1. Overview
This article addresses the scenario where a user on the public storefront wants to define an email address specifically for the shipping address during checkout. While this functionality can be configured from the Infigo Admin backend, allowing customers to enter a shipping-specific email directly on the storefront ensures smoother operations and improved reporting and notification capabilities.
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2. Contents
- Overview
- Contents
- Key Points and Takeaways
- Key Settings
- Scenario-Based Guide
- Scenario 1: How to enable email address entry for shipping when placing an order
- FAQs
- Additional Resources
3. Key Points and Takeaways
To ensure the shipping address email is used for notifications instead of the customer’s main profile email, you should:
- Set “Contact details for order notifications” to Billing or Shipping address details.
- Enable “Address email address required.”
These adjustments ensure the email field appears and is required when adding a new shipping address. This setup also ensures that the email specified in the shipping address is used for notification and reporting, rather than defaulting to the customer’s main email.
4. Key Settings
Setting 1: Contact Details for Order Notifications
- Path: Infigo Admin > Customer Settings > Contact details for order notifications
- Explanation:
This dropdown replaces the old boolean setting customersettings.usecustomeremailforcorrespondence
- Customer details: Uses the customer’s main profile email for notifications.
- Billing or Shipping address details: Uses the email defined in the billing/shipping address during checkout.
To ensure that the shipping email is actually used, select Billing or Shipping address details.
Setting 2: Address Email Address Required
- Path: Infigo Admin > Customer Settings > Address Email Address Required
- Explanation:
Enabling this setting makes the email field mandatory when a user adds or edits an address. By requiring an email for each shipping address, notifications can be sent specifically to that address.
5. Scenario-Based Guide
Scenario 1: How to enable email address entry for shipping when placing an order
Customers want to provide a shipping-specific email address during checkout, but the storefront currently does not show or require an email field for shipping addresses.
Follow these steps:
- Log in to the Infigo Admin panel.
- Navigate to Customer Settings to locate the relevant configurations.
- Set “Contact details for order notifications” to Billing or Shipping address details.
- This ensures that notifications draw the email from the shipping (or billing) address instead of the customer’s main profile.
- Enable “Address email address required.”
- This setting makes the shipping address email field mandatory whenever a customer adds or edits a shipping address.
- Save your changes.
- Test the storefront:
- Go to the public storefront as a customer.
- Add a new shipping address during checkout.
- Verify that the email field is now visible and mandatory.
- Complete the order and confirm that notifications use the shipping email address.
6. FAQs
Q1: What happens if “Contact details for order notifications” is set to “Customer details”?
If you set this dropdown to Customer details, the notifications will use the customer’s main contact email, and any shipping-specific email address will not be used for order emails.
Q2: Why is it important to enable “Address email address required”?
Enabling this setting ensures every shipping address includes an email, allowing for accurate communication and reporting. Without this requirement, users may skip the email field, resulting in missing or incomplete notification information.
Q3: Can this be configured on a per-storefront basis?
Yes. These settings are configurable per storefront in the Infigo Admin panel, which means you can have different behavior across multiple storefronts if needed.
Q4: Is this change retroactive for existing addresses?
No. Existing addresses will not be updated automatically. If you need an email for an older address, you or your customers may need to edit it manually.