Picture of Discount Code Generator

Discount Code Generator

Discount Code Generator

After receiving more and more requests of late to apply bulk discount codes to storefronts for customer we took it upon ourselves to create a discount code generator that will enable you to create large quantities of discount codes yourselves.

To start, you need to setup an initial discount code (Promotions > Discounts) with the relevant settings and requirements – this will be used as the blueprint for the bulk discount codes you are about to generate.


Once setup, click on the ‘Clone’ button in the top right-hand corner when editing your newly created discount blueprint. You should now see two options – Batch discount generator & Custom code uploader.


Batch Discount Generator

The first tab, Batch discount generator allows you to input the number of discount codes you need the system to create for you, apply a prefix and set the total length of each code. Once all these settings have been configured click ‘Generate Discount Codes’ and the system will randomly create the number of codes you have specified, using the criteria you have entered and the requirements and settings from the blueprint discount code.



Custom Code Uploader

The second tab is, as the name suggests, a place for you to input your already generated voucher codes. This is useful if you use a third party to create your codes for you. Simply paste them into the text box and click ‘Create Uploaded Discount Codes’ and the system will do the rest.




If you have anymore questions about this, please feel free to open a support ticket.

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