It is possible within MegaEdit to link a number of text fields on a page or spread so when text is entered into one field it flows into another. This is done by simply giving the fields a name, and then under the advanced text tab assigning the field you wish text field x to flow into text field y etc.
Firstly, set out your fields you wish to flow into, here we show four text fields across a spread:

Then name your text fields, in text properties under the details tab at the end - under the general section.

This will activate the text flow option under the advanced text tab. Here, you now select which field you want the selected field to flow into. You will be required to map the flow for each text field that requires text flow.

Once the names are done and you have mapped the flow, save the product default or switch pages to register the "data saved" pop up to make sure that the text flow mapping is saved.
Then simply type or paste in the text you want to use and it will flow across your fields.

You will be required to save the default format for each text field - but the format from the first text will be used across the fields that have been mapped. Therefore, you cannot have different fonts for each field.
As standard, text flow doesn't work across multiple pages. If you would like to do this please raise a ticket and reference "Advanced Product layout script"