00:00:07:21 - 00:00:07:29
00:00:07:29 - 00:00:09:24
We'll take a closer look at the transition
00:00:09:24 - 00:00:13:01
between test and live
mode for one of your storefronts.
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Now, before we begin, do make sure that
you're logged in at the platform level.
00:00:18:21 - 00:00:21:06
The easiest way to tell
if you're logged in a platform
00:00:21:06 - 00:00:23:28
level is to work on the top right
hand side of your screen.
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If you can see the switch storefront icon,
00:00:27:15 - 00:00:29:26
that means you're on at the platform
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Storefront administrators
won't see this icon.
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Next, we're going to navigate
to storefront management,
00:00:40:24 - 00:00:43:24
which allows us to get an overview
of all of our storefronts
00:00:43:24 - 00:00:46:06
that we have available on the platform.
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Click on the plus icon here to show
00:00:49:14 - 00:00:52:22
all of your available storefronts,
00:00:52:22 - 00:00:54:22
and you'll see that
each of those storefronts
00:00:54:22 - 00:00:59:05
has a status
and they're all test by default.
00:00:59:05 - 00:01:03:14
So when you create a new storefront, it
will automatically be put into test mode.
00:01:03:14 - 00:01:13:10
And it's expected that that won't change
until you're ready to go live.
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Locate the storefront that you're
eventually wanting to change to live mode
00:01:17:21 - 00:01:18:26
and click on clear
00:01:18:26 - 00:01:22:28
test data over on the right hand side.
00:01:23:02 - 00:01:25:05
Now you will be prompted
to confirm this action.
00:01:25:05 - 00:01:27:00
It won't just do it straight away.
00:01:27:00 - 00:01:29:23
This will remove all test customer
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and test order data from this storefront.
00:01:33:05 - 00:01:35:19
And do be aware that this action
not be undone.
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Both customers and orders can be converted
from test to live mode prior
00:01:41:08 - 00:01:44:07
to carrying out this step, meaning
they won't be deleted.
00:01:44:22 - 00:01:47:15
So let's take a quick
look at how to do that before we proceed.
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I'm going to start off
by navigating to customer management.
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Take a look
at how to convert a customer, locate
00:01:58:09 - 00:02:01:10
the customer
that you want to change from test to live
00:02:01:10 - 00:02:04:27
and then click on edit.
00:02:04:27 - 00:02:08:06
And then at the top right of the screen,
you'll see there's a button there
00:02:08:06 - 00:02:09:27
which says Convert to live.
00:02:11:26 - 00:02:13:07
Just click that
00:02:13:07 - 00:02:15:09
and then that customer will now be saved
00:02:15:25 - 00:02:17:26
and will be immune to any
00:02:19:06 - 00:02:22:10
clearing of test data.
00:02:26:02 - 00:02:27:01
Next way to navigate
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to orders.
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If any of these orders are supposed
to be live orders rather than test,
00:02:34:08 - 00:02:37:27
click on view next to the order details.
00:02:37:27 - 00:02:41:11
Then there's a button on the order
mode section which allows you
00:02:41:11 - 00:02:44:21
to convert that to a live order.
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So now we're going to navigate back
00:02:50:02 - 00:02:53:17
to our storefront management area
00:03:01:11 - 00:03:02:17
and then we're going to clear test
00:03:02:17 - 00:03:11:03
data once again.
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So now all of the customers in the orders
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that weren't converted to live
have been deleted as irreversible.
00:03:19:25 - 00:03:23:06
But we have been given a data Excel file
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which shows us the data
that's been removed.
00:03:41:19 - 00:03:45:08
So prior to changing the status of a store
from from test to live,
00:03:45:08 - 00:03:48:08
we must ensure that we're not actually
logged into the store front.
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We want to change.
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So start off by clicking, switch
storefronts at the top of the screen.
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It doesn't matter which one you change to
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navigate back to your
00:04:01:22 - 00:04:05:05
storefront management screen
00:04:07:18 - 00:04:09:26
and then locate the storefronts again
00:04:09:26 - 00:04:13:15
that you're wanting to switch to live.
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All you have to do at this point is click
on Edit next to the relevant storefront.
00:04:19:20 - 00:04:21:28
You have a dropdown list
where it says test mode
00:04:22:21 - 00:04:25:20
and you can change that to live.
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Then click on Update
00:04:32:16 - 00:04:33:02
and that's it.
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00:04:34:01 - 00:04:37:22
Your storefront is now set to live.