00:00:06:12 - 00:00:06:22
00:00:06:22 - 00:00:10:24
So let's have a quick look at a couple of
examples of the different profile types.
00:00:11:14 - 00:00:14:21
So you can see I've uploaded here
a CMYK check
00:00:15:10 - 00:00:19:07
a CMYKfix and a grayscale output.
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So I'll check profile
I'll fix profile and output profile.
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We'll start off
looking at a MegaEdit product,
00:00:25:23 - 00:00:28:23
which is just using the check profile.
00:00:35:11 - 00:00:38:11
If I try to upload a PDF.
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I see the profile starts
00:00:48:11 - 00:00:51:11
to run and reporting appears
on the right hand side.
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What we'll see here
is that checks have been run
00:00:53:29 - 00:00:57:08
and we've got a preflight upload failed
00:00:57:17 - 00:01:00:17
because we've got.
00:01:01:03 - 00:01:02:21
Full formatting errors.
00:01:02:21 - 00:01:05:21
And then we do have the ability
to download an associated report.
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Next let's look at a product
which is just using the fix profile.
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So this is where the fix happens
00:01:24:17 - 00:01:27:17
If it feels
that the actual file needs one.
00:01:27:24 - 00:01:31:05
So instead of reporting it to the user
and then giving them the option to fix
00:01:31:05 - 00:01:32:23
it, it will just fix it.
00:01:39:18 - 00:01:42:13
So you
see we're getting our report is being run.
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And then we'll get some feedback on
any changes that have been made and fixes
00:01:45:26 - 00:01:46:23
that have been applied.
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And again we can download the report.
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The next example I've got here
00:02:00:12 - 00:02:04:03
is a combination
of both check and fix profile.
00:02:04:16 - 00:02:07:02
So as I've mentioned
this will run the checks.
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It will prevent
present the reports to the user
00:02:09:07 - 00:02:12:09
and then give the user the ability
to choose whether or not they want
00:02:12:09 - 00:02:15:09
to actually perform those automatic fixes.
00:02:19:10 - 00:02:21:05
So the checks are being run.
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We can see there's a problem
and we can get the report.
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But now we have the ability
to auto correct the upload.
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That's when it will run the fix profile.
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And there we go.
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Now our
final profile is an output profile.
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You won't see any changes to the actual
00:02:44:01 - 00:02:46:02
product workflow
because as I've mentioned,
00:02:46:02 - 00:02:49:02
they only apply to the actual output file.
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If I take a look at my shared print
operations and locate a relevant job.
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Now remember that the profile I uploaded
was a grayscale one,
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so that just turns
any output file to grayscale.
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And you can see that's
what it's done in this particular case.
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So the output file that's now
00:03:05:03 - 00:03:09:05
available in shared print operations
and would be pushed to MIS or to hot
00:03:09:05 - 00:03:13:05
folders, has had those changes
applied from the output profile.
00:03:14:11 - 00:03:16:26
In this case making it grayscale.