Our email domain provider (IONIS) recently implemented some security changes for sending emails with a different sender address. IONIS said:
To increase security for our customers, sending emails through our email servers with alternative or empty sender addresses is no longer allowed from the 29th January 2024. As of this date, emails can only be sent if the sender address has the same domain as the email account used.
As a result of this change by IONIS, we need you to review your email account information and choose from one of the following options to get your email traffic going again:
- setup a new email account so that your account matches your send from. For more information on how to do this please see our help centre https://infigosoftware.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017845671-How-to-create-a-new-Email-Account.
or - Revert the default inigomail.net email address back to it's original state. We will show you how to do this below:
If you would like to go with option 2, please follow these steps:
1. Open the storefront which is linked to the email account that you wish to revert. Once in the admin section search for 'Email Accounts' or follow Admin > Configuration > Email Accounts

2. Open Email Accounts and click Edit on the email account that needs updating. Please then copy the User field and paste it into the Email Address field.
Incorrect setup:

Correct setup:

Extra Step
If you get the below error when trying to save the email account, it means that the email address was set up at Platform (this is essentially the storefront a -1 ID).

You will need to sign in with your Platform Administration user account and repeat steps 1 and 2.
Please note: By following the above instructions, this will now mean that emails will be sent to customers with your Platform/Storefront name + @infigomail.net and all traffic will go through Infigo, rather than your own domain.