Picture of How to Update Text on the Login Page in Infigo

How to Update Text on the Login Page in Infigo

1. Overview

This article provides clear instructions on how to update or edit the text displayed on the login page of your Infigo storefront. If you are an administrator struggling to locate where to modify the wording for fields such as "Forgotten Password?" or "Welcome, Please Sign In!", this guide will walk you through the process.

For additional information and detailed tutorials, the Infigo Academy offers extensive resources on a wide variety of topics. Visit the Infigo Academy to search and browse our content.

2. Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Contents
  3. Key Points and Takeaways
  4. Key Settings
  5. Scenario-Based Guide
    • Editing Login Page Text via the Language Editor
  6. FAQs
  7. Alternate Search Terms

3. Key Points and Takeaways

  • All text visible on the login page, such as "Forgotten Password?" or "Welcome, Please Sign In!" can be modified using the Languages pages in the Admin panel.
  • Changes must be made under specific resource names for different text elements.
  • Text is editable only if you're logged in as an admin user.

4. Key Settings

Language Resource Editor

  • Path: Admin Panel > Configuration > Languages > View String Resources [for chosen language]
  • Explanation: This is where all language keys (resource names) and their respective values are stored. These keys control the text displayed across your storefront, including the login page.

5. Scenario-Based Guide

Editing Login Page Text via the Language Editor

You need to update text like "Forgotten Password?" or "Welcome, Please Sign In!" on the login page, but these options are not available in the Content Pages or Editable Content sections.


  1. Log in to your Admin account.
    • Ensure you have administrative access to modify language resource, such as Storefront Administrator access.
  2. Navigate to the Language Resources section:
    • Go to Admin Panel > Configuration > Languages > View String Resources [for chosen language]
  3. Search for the relevant resource name:
    • Use the column fileters to locate the specific language resource for the text you want to edit.
      • If you know the resource name, filter the Resource Name column, however if you know the exact text you're looking to replace, filter in the Value column.
      • Common resource names for the login page include:
        • Account.Login.ForgotPassword (for "Forgotten Password?")
        • Account.Login.ReturningCustomer (for "Existing User Login")
        • Account.Login.Welcome (for "Welcome, Please Sign In!")
  4. Edit the text value:
    • Click the Edit button next to the resource name.
    • Modify the Value field to the desired text. For example, change "Welcome, Please Sign In!" to "Log In to Your Account".
  5. Save the changes:
    • Click Save to apply the update. The new text will now appear on the login page.
  6. Test the changes:
    • Navigate to your storefront's login page and refresh to confirm the updated text is displayed.
    • You may need to clear you Infigo cache or browser cache if this doesn't appear immediately.

6. FAQs

Q1: Why can’t I see the login page text in Editable Content or Content Pages?
The login page text is managed via the Language Resource Editor. It is not editable through the Content Pages section as it relies on predefined resource keys.

Q2: How do I revert changes made in the Language Editor?
Simply return to the Language Resource Editor, locate the same resource name, and update the value back to its original text or preferred wording.

Q3: Will these changes affect other pages?
No, changes to these specific resource keys will only impact the login page.

Q4: Can I modify the font or style of the login page text?
Text style and formatting are controlled by the storefront’s theme settings or custom CSS, which are separate from the Language Resource Editor.

For additional information and detailed tutorials, the Infigo Academy offers extensive resources on a wide variety of topics. Visit the Infigo Academy to search and browse our content.

Alternate Search Terms

Individual Search Words
edit, modify, update, customize, change, language, resource, login, text, storefront

Alternate Search Phrases
how to update login page text, edit storefront welcome message, change forgotten password label, customize login page wording, modify login page language keys, update language editor settings, adjust login page text display, edit Infigo login page resources, customize user login prompt, change text on Infigo login form