Picture of January 2025 Complete Release Notes

January 2025 Complete Release Notes

January 2025 Complete Release Notes

Welcome to the full release notes for this month.

This page focuses on the facts, sharing with you the tasks completed by our development team.

Tutorials, explanations and demonstrations on the headline new features and updates are covered in the monthly "What's New" article (usually released in the first week of the following month).



Release notes - Venture - R25-03


VENTURE-9991 My Products Table Dropdown - Header text localisable

Release Notes

Added localisations in CERM for products table header items

VENTURE-7961 JS error after adding specification attribute option using text (not from options)

Release Notes

Small fix for mis button create function

VENTURE-8640 [CERM] Minimum/Maximum quantity validation

Release Notes

Adding the ability to take the quantity constraints from CERM

VENTURE-9025 Product selection table changes

Release Notes

Use backend pagination for the copyproducts from the old product management

VENTURE-9261 Hot folders and print locations strings

Release Notes

Changed namings/strings for Hot folder and Print Location area to be more clear and consistent

VENTURE-9396 Additional Address improvements

Release Notes

1.We updated the Additional address popup which can be added in basket: we updated Total price column to Additional address(es) total price
2. We will not show the additional address checkout attributes with empty values, but only show them when we save something in additional address popup

VENTURE-9465 Veracore Product Sync loses product category mapping data

Release Notes

We fixed a category sync bug to avoid the recreation of the existing category_product mappings

VENTURE-9607 MegaEdit Error in Job.Fields.ByName

Release Notes

Added additional check for the field name to prevent errors when the value is null.

VENTURE-9695 Content template module null reference exception

Release Notes

We avoid the cases when a content template is usable on another storefront from the platform(system) content templates as modules.
The content templates should not be shareable across storefronts, except the system content templates

VENTURE-9741 ME - output fail cause of not valid tint color

Release Notes

Fixed output failure caused by unsupported tint color format

VENTURE-9748 Product List Remediation and extra

Release Notes
  • Moved advanced search from product management into colapse component instead of modal

  • Search with debounce

  • Add go to product page button in the row actions

  • Search on filter change

VENTURE-9785 Connect Switch MIS plugin improvements

Release Notes

Some adjustments/improvements to Connect Switch MIS plugin

VENTURE-9859 MultiPart UI 'Version Drop-Down Menu' Font doesn't match page

Release Notes

Fixed the select versions font in versioning mode multipart editor

VENTURE-9900 ME - error on create page thumbnails with empty image fields

Release Notes

Fixed pages thumbnails issue in the ME with cdn enabled

VENTURE-9901 Refund stripe concurrency

Release Notes

fixed concurrency issues for payment capture and refund in admin

VENTURE-9935 Invent - variable data via csv not flowing (Text not wrapping in textbox)

Release Notes

Fixed wrapping text issue In Mega Edit preview with Batch logic

VENTURE-9954 IsShippingEnabled API and Products

Release Notes

Fix put request not taking "is shipping enabled" in consideration in the put request

VENTURE-9973 Adjust reopen order logic to work based ACL

Release Notes

adjusted delete and reopen operations for order to work based on acl

VENTURE-9985 Missing Minimum Basket Quantity message when using Quantity based pricing

Release Notes

Fixed not showing minimum basket quantity validation message when using tier prices

VENTURE-9987 [CERM] Ability to avoid requirements order filter

Release Notes

Added a new CERM setting - `Hide Requirement Orders` that allows to avoid hiding the Requirements Orders from CERM page which resulted in timeout.

VENTURE-10002 Fixed Rate Shipping - check for any shipping methods

Release Notes

We fixed a specific case for the "Fixed Rate Shipping" plugin, and namely to avoid cart loading errors when there are no shipping methods

VENTURE-10022 Wide size format dimensions and Connect plugins

Release Notes

We added a new setting for PQ custom product configuration:
Pass the shortest length as the width which will rotate the finished sizes of jobs passed into PrintIQ when necessary so they are uniformed and the shortest dimension is always the width

VENTURE-10023 2nd Round Fail for VENTURE-9486

Release Notes

Fixed the issue when the CAS auth didn't worked.

VENTURE-10039 Add new capture mode capture on approval

Release Notes

add new capture mode for capture on approval for authorize dotnet only - capture on order placement/approval. Now we will have a separated capture mode for checkout and for on approval. So even if you have approval enabled, you can choose to capture the payment on checkout with authorize dotnet. All other plugins that support on checkout, will work as they used to - ie capture the payment after the order is placed. If capture on order placement/approval is selected it will delay the capture of the payment until all jobs have been approved, or if they don't require approval it will capture on checkout

VENTURE-10097 Multi Part Products page throwing 500

Release Notes

Fixed issue where Multi Part Products page is throwing error in console and products are not loaded


VENTURE-7041 Capture on Approval

Release Notes

added capture payments on approval support. Added feature to recalculate the order totals when an orderline quantity changes or an orderline gets cancelled. Added support to approve payments that have authorized payment status

VENTURE-8699 [LabelTraxx] Follow up

Release Notes

Added the ability for LabelTraxx plugin to:

  • inactivate the LabelTraxx products when order is completed, cancelled or closed

  • sync the ticket tracking numbers from packing slips

  • mark the infigo jobs as partially shipped considering the packing slips shipped quantities

  • fallback to a default LabelTraxx customer id

  • adjusted the LabelTraxx artwork file name

  • added the ability to set the default ticket priority

  • fixed the issue when the Mis failed to notify on retrigger

  • fixed the issue when the Mis notify failed for orders which billing or shipping address country had more than 25 chars.

VENTURE-9230 Generic Pricing Script and Versions

Release Notes

Adapted Generic Pricing Script to the Multipart with version enabled

VENTURE-9486 More SAML changes and Logout Issues

Release Notes

Resolved occasional logout issues for specific login scenarios.
Improved reliability of login and logout processes.
Enhanced error messages to provide clearer guidance during login/logout failures.
Redirected users to the home page if logout is incomplete.
Simplified and clarified SAML settings labels for better usability.
Ensured default settings are applied if no configuration is provided.
Updated configuration examples to align with current standards.

VENTURE-9633 CERM UI search updates

Release Notes

In the Cerm plugin, there is a table in the UI section, where we added a new column,
Display Type. This decides where to render the column in customer/my account. If details, It will be in an additional expandable section, otherwise in the table itself



Release notes - Venture - Catfish Main Development - R25-05

VENTURE-6719 Tag Category search pagination broken when tag selected

Release Notes

Fix search by tags page.

VENTURE-9349 Site slowness

Release Notes

Improved the performance of some category/product page loadings

VENTURE-9444 RecordOrder Api handling

Release Notes

Api fix for delivery type being required

VENTURE-9541 MegaEdit Output - Pdf restrictions are not applied

Release Notes

We fixed an issue to avoid cases when the users can remove the watermark from the downloaded ME preview

VENTURE-9689 Checkout attributes display to 4 decimal places (for percentage price adjustment)

Release Notes

We added rounding(2 decimals) for the checkout attributes price adjustment in percentage.

VENTURE-9873 Edit options from cart - changes total QTY when sending back to cart

Release Notes

Fixed issue when shopping cart edit quantity using Edit Options not overriding quantity but doing addition

VENTURE-9919 [Invent] - Batch Barcode support

Release Notes

Was added support for the Batch Barcode in ME

VENTURE-9940 Downloaded Files Truncate FileNames

Release Notes

Fixed issue with downloading files with a truncated filename

VENTURE-9947 Additional address - wrong CompareAddress

Release Notes

Additional address bug fix for shipping address being charged when additional address charge more is in Order mode, not Orderline

VENTURE-9948 Fix confirm dialog to be disabled after confirm action is clicked

Release Notes

When clicking yes to update the quantity from approval table in customer info the button now will be disable to avoid multiple clicking

VENTURE-10086 Connect Flow - Error on download job ticket

Release Notes

We added a retry mechanism to avoid the errors on triggering download job tickets multiple times

VENTURE-10095 Fix Number of Approval/Work Items tokens not working

Release Notes

Fixed issue when using Account.NumberOfApprovalItems and Account.NumberOfWorkItems tokens '0' is always displayed instead of actual number

VENTURE-10096 Manage Tag Categories not Ordering as intended.

Release Notes

Fixed Tag Categories not ordered by display order in Category page

VENTURE-10236 [VENTURE-9633] Follow up

Release Notes

Adding new filters to the CERM tables from my account


VENTURE-8117 Product Version UX updates

Release Notes

Improvements for versioned multipart products in landing page, upload popup and in basket

VENTURE-8728 Prepopulate data script - Customer info address being used always even with a default billing address name

Release Notes

Was changed sequential order of retrieving customer data source information for the PrepopulateData ME script and InDesign ME script

VENTURE-9047 Payments integrations review

Release Notes

added HYP payment plugin. Create a base payment plugin to make the integration of new plugins easier to do

VENTURE-9753 Additional email recipients for an order

Release Notes

This update introduces enhanced control over email notifications for orders by adding new settings and migrating the existing configuration to a more flexible enumeration. These changes provide better customization and allow email notifications to be sent to multiple recipients, including impersonators, customer email, and billing/shipping email addresses.

Changes Made:
Migrated Existing Setting

Replaced the old boolean setting customersettings.usecustomeremailforcorrespondence with a new enumeration:

Label: Contact details for order notifications
Hint: Choose where the email, first name, and last name are taken, from the billing/shipping address or from customer details.
Customer details (default)
Billing or Shipping address details
A database patch ensures the new setting reflects the old setting's value:

True → Customer details
False → Billing or Shipping address details
New Settings Added:

Add impersonator email to BCC on order notifications
Hint: If enabled, the impersonator email will be added to the BCC if available and different from the order email.
Default: False
Add customer email to BCC on order notifications
Hint: If enabled, the customer email will be added to the BCC if available and different from the order email.
Default: False
Add shipping or billing address email to BCC on order notifications
Hint: If enabled, the shipping address email and billing address email will be added to the BCC if available and different from the order email.
Default: False
Updated Existing Label:

Updated the label for OrderEmailsGoToImpersonatorInsteadOfOrderOwner:
New Label: Order notifications to impersonator if available
New Hint: If this is enabled, all order notifications go to the impersonator email instead of the configured contact details.

VENTURE-9856 Connect Flow: Connect Link for Departments (passing ID as opposed to name)

Release Notes

New Feature: Department Details Mapping in Connect Flow
We have introduced a new setting in the Connect flow to enhance department details mapping.

label: Include department details
hint: If enabled, additional information about the department is included in the Customer and Impersonator nodes

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