Not only are we able to output your artwork to an FTP or API location, but we have developed our own windows-based program we call Infigo Sync (formerly known as Catfish Sync) that allows you to download your print-ready PDFs, as well as your job tickets, invoices, packing slips, and XML outputs.
How does it work?
Infigo Sync is installed on a local windows-based machine in your network, or wherever you wish to download the files to, and it periodically downloads all of your file outputs to a local folder which you can designate.
You can run it either through the console mode which is a .exe file, or you can configure the Windows service it installs to run however often you need it to.
How often does it download files?
By default, Infigo Sync polls our servers for outputs every 30s. This can be configured, however 30s is the most frequent it can download as having it download any more rapidly will cause negative effects on the platform it is downloading from.
Can I name my files?
To an extent, yes. The artwork output files themselves can have their naming structure changed, however the job tickets, packing slips, invoices, and XML outputs all used fixed naming templates.
Your output files will have to have a prefix of "JobType_OrderID_JobID_" in order to work with Infigo Sync, but after that the filename is up to you.
Where can I install it?
Any Windows-based machine powerful enough to run Windows 7 will be strong enough to run Infigo Sync, and it's a fairly lightweight application so you could even run it from your workstation. Please note that is has to be installed on a windows operating system, Mac OS will not support this feature.
How do I install it?
We have a helpful article which walks you through the installation.
Can I install Infigo Sync multiple times on one PC or server?
You cannot have 2 instances of Infigo Sync on the same computer or server. If you would like the sync to run on many storefronts, then you will require a platform API key. If you're running the sync on one storefront, then you can configure it at storefront level with a storefront API key.
Why am I getting the error "Sync Installer Setup Wizard ended prematurely"?
The Infigo Sync installer tends to only end prematurely when it is interrupted by another program/process. In most cases, this is some sort of antivirus software, Windows' built-in security, or a firewall rule preventing it from accessing your storefront as it finalises its installation. Sometimes it is as simple as running the msi as an administrator.
Can I send different outputs to different sub-folders?
Yes, Infigo's Hotfolders can be configured on your storefront, and you can control which output files go to which sub-folder of your main download folder. You can control this based on the product its an output of, based on the location of the person who ordered it, amongst other criteria that allows you control which folder it goes to. However, we only support 1 level of sub-folders.
I am on a Mac, is there anyway I can run Infigo Sync?
Not directly, however, if you have the Parallels Desktop for Mac the setup and installation is exactly the same. The only difference is, the Infigo Sync will only run while Parallels is open and running on your Mac.
How To Fault Find InfigoSync Issues
How do I check if files are uploading successfully?
There is currently no UI to manage files uploaded via InfigoSync, however there are a couple of ways you can see what has been uploaded.
- Check the InfigoSyncUpload Error folder, by default this is C:\InfigoSyncUpload and will contain any PDF's that InfigoSync has been unable to upload.
- Check the local InfigoSync error log C:\Program Files (x86)\[companyreference]\InfigoSync\infigosync.log, again this will detail any files that have errored.
If the above are reporting no errors then files have been successfully uploaded.
How do I check the InfigoSync error log
- Check the local InfigoSync error log C:\Program Files (x86)\[companyreference]\InfigoSync\infigosync.log, this will detail any errors InfigoSync has reported.
How do I find my configuration file
- Check the same directory as for the log file; C:\Program Files (x86)\[companyreference]\InfigoSync\InfigoSync.exe.config
How do I check which Hotfolders jobs are dropping into
- Go to Shared Print Operations and find the job/s you are searching for, open the entry and check the 'Print Location/Hotfolders section to see where it currently is and manually copy to another hotfolder if necessary.
I am getting a security error on the locally downloaded files. How to I resolve this?
- Please check the windows service to see if it's running as system or as a specific user account. If the service runs as system, Windows sometimes does not create the default user permissions, and so users can't open it.