Correct transcript
What we're looking at in this tutorial is the ability to customize the Tables that you see within the my account pages when you're using the connect CERM plugin So the tables I'm specifically talking about are the pages for estimates Products and audits that are specifically associated with information
drawn in from your CERM account So you can see here the kind of thing that I mean This is looking at the storefront from the front end And you can see that if I go on my products page, which is in my account section There's a table existing in there with a storefront And there's a set of columns available
in that table So things like images, IDs, order quantity, whatever that may be Now what we've introduced is the ability to customize which information is given priority in here So which information is within specific columns, which you need to be able to see very readily But which information can we
also depreciate into a sort of sub-set of a section, which I'll show you in a moment Now what we've also introduced, before I switch page here is the ability to search within here as well So a few search options for specific columns where you can refine down the list and find exactly the piece of information
that you want That's just there by default, there's no additional setup or configuration you have to do for that particular bit of functionality Right, let's have a look at customizing this table So if I go into the admin area of Infigo and I'm going to navigate to my Connect Plugins page and configure
my Connect CERM plugin If I go further down this page, I'll get to a UI section And that's very basically split out into those three pages that we've just seen, so Estimates, Search, Products, and Orders.
We specify whether or not those are available full stop, so whether the customer can get to them. And then we've got a drop down here which shows us all of the individual columns which are available in the tables on those specific pages.
So here are the columns on the Estimates page, columns on the Product page, and columns on the Order page. Now, what we have the ability to do in here is, first and foremost, we can disable columns completely if we don't want them.
So if I focus on that Products page we were just looking at, I could say, okay, if we don't want our Description column, I can just get rid of that completely and not show it. That's fine.
The other option we've got here is the Display Type. So there's one of three things this could be. It could be.
If, as we can see by default here, everything is within column, that means that information will be shown in its own distinct column in the table.
Another option we've got is Not Editable. That's where you cannot change it from being shown in a column. And then the final option that we have available for most of these is to switch it to Detailed.
And what this will do is it will move that particular bit of information into a subset of information underneath the main row that we've got within that table.
So if I switch a few of these, just as an example. So let's get rid of all this information from our main table just to tidy things up.
I'm going to go ahead and save those changes. And then once that's done, I'm going to refresh that front-end page which shows that particular set of columns.
what we can see there is that we've retained a lot of the information that we want in specific columns, but that depreciated information has now been moved into this separate section underneath every individual row.
So it just makes it much more user-friendly, much easier to navigate around vast quantities of data, which can be pulled into Infigo utilizing this method.
And that's it. So that's just showing you the vast customization capabilities of these Connect CERMspecific pages, estimates, products, and orders.