Picture of Transparency issues - Transparent items showing as opaque

Transparency issues - Transparent items showing as opaque

Transparency issues - Transparent items showing as opaque

When importing a document through InVent or when uploading artwork directly in admin to clipart section of MegaEdit you may notice that when checking the item within the editor it is no longer transparent as you had set the artwork up originally.  There is a setting that deals with this in admin.


Media Album settings - "

The setting 

Screenshot 2023-12-19 at 23.24.21.png

This setting can be modified if the transparency is showing as opaque for the artwork. If you do change the value, save the setting, then you must re upload the artwork again via the mex upload process or directly adding the clipart file to the clipart category again.  Clear admin caches and browser caches to see the changes implemented.


In General this setting will be fine as set with the default value of 300.  This value will support artwork approximately sized around A4+ and US letter+ but if the artwork is significantly larger than that then the setting will need to decreased in value.

We recommend a setting change to 150 if the artwork is sized from A4+ up to A3+ or US letter+ up to 13" x 19" inches as a rough guide.

We recommend as setting change to 72 if the artwork exceeds these sizes and is still not showing as expected.

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