Here we aim to provide you with some Expert Tips on how to troubleshoot issues with your MIS plugin. Places to look for information and error messages, how to turn on additional logging and tips on how to stay on top and catch issues as soon as they arise.
Check configuration
The first, and most obvious place to start is to check your MIS plugin configuration. Ensure that the connectivity settings are populated and correct for your MIS instance, and when you navigate to the MIS Plugins list you have the option to 'Check Connection' that will test this for you.
Make sure that when you test the connection you get a successful response back.
Verbose Logging
Enabling Verbose Logging is a really helpful way to understand more about what is being sent and is being returned in the communication between your Infigo platform and your MIS. You can enable this under 'Connect Settings' (Configuration > Settings > Integrations > Connect Settings) and checking the 'Verbose Logging Enabled' setting.
The additional logging that will now be generated can be seen with the System > Log within admin. If you do not have access to view these then please raise a support ticket and we can take a look for you.
Log unmapped products
If you are expecting orders that you have placed to be sent to your MIS but there is no evidence that an order has been sent either in Shared Print Operations or within your MIS then it could be that the MIS plugin wasn't triggered to send the order because there were no mapped products as part of that order.
Enabling this setting will add log entries within System > Log for any order when an order contains products that haven't been mapped. If you do not have access to view these then please raise a support ticket and we can take a look for you.