Show details for Selecting brand colours and fonts | BG_004

Selecting brand colours and fonts | BG_004

In this tutorial, we will modify the primary appearance settings of your storefront, focusing on branding colours and font.

Tutorial Video Transcript

A transcript of our tutorial video, ensuring you can find exactly what you need, when you need it.

You can search this page to find the relevant time-stamp in the video. Also, this text can be used as part of the tutorial search feature.

00:00:12:26 - 00:00:15:21
So let's take a quick look at applying

00:00:15:27 - 00:00:21:19
brand colors
and some basic fonts onto your storefront.

00:00:21:26 - 00:00:25:06
So what we have
here is our basic storefront.

00:00:25:06 - 00:00:30:07
We've not done much to it at the moment,
so it's mostly default in its format.

00:00:31:04 - 00:00:33:07
The only thing that would change
so far as we've seen in

00:00:33:07 - 00:00:37:26
previous videos is the logo
at the top of the screen, everything else.

00:00:37:26 - 00:00:42:18
So the font selection on the home page,
the font selection on other pages,

00:00:42:27 - 00:00:46:15
and all the different branding colours
that you can see around

00:00:46:15 - 00:00:47:09
the site

00:00:50:02 - 00:00:51:16
are all default at the moment,

00:00:51:16 - 00:00:55:10
and that's
what we're going to look at changing now.

00:00:55:24 - 00:00:59:05
So if I go over to the admin
side of Infigo

00:01:02:24 - 00:01:03:23
and what I'm going to do

00:01:03:23 - 00:01:06:23
is go to my appearance settings.

00:01:06:23 - 00:01:10:18
So this is the content management
and then appear in settings.

00:01:12:02 - 00:01:12:12
This is

00:01:12:12 - 00:01:15:19
the same place where
we uploaded the logo in an earlier video.

00:01:16:05 - 00:01:21:08
If you come over to the right hand
side of that same window, you can see here

00:01:21:08 - 00:01:25:15
the primary color selections
and you can already see how

00:01:25:15 - 00:01:29:12
those are starting to relate
to the initial storefront.

00:01:29:12 - 00:01:33:13
So we've got sort of a navy blue colour
and a lot of this which you can see

00:01:33:13 - 00:01:36:13
scattered around the site.

00:01:38:29 - 00:01:39:27
And then we've got our font

00:01:39:27 - 00:01:47:28
selection down here.

00:01:47:28 - 00:01:50:24
So defining those colours is really easy.

00:01:50:25 - 00:01:52:29
So each one of these is a color picker.

00:01:53:06 - 00:01:56:01
You've got the ability to either
type in a hex value.

00:01:56:01 - 00:01:58:03
If you have that available,

00:01:58:03 - 00:02:01:07
if you don't know the hex value,
if you only know the RGB value,

00:02:01:08 - 00:02:03:18
then there are online converts
that you can use.

00:02:03:18 - 00:02:08:16
Just type that into Google
and you'll find them straight away.

00:02:09:12 - 00:02:12:04
If you click on that, it's
also a color picker.

00:02:12:20 - 00:02:16:19
And what you'll notice is
if I sort of change that value

00:02:17:11 - 00:02:21:00
and then click off it,
I get this window appearing at the top,

00:02:21:00 - 00:02:26:20
the message appearing
that it will change the base color

00:02:27:12 - 00:02:30:19
and then all colours which derive
from the base will be adjusted as well.

00:02:30:19 - 00:02:34:17
So if I adjust the primary
or the secondary color, it might impact

00:02:34:17 - 00:02:37:16
on some of the color selections too.

00:02:38:07 - 00:02:40:16
So you'll see that, for example,
that I've changed primary.

00:02:41:01 - 00:02:43:26
So all of these are the boxes have changed
to the primary colors.

00:02:43:26 - 00:02:50:04
Well, I can change those individually
if I wish to do so.

00:02:50:04 - 00:02:57:24
Got my secondary,
but we get the same message

00:02:57:24 - 00:03:04:14
if anything derives from the secondary.

00:03:04:14 - 00:03:05:12
My text colour

00:03:07:20 - 00:03:10:04
my button colour that being

00:03:10:04 - 00:03:12:12
just the color of the button background

00:03:12:20 - 00:03:13:21
like so

00:03:18:24 - 00:03:20:15
my link color

00:03:20:15 - 00:03:24:04
and my link visited cover.

00:03:27:08 - 00:03:29:13
Now if I scroll a bit further down,

00:03:29:13 - 00:03:31:18
I've got some additional color
options here

00:03:31:19 - 00:03:35:12
that has to do with MegaEdit,
which is a whole different section

00:03:35:21 - 00:03:39:27
of Infigo's capabilities will be covered
in a different series of videos.

00:03:40:24 - 00:03:45:00
This just controls the color selection
for the MegaEdit interface.

00:03:45:22 - 00:03:50:12
And then a bit further down again,
you have font sizing controls as well.

00:03:50:25 - 00:03:55:22
So font formatting, you've got storefront
section and the MegaEdit section.

00:03:56:15 - 00:03:59:23
Now we're just looking at storefront
so we could change the size here as well

00:03:59:23 - 00:04:08:16
if we wish to do so.

00:04:10:00 - 00:04:11:14
So we talked about font size.

00:04:11:14 - 00:04:13:18
I can also change the front itself.

00:04:13:18 - 00:04:17:01
So there is a list of predefined fonts
that we can choose from.

00:04:17:17 - 00:04:22:24
We do also have the ability to manage
fonts on this or the tab here.

00:04:23:21 - 00:04:27:07
And again, that requires
uploading from an external location,

00:04:27:19 - 00:04:29:27
which again will be covered
in another video.

00:04:29:27 - 00:04:39:04
So today
we'll just focus on the predefined fonts.

00:04:39:04 - 00:04:41:02
Once you've made our changes,
we want to make sure

00:04:41:02 - 00:04:43:05
that we hit the save button
at the top of the screen,

00:04:43:06 - 00:04:44:19
otherwise these won't take effect.

00:04:45:23 - 00:04:46:21
And as soon as you get

00:04:46:21 - 00:04:49:14
some confirmation in the bottom right,
those have been saved.

00:04:50:00 - 00:04:53:00
If we go back over to our storefront

00:04:53:00 - 00:04:57:27
and refresh,
we should see those changes straightaway.

00:04:58:13 - 00:05:02:12
So based on my selection,
doesn't look too much visually different.

00:05:02:12 - 00:05:06:25
However, we can see the background
color of the buttons is changed.

00:05:06:25 - 00:05:09:05
The text font and color has changed.

00:05:09:06 - 00:05:12:17
If I hover over my links,
I get a different color selection

00:05:15:12 - 00:05:18:22
and I can see
I can see my branding colours

00:05:18:22 - 00:05:22:04
appearing in various parts
of all at this stage, very simple

00:05:22:04 - 00:05:23:01


Step by Step Guide

Selecting brand colours and default fonts

In this tutorial, we will modify the primary appearance settings of your storefront, focusing on branding colours and font.

Creation Date: Sep 12, 2022
Created By: Sam Webster

1. Our existing storefront

Below is an image of our existing storefront. Our logo has been applied, however the remainder of the branding is the storefront default.

Our existing storefront

2. From Infigo admin, click Content Management

From Infigo admin, click Content Management

3. Click on Appearance Settings

Click on Appearance Settings

4. The main colour and font settings are controlled in the Manage Theme window

The main colour and font settings are controlled in the Manage Theme window

5. Define your primary colour with a hex value or using the colour picker

Primary and secondary colour will result in automatic changes to several other colour options. Those can be defined individually when required.

Define your primary colour with a hex value or using the colour picker

6. Define your secondary colour with a hex value or using the colour picker

Primary and secondary colour will result in automatic changes to several other colour options. Those can be defined individually when required.

Define your secondary colour with a hex value or using the colour picker

7. Define your text colour with a hex value or using the colour picker

Define your text colour with a hex value or using the colour picker

8. Define your button colour with a hex value or using the colour picker

Define your button colour with a hex value or using the colour picker

9. Select your desired font

Select your desired font

10. Click on Save

Click on Save

11. Click on Public store

12. Your storefront will be using your updated appearance settings

Your storefront will be using your updated appearance settings
Individual Search Words:

Colors, Fonts, Branding, Appearance, Settings, Customization, Style, Layout, Design, Storefront

Alternate Search Phrases:

Changing storefront colors, Updating site fonts, Customizing brand colors, Selecting fonts for website, Adjusting appearance settings, Storefront customization, Modifying site layout, Designing storefront appearance, Setting branding colors, Applying custom fonts