Picture of Blocked Status in SPO

Blocked Status in SPO

Blocked Status in SPO

Infigo Academy: Shared Print Operations:


Blocked Status Explained

When integrating with third party systems or even when downloading print files to hot folders you may want to have the order blocked first so you can check the artwork before it is processed. In order to achieve this, you have to setup a blocker. It works like this: when a job is placed, rather than automatically being processed, the order is marked as 'blocked'. This means that it requires some manual intervention before it can continue. Using our Download Artwork button in Shared Print Operations (SPO) it allows someone in the business to check the artwork file, if they see it needs slight alterations they can make those changes offline then use our 'Upload Artwork File' button in SPO to replace the original file. After that the Blocked status can be removed and the job can continue on its way.



There are two settings that you need to enable, as follows:

1. Configuration > Settings > Order Settings > Block orders on checkout enabled:

With this enabled, every order that is placed on the storefront will now automatically been marked with the blocker status, thus ensuring that nothing is automatically posted to Site Flow until the status is removed.

2. Configuration > Settings > Product and Editor Settings > Infigo Settings > Show Blocker Section In SPO:

With this enabled, the blocker section will now display on Shared Print Operations.


How to Use Blocker Status

Once the above settings are enabled, when an order is received it will automatically be assigned with a 'blocker status'. Until this status is removed, the job will not be processed.

The below screenshot shows an order which has been placed. You will see the the product status is 'Blocked'. The screenshot also shows the 'Blocker Status' dropdown, allowing you to filter between orders which are currently blocked or have had the blocker status removed. This is important to use this filter, as there wont be any other identifier after it switches to output created that its still in the blocked status.


 When the order is first placed, the order line will go red and say Blocked. Once the PDF output is generated, the line will revert to orange and the status will say 'Output Created'. This is still in the blocker status as we have not yet removed it.

At this point, you can now download the PDF by clicking the 'Download Output' button (see below). If they need to make changes they can then click the upload new output, and upload their new, correct artwork. This will then re-generate the output PDF.



If you are happy that the output is correct (Whether that is the originally submitted art file OR the newly uploaded art file), then you need to remove the block status.

To do this, scroll down to the Change Status section, and click the Show All button:


Upon clicking show all, the status' will expand and show the entire status history. To remove the blocker status, press the 'X' on the Blocked status:


Now the job can be released and the files will continue along their way - whether it be downloaded to a hot folder, sent on to a third party MIS system through one of our plugins or just through your print operators manually downloading it. 

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