Picture of Preview Handling Script - MegaEdit

Preview Handling Script - MegaEdit

Preview Handling Script - MegaEdit


This is a Megaedit script that enables an admin to hide/show/print/not print certain pages of a document based on key tag words that are applied to speific pages.



You'll need to make sure that the Preview handling script is enabled on your storefront and appears in the script list against your dynamic products.  (please raise a ticket with support helpdesk if this needs enabling).  Once enabled against your chosen product the rest of the configuration is done directly in the MegaEdit editor.


The script is set to work against 'tags' being used at page level in the editor.  The key tags to use are 'print' or 'preview'.

print = page will appear on output but not show in editor

preview = page will show in editor but not appear in output.


Open the editor of your product and go to the Menu section and acces the Edit page data section

Here you are required to use the tags mentioned above for each page example shown below:


You will need to click save and save the product default to make those tags save against the product.


This will mean that page 1 will be hidden from view of the end user but still appear in the output print file - Page 2 will show in the editor but not appear in the output file.  Page 3 will be seen in editor and in the output print file as it has no tags.





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