The default image upload file size limit is set to 5 MB (~5 million bytes) on our storefronts. To be able to upload bigger file sizes, store administrators should change the default value to their desired need.
Upload UI
To apply changes to the upload size limit for the Upload UI (for MegaEdit products) follow these steps:
Select the storefront you wish to increase its upload limit, then Configuration > Settings > Media Album Settings.
You can also use online converter tools such as WhatsaByte to get the right value.

Please also note (if you are seeing the message 'File is too big' when trying to upload) that the megapixel value (which is typically pre-set to A4 size) may also need to be changed.
This is also found in Configuration > Settings > Media Album Settings.

To increase the upload file size for MultiPart products you will need to go to Configuration > Settings > Product and Editor Settings > Infigo Settings.
Here the file upload size can be increased by setting MultiPartUploadMaxFileSizeBytes, which is also in Bytes.