Picture of Tag Category Search

Tag Category Search

Tag Category Search

Making Tag Categories, linking and then filtering between them: 



Adding Tag Categories is a great way to help customers search and filter for products within a category, making the user journey easier and more fluid.


Tag Categories

To create a Tag Category, you will need to find this within the admin section of Infigo - Admin --> Catalogue --> Products --> Tag Search --> Tag Categories 


From here, we can start to build our new Tag Categories. First, select 'Add New Record'. Give the tag category a name and then save.




If you select the '+' icon next to the 'Tag Category Name' this will show you a list of all your current Product Tags, from here you can select the tags that you wish to include within that category. A side note, you can also create new product tags within this section too, by selecting 'Add new tag'.



Now we will move on to a new section of admin called 'Tag Category Search Sets' to find this, navigate to Admin --> Catalogue --> Products --> Tag Search --> Tag Category Search Sets. We will need to add a new record here and assign it a name. Once you have saved the new search set, you will be able to click the '+' next to the search set name, and assign the new tag category/categories you have created.

Next, we need to navigate to the individual category, that you wish to add the tag category to Admin --> Catalogue -->Categories --> Manage Categories



Within the chosen category, head to the 'Display Settings' tab. Scroll to the bottom of that page and enable the setting 'Show tag filtering' this will then show a new drop down box, where you can select the tag category search set that you have created.



When you navigate to that category page, you will now see the tag search is available 



There is one more step that can be completed but this is optional. As the current settings stand, the customer will have to select the tag category in the filter and then select 'Search' to view the results. This can be automated so when a tag category is selected, it shows the results instantly without needing to 'Search'. To do this head to Admin --> Configuration -->Settings--> Catalogue Settings scroll down to the bottom and enabled the setting 'Tag Search trigger on change'.


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