0:00 So in this tutorial, we're going to actually have a look at how to configure the album management capabilities so that they're available on your storefronts. 0:11 Now this isn't really difficult to do at all, so all I'm going to do first is go to the media album settings area. 0:17 If you can't get to this for whatever reason, contact support and they'll be able to enable it for you. And whilst there's a lot of different settings in here to do with our media albums, what we're focusing on for this particular piece of functionality is this album management version. 0:35 So we had a couple of older versions here, which you can still access if that's more applicable to you. For this particular updated piece of functionality, as of January 2025, we're going to go on Enhanced Latest. 0:48 And click Save. what to do next is decide where exactly you're going to be showing this information. So, do you want it just available in, sort of, someone's account, so they can go to their account settings and see their albums? 1:09 Or do you want them to be able to place this on certain pages on the storefront, or you place it on certain pages on the storefront? 1:16 So, I'll show you both of those very quickly. to get it available in my accounts, which would look something like this on the front end of the storefront. 1:24 So, if someone goes to their account, they can go to Album Management and get to it. This way, this is just enabling one particular setting in order to get to this. 1:31 So, if we go to Customer Settings, easiest way here is to search for Album, and then you want to make sure this Hide Album tab is disabled. 1:47 So, that will actually show up the Album tab on your account settings. Once you've done that, click on Save. As for getting it to appear elsewhere on your storefront, this is done utilising the Layout Manager. 2:02 Now, there's other tutorials available for the Layout Manager. But what you're essentially doing is adding modules to different pages on your storefront. 2:10 So, in my example, I've already got it on one of my content pages. But maybe I'll go and do this on my homepage. 2:17 So, if we want instant access to the album management, for example. So, if I go, as an administrator, into my Layout Manager, specify where I want this to be positioned on my page. 2:31 Specify the module I want, which is the album management. And then say add module container. That will then place the album on the page for me. 2:52 it's as simple as that. That's it for the basic setup of the Enhanced Album Management. So in the subsequent tutorials here, we'll show you things more front-end related. 3:01 So it's how you actually create albums and subfolders, how you can upload images or PDFs using drag and drop interfaces, for example, and then some handy navigational tips. 3:12 And we'll also show you how to share folders with other members of your team.