Picture of How to configure your DNS for your Infigo Storefront

How to configure your DNS for your Infigo Storefront

How to configure your DNS for your Infigo Storefront

Lets assume you have an account with a hosting provider where your domain has been purchased, and your SSL certificate and now you need to point this custom domain to your Infigo storefront.


You have already raised a ticket with our Support team to request a new SSL certificate for a custom URL or sub domain and Infigo has done everything to set this up for you... to a certain point.

Once we have done our work, we will provide you with three bits of information that you will then need to take and configure this against your domain DNS.


1) A load balancer link which we will call a CNAME 

2) And two IP addresses


To finish the setup, login to your account with the provider whom you have purchased the domain (URL).

Navigate to your domain and click on 'Manage DNS' (the wording may be different in different providers but look for the place where you can manage your DNS for your specified URL)

1. Click on 'Add Record'

2. Where it asks for a type select 'CNAME'

3. Where it asks for Host Name or Name you need to either put the value for the root (which is usually either * or @ but depends on your provider) if you are applying this on a full URL (www.yourURL.com

Or in the Host Name field put the subdomain value (anything before the first . - .e.g. if you URL will be infigo.yourURL.com then put in here 'infigo')

4. For the Value, paste in the value provided from our support team which should start with a prefix followed by word 'loadbalancer'


Repeat this step 2 more times for the IP addresses we also shared with you, but:

2. Where it asks for a type select 'A' or 'A Record'

3. This should always be the symbol for the root of the domain even if you are setting up a sub  domain (either '*' or '@')

4. For the Value, paste in one of the IP addresses we provided you (this should be in the format of 4 numbers separated by a . e.g. 99.999.999.999)



Once you have set this up you then need to be patient and wait for this new configuration to take effect. Some providers allow you to set a TTL value against each entry you have created above which stands for 'Time To Live' so if you can control this and want it to take affect sooner then set this to the lowest value possible (usually 1 hour).



If you want both the www. and non-www new bindings to work;

Please make sure you have set up your DNS to work for both non-www and www when adding your DNS records.

You will essentially have to have two DNS entries

- One for the root domain (using the two A records)

- And one for the www subdomain using the CNAME and two A records





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