Picture of Assigning PDF Profiles to MegaEdit Products | PP_005

Assigning PDF Profiles to MegaEdit Products | PP_005

Learn how to configure PDF profiles within Infigo's MegaEdit products to enhance your product workflows and user experience. You'll explore the three key profile options on the "General" tab: Check PDF Profile for running checks on uploaded images, Fix PDF Profile to allow users to auto-correct their uploads using predefined fixups, and Output PDF Profile for applying fixups during output generation. By assigning these profiles, you'll automate important processes to ensure high-quality outputs and streamline your workflow within Infigo.

Tutorial Video Transcript

A transcript of our tutorial video, ensuring you can find exactly what you need, when you need it.

You can search this page to find the relevant time-stamp in the video. Also, this text can be used as part of the tutorial search feature.

00:00:08:17 - 00:00:10:04
In this
example, we're going to have a look

00:00:10:04 - 00:00:13:28
at how to assign our pitstop PDF profiles

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to our Mega edit products.

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Now they can be applied to Mega
edit products on both the standard editor.

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And when you've got the UI upload
editor enabled.

00:00:25:07 - 00:00:29:01
Now the UI upload
editor is a much lesser use scenario,

00:00:29:01 - 00:00:33:03
so we'll just focus on the main editor
and what this functionality

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actually allows you to do.

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Is to actually check PDFs as they're
being uploaded into the image gallery.

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So one of your users
tries to upload a PDF.

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You want to make sure

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that the PDF they're going to use on
their product is suitable.

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And this will tell you
whether that is applicable.

00:00:49:24 - 00:00:54:02
Now when you have PDF profiles
configured on your storefront.

00:00:54:11 - 00:00:58:17
So when you've got them actually
within this PDF profile set up page,

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you can see here, then you will have

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some additional configuration options

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When you're setting
up your Mega Edit product.

00:01:08:07 - 00:01:10:07
So if I go to my catalog

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and you can either create or navigate
to an existing mega edit product,

00:01:14:04 - 00:01:17:04
and we want to get to the specific
mega edit settings.

00:01:17:26 - 00:01:21:02
One way to do that is just a click
directly on this type option here.

00:01:21:22 - 00:01:25:27
we can click on the Product Details page,

00:01:26:08 - 00:01:29:08
and then go to Mega Edit Config.

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The settings we're looking for
are on the general tab.

00:01:34:11 - 00:01:37:09
If you scroll down a little bit,
you get these three options here.

00:01:37:09 - 00:01:40:29
Check PDF profile,
fix PDF profile and output

00:01:40:29 - 00:01:43:29
PDF profile.

00:01:44:24 - 00:01:47:24
And we've got a few different
configurations in which we can do this.

00:01:47:27 - 00:01:51:15
So the check and the fix profiles
and the names are fairly

00:01:51:15 - 00:01:55:16
self-explanatory can be used in isolation.

00:01:56:01 - 00:01:59:14
So the check profile can be used
just to check but not not do

00:01:59:14 - 00:02:02:14
any actual changes to the PDF
that a customer uploads.

00:02:03:02 - 00:02:06:12
The fix can be used on its own
so that whenever

00:02:06:12 - 00:02:10:10
a PDF is uploaded, if a fix is required,
it will be implemented.

00:02:11:09 - 00:02:13:20
If you're
doing either of those in isolation,

00:02:13:20 - 00:02:18:17
you would specify the profile
on this check PDF profile section.

00:02:18:17 - 00:02:21:17
So that's basically a step one.

00:02:24:14 - 00:02:27:11
Now we also have this fixed PDF profile.

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This is this is if we want to use
a combination of check

00:02:30:18 - 00:02:33:18
and fix in one product.

00:02:33:21 - 00:02:36:12
So this means that we'd be able to check

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the status of the PDF
that's been uploaded.

00:02:39:22 - 00:02:43:18
We then provide the user
with the ability to choose

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whether they want
to actually implement the fix profile.

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So they may want to just upload
a new version of a PDF.

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Maybe they've made a mistake,
or maybe they can.

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They can fix it easily so they might not
want it automatically updated.

00:02:57:08 - 00:03:00:08
However, if you want to give them
the option to run the fix profile,

00:03:00:23 - 00:03:02:09
you could put that in here as well.

00:03:06:17 - 00:03:06:25
And then

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the third option we've got
is the output PDF profile.

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So this is the one which.

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Does not actually occur
within the edit editor itself.

00:03:16:09 - 00:03:20:12
This is what happens on the output
that comes out of the Mega edit editor.

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So you send to basket and place the order.

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Once that process happens
the output file is generated

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and then the profile is run
on that output file.

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So within our example here
we have a grayscale output.

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And it just means that it will remove

00:03:37:17 - 00:03:41:10
the coloring from any output file
that's been generated of that product.

00:03:41:10 - 00:03:43:03
So let's see a quick example of this.

00:03:43:03 - 00:03:47:03
So I've got an example product here
which is using two profiles.

00:03:47:17 - 00:03:52:06
So in this particular example
if I just go in its relevant product page.

00:03:56:20 - 00:03:58:22
We can see we're using two different

00:03:58:22 - 00:04:02:17
We're using the check profile
and the check section and the fix profile

00:04:02:24 - 00:04:05:24
in the fix section.

00:04:06:04 - 00:04:09:04
The end result of this.

00:04:09:15 - 00:04:12:15
Is that we can upload a PDF.

00:04:17:11 - 00:04:19:14
The first profile is run
to actually check.

00:04:19:14 - 00:04:21:23
And it's
finding some problems in this case.

00:04:21:23 - 00:04:24:20
So then we provide the user
with the ability to also correct

00:04:24:20 - 00:04:27:20
the upload.

00:04:33:04 - 00:04:36:04
Looking at an alternative product.

00:04:40:00 - 00:04:43:00
So I'll go for this silent
fix product here.

00:04:43:05 - 00:04:45:24
And this is where we are
just implementing the fix.

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And no distinct checking.

00:04:48:14 - 00:04:51:12
And you can see that
I've not maybe counterintuitive.

00:04:51:12 - 00:04:54:12
We have not put that
in the fixed PDF profile

00:04:54:19 - 00:04:57:04
because we've only got one operation

00:04:57:04 - 00:05:00:01
I'm putting that in the check PDF profile

00:05:00:01 - 00:05:01:22
Even though we're using the fix profile.

00:05:04:04 - 00:05:07:04
The end result of this one.

00:05:18:19 - 00:05:21:19
If I upload a PDF.

00:05:22:02 - 00:05:24:00
It applies the profile

00:05:24:00 - 00:05:26:11
and then undertakes
the fixes straight away.


Step by Step Guide

When PDF profiles are configured on the storefront, options will be available on the configuration screens for a MegaEdit product.

Navigate to a MegaEdit product’s configuration settings:

Catalogue > Products > Product Management > Edit (Next to relevant product) > MegaEdit Config

There are three relevant profile options available on the “General” tab:

  • Check PDF Profile:Will use the selected profile to run the checks on uploaded image
  • Fix PDF Profile:Will allow the end user to "Auto Correct" their upload using any fixups that were added to the .PPP profile.  (making sure that Alter Input file true/false was set to true).
  • Output PDF Profile:Will apply profile fixups at the point the output gets generated.

Once assigned, those profiles would be used automatically for that product at the correct time.

Alternate Search Terms

Individual Search Words: Preflight, Validation, Correction, Automation, Processing, Adjustment, Enhancement, Optimization, Verification, Prepress

Alternate Search Phrases: Configuring PDF settings, Setting up preflight profiles, Automating PDF corrections, Adjusting output processing, Customizing file validation, Enhancing upload handling, Implementing automatic fixes, Managing file verification, Optimizing product configurations, Editing product automation settings