Picture of Going from Test mode to Live mode on your storefront | BG_042

Going from Test mode to Live mode on your storefront | BG_042

Here, we'll take a closer look at the transition between test and live mode for one of your storefronts. Before we begin, make sure you're logged in at the Platform level!

Tutorial Video Transcript

A transcript of our tutorial video, ensuring you can find exactly what you need, when you need it.

You can search this page to find the relevant time-stamp in the video. Also, this text can be used as part of the tutorial search feature.

00:00:07:21 - 00:00:07:29

00:00:07:29 - 00:00:09:24
We'll take a closer look at the transition

00:00:09:24 - 00:00:13:01
between test and live
mode for one of your storefronts.

00:00:13:28 - 00:00:18:04
Now, before we begin, do make sure that
you're logged in at the platform level.

00:00:18:21 - 00:00:21:06
The easiest way to tell
if you're logged in a platform

00:00:21:06 - 00:00:23:28
level is to work on the top right
hand side of your screen.

00:00:24:13 - 00:00:27:04
If you can see the switch storefront icon,

00:00:27:15 - 00:00:29:26
that means you're on at the platform

00:00:29:26 - 00:00:34:10
Storefront administrators
won't see this icon.

00:00:36:06 - 00:00:39:07
Next, we're going to navigate
to storefront management,

00:00:40:24 - 00:00:43:24
which allows us to get an overview
of all of our storefronts

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that we have available on the platform.

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Click on the plus icon here to show

00:00:49:14 - 00:00:52:22
all of your available storefronts,

00:00:52:22 - 00:00:54:22
and you'll see that
each of those storefronts

00:00:54:22 - 00:00:59:05
has a status
and they're all test by default.

00:00:59:05 - 00:01:03:14
So when you create a new storefront, it
will automatically be put into test mode.

00:01:03:14 - 00:01:13:10
And it's expected that that won't change
until you're ready to go live.

00:01:13:10 - 00:01:16:22
Locate the storefront that you're
eventually wanting to change to live mode

00:01:17:21 - 00:01:18:26
and click on clear

00:01:18:26 - 00:01:22:28
test data over on the right hand side.

00:01:23:02 - 00:01:25:05
Now you will be prompted
to confirm this action.

00:01:25:05 - 00:01:27:00
It won't just do it straight away.

00:01:27:00 - 00:01:29:23
This will remove all test customer

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and test order data from this storefront.

00:01:33:05 - 00:01:35:19
And do be aware that this action
not be undone.

00:01:36:21 - 00:01:41:08
Both customers and orders can be converted
from test to live mode prior

00:01:41:08 - 00:01:44:07
to carrying out this step, meaning
they won't be deleted.

00:01:44:22 - 00:01:47:15
So let's take a quick
look at how to do that before we proceed.

00:01:49:04 - 00:01:52:03
I'm going to start off
by navigating to customer management.

00:01:52:06 - 00:01:58:09
Take a look
at how to convert a customer, locate

00:01:58:09 - 00:02:01:10
the customer
that you want to change from test to live

00:02:01:10 - 00:02:04:27
and then click on edit.

00:02:04:27 - 00:02:08:06
And then at the top right of the screen,
you'll see there's a button there

00:02:08:06 - 00:02:09:27
which says Convert to live.

00:02:11:26 - 00:02:13:07
Just click that

00:02:13:07 - 00:02:15:09
and then that customer will now be saved

00:02:15:25 - 00:02:17:26
and will be immune to any

00:02:19:06 - 00:02:22:10
clearing of test data.

00:02:26:02 - 00:02:27:01
Next way to navigate

00:02:27:01 - 00:02:29:17
to orders.

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If any of these orders are supposed
to be live orders rather than test,

00:02:34:08 - 00:02:37:27
click on view next to the order details.

00:02:37:27 - 00:02:41:11
Then there's a button on the order
mode section which allows you

00:02:41:11 - 00:02:44:21
to convert that to a live order.

00:02:48:23 - 00:02:50:02
So now we're going to navigate back

00:02:50:02 - 00:02:53:17
to our storefront management area

00:03:01:11 - 00:03:02:17
and then we're going to clear test

00:03:02:17 - 00:03:11:03
data once again.

00:03:13:20 - 00:03:16:05
So now all of the customers in the orders

00:03:16:05 - 00:03:19:25
that weren't converted to live
have been deleted as irreversible.

00:03:19:25 - 00:03:23:06
But we have been given a data Excel file

00:03:24:04 - 00:03:39:27
which shows us the data
that's been removed.

00:03:41:19 - 00:03:45:08
So prior to changing the status of a store
from from test to live,

00:03:45:08 - 00:03:48:08
we must ensure that we're not actually
logged into the store front.

00:03:48:08 - 00:03:49:23
We want to change.

00:03:49:23 - 00:03:53:06
So start off by clicking, switch
storefronts at the top of the screen.

00:03:53:17 - 00:03:55:13
It doesn't matter which one you change to

00:04:00:09 - 00:04:01:22
navigate back to your

00:04:01:22 - 00:04:05:05
storefront management screen

00:04:07:18 - 00:04:09:26
and then locate the storefronts again

00:04:09:26 - 00:04:13:15
that you're wanting to switch to live.

00:04:14:11 - 00:04:17:28
All you have to do at this point is click
on Edit next to the relevant storefront.

00:04:19:20 - 00:04:21:28
You have a dropdown list
where it says test mode

00:04:22:21 - 00:04:25:20
and you can change that to live.

00:04:26:05 - 00:04:28:01
Then click on Update

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and that's it.

00:04:33:02 - 00:04:34:01

00:04:34:01 - 00:04:37:22
Your storefront is now set to live.

Step by Step Guide

Going from Test mode to Live mode on your storefront

Here, we'll take a closer look at the transition between test and live mode for one of your storefronts.

Before we begin, make sure you're logged in at the Platform level!

Creation Date: Jun 05, 2023
Created By: Sam Webster

1. Check you can see Switch Storefront

This is the easiest way to tell if you're logged in at a Platform level.

Storefront administrator users will not see this button.

Check you can see Switch Storefront

2. Navigate to Storefront Management

Navigate to Storefront Management

3. Click on the '+' symbol to show your list of storefronts

Click on the '+' symbol to show your list of storefronts

4. Each storefront will have a Status, which is Test by default

Each storefront will have a Status, which is Test by default

5. Click on Clear test data

Click on Clear test data

6. You will be prompted to confirm this action

This will remove all test customers and test orders from this storefront. The action cannot be undone.

Both customers and orders can be converted from Test to Live mode prior to carrying out this step, meaning they will not be deleted.

You will be prompted to confirm this action

7. Navigate to Customer Management

Navigate to Customer Management

8. Click on Edit for the user you wish to switch to Live

Click on Edit for the user you wish to switch to Live

9. Click Convert to live

The customer will now be immune to the clearing of test data.

Click Convert to live

10. Navigate to Orders

Navigate to Orders

11. Click on View next to the order you wish to switch to Live

Click on View next to the order you wish to switch to Live

12. Click on Convert to Live

This order will now be immune to the clearing of test data.

Click on Convert to Live

13. Navigate back to Storefront Management

Navigate back to Storefront Management

14. Locate the Storefront and click on Clear test data

Locate the Storefront and click on Clear test data

15. Click on Clear

All remaining customer and orders set to Test will be permanently deleted.

Click on Clear

16. Click on Switch Storefront

Prior to changing the status of a storefront from Test to Live, we must ensure we are not actively logged into the storefront we wish to change.

Click on Switch Storefront

17. Select an alternate storefront

Select an alternate storefront

18. Navigate back to Storefront Management

Navigate back to Storefront Management

19. Click on Edit next to the Storefront you wish to switch to Live

Click on Edit next to the Storefront you wish to switch to Live

20. Click on Live

Click on Live

21. Click on Update

Click on Update

22. Congratulations! Your Storefront is now LIVE!

Congratulations! Your Storefront is now LIVE!
Alternate Search Terms

Individual Search Words

activate, deployment, publish, initiate, transition, production, status, finalize, go-live, confirmation

Alternate Search Phrases

storefront activation, switch from test to live, publish storefront, go live with store, storefront deployment, move store to production, change store status, finalize store setup, confirm store status, live store transition