Picture of Understanding Product IDs and Product Variant IDs in Infigo

Understanding Product IDs and Product Variant IDs in Infigo

1. Overview

This guide explains the difference between Product IDs and Product Variant IDs within Infigo, a distinction critical to proper configuration and management of your storefront. These IDs serve distinct purposes across different features, including inventory management, reporting, and discounts. Misunderstanding their roles can lead to issues like misconfigured discounts or inaccurate reports.

For additional information and detailed tutorials, the Infigo Academy offers extensive resources on a wide variety of topics. Visit the Infigo Academy to search and browse our content.

2. Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Contents
  3. Key Points and Takeaways
  4. Key Settings
  5. Comprehensive Guide to Using Product IDs and Variant IDs
  6. Scenario: Configuring Discounts Using Product Variant IDs
  7. FAQs
  8. Alternate Search Terms

3. Key Points and Takeaways

  • Product IDs represent the overarching product (e.g., "Notebook").
  • Product Variant IDs are assigned to the Product Variant area of each product (of which there is only 1 per product)
  • These identifiers serve specific functions in areas like discounts, inventory tracking, and reporting.
  • Using the correct ID for your intended purpose ensures seamless functionality.

4. Key Settings

Product (Product ID):

  • Path: Catalogue > Products > Product Management > Edit [your chosen product]
  • The ProductID is listed in the URL and at the very bottom of the page

Product Variant (Product Variant ID):

  • Found within a sub-page of the above product
  • Path: Catalogue > Products > Product Management > Edit [your chosen product] > Product Variant [Tab] > Edit
  • When on this page, the Product Variant ID is listed in the URL and at the top of the Info tab

5. Comprehensive Guide to Using Product IDs and Variant IDs

  1. Understanding the Basics:
    • The Product ID is the primary identifier for a product and is commonly seen in product URLs (e.g., /p/1234).
    • The Product Variant ID is used for the variant of each product and is visible in the product’s variant management section.
    • The Product Variant ID is largely a remnant of older Infigo functionality where each product could have more than one variant. This is no longer necessary, with each product only having one variant, however the different ID value remains.
  2. When to Use Product IDs:
    • To identify the base product across catalog views, storefront pages, or reporting dashboards.
  3. When to Use Product Variant IDs:
    • For granular, more bespoke configurations which specifically mention “Variants”, such as certain configurations of discounts.
    • An example of the discounts scenario can be seen further down this page.
  4. Locating Product and Variant IDs:
    • See the “Key Settings” section of this article.

6. Scenario: Configuring Discounts Using Product Variant IDs

A discount code required only to be applicable to specific products is not applying correctly, even though you have referenced the ProductID in the discount configuration.


  1. Verify the IDs in question:
    • Identify the correct variant ID associated with the product variation using the methods detailed in the “Key Settings” section of this article
  2. Configure the discount with the correct ID:
    • Navigate to Promotions > Discounts > Edit [your chosen discount].
    • In the Restrictions section, replace the product ID with the corresponding product variant ID.
    • Save your changes.
  3. Test the discount:
    • Add the specified product variant to the cart.
    • Apply the discount code and ensure the discount is applied correctly.

7. FAQs

Q4: Why do some configurations accept product IDs but others require variant IDs?
A: It depends on the feature’s requirements. For example, some configuration of discounts target specific product variations, while catalog views use product IDs.


For additional information and detailed tutorials, the Infigo Academy offers extensive resources on a wide variety of topics. Visit the Infigo Academy to search and browse our content.

Alternate Search Terms

Individual Search Words:
identifiers, configurations, catalog, inventory, discounts, reporting, settings, storefront, variants, productmanagement

Alternate Search Phrases:
difference between product and variant IDs, setting up discounts in Infigo, managing inventory with product IDs, understanding variant IDs, product variant configurations, troubleshooting misconfigured discounts, locating product IDs in Infigo, using IDs for inventory tracking, discount code issues with IDs, product variant setup steps