.

# Orders in the last 30 Days
Quite simply a figure that is a count of all orders placed within the last 30 days.
Excludes: All orders that are currently marked as Cancelled or Deleted.

Total Revenue by Storefront
A table that displays the Storefront, the default Storefront Currency and the Total Revenue - a sum of all order totals that have been placed on each storefront.
Excludes: All orders that are currently marked as Cancelled or Deleted.

# Registration in the last 30 days by Storefront
A bar chart that shows the count of newly created users per storefront where their date of registration is within the last 30 days.
Includes: Only customers who are currently marked as 'Active'

# Orders by Storefront
A bard chart that shows a count of all the orders placed on each storefront.
Excludes: All orders that are currently marked as Cancelled or Deleted.

Sales By Product - Platform
This report is a table of the top 20 Products ordered by the number of orders they have been included in. The table includes the Product name, the Storefront they are on, the default Storefront Currency, Total Revenue - the sum of all the order line price including tax for that product, the number of orders - a count of all orders that have not been cancelled or deleted, and the number of items - the sum of all order line quantities.
Includes: Currently published Products ONLY
Excludes: Orders that are currently marked as Cancelled or Deleted. Order lines that are currently marked as Cancelled.

Sales By Category - Platform
Similar to the Sales By Product report but instead of reporting on individual products, it reports on the top categories based on the performance of all the products of all the products within that category.
Includes: Currently published Categories ONLY
Excludes: Orders that are currently marked as Cancelled or Deleted. Order lines that are currently marked as Cancelled.