Picture of How to Create a Placeholder Image? - MegaEdit

How to Create a Placeholder Image? - MegaEdit

How to Create a Placeholder Image? - MegaEdit

Catfish allows you to create a Placeholder Image that can be used in your Dynamic Product within MegaEdit.

This article shows you how to create a placeholder image category in Catfish and implement that feature in MegaEdit.


Catfish Steps - Creating the Category

1. Navigate to Dynamic Products:

Catfish > Infigo Variable Data > Dynamic Products

2. Click General Data.

3. Here is the Edit General Categories section. By default you are in the Clipart Categories tab. Click on the Placeholder Categories tab. Press Add new record.


4. Now name your category and press Insert. You can also add a description and make the category visible only to admins by checking the box Show only for admins. 

1. mceclip9.png


5. Once your record is created press Configure.


6. Here you can upload image files, only JPG, PNG and PDF are supported.



7. Once your image files are uploaded, you will need to assign this category to your product from Catfish > Infigo Variable Data > Dynamic Products > Edit > Placeholder Categories. 


MegaEdit Steps - Implementing the Placeholder Image into your Product

 1. Navigate to your dynamic product, open it up in MegaEdit.

2. Press Add Image on your product.  It will automatically add one of your placeholder images to your image box.


3. If you would like to change which image appears in your placeholder, go to image settings and choose which image should appear.


Now you can use placeholder images in MegaEdit!



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