Show details for Delivery/Shipping options - the basics | ID:BG_025

Delivery/Shipping options - the basics | ID:BG_025

In this tutorial, we will begin to explore the available delivery / shipping options available to Infigo users. We will look at: General delivery settings, Defining delivery methods, Inputting delivery restrictions, Delivery computation Infigo have numerous plug-ins available, linking to global delivery / shipping companies. We will briefly discuss the plugins available during this tutorial, however they will be covered in more detail during other tutorials.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:13:14 - 00:00:15:13
In this tutorial, we'll begin to explore

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the available delivery
and shipping options available to Infigo.

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will take a general
look at the general delivery settings.

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Defining delivery methods,
inputting delivery restrictions

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and delivery computation

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Infigo have numerous plug ins available

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linking to global
delivery and shipping companies.

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We will briefly discuss those available
plugins during this tutorial.

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However, they will be covered in their own

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areas and sections.

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So to begin with, we're going to navigate
to our delivery settings

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so I could get to it through our list down

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However, sometimes it's easier
just to start typing the area

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that you want in this search menu here.

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So go for delivery

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and I can access our delivery settings.

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So these general delivery settings
are used to define information which sit

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outside of other,
more specific delivery sections.

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you can define in here includes things

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such as the delivery origin details.

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So you can specify

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where your
delivery is actually being shipped from

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and whether or not you want to
sort of trigger a free delivery price.

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So for example, if you want free delivery
over a certain value of order,

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you can specify that in here as well.

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So there's other options in here as well,
such as estimated delivery

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and any delivery restrictions

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which are set up in a different type.

00:02:02:20 - 00:02:06:10
Once you've made the changes you want to
those settings, you just click on save

00:02:07:12 - 00:02:19:06
and then we'll navigate
to our delivery methods.

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So delivery methods
is the user facing side

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of how Infigo handles delivery.

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When a customer is in the delivery method
stage checkout, they're going to choose.

00:02:31:02 - 00:02:33:22
One of the methods that are configured
within this screen here,

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and the cost of the delivery
will be handled by the delivery

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rate computation configuration
against this delivery method,

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as delivery

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methods do not
handle any of the calculations themselves

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and are simply what the customer will see
in the checkout.

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They're going to be fairly simple
to configure.

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So first class and second class delivery

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methods are predefined on all of Infigo

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These are controlled from a platform level
and cannot be amended or deleted

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by the storefront administrator. A

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However, storefront administrator

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does have the ability
to define additional delivery methods.

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So if I go to add new

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on the top left corner,

00:03:21:11 - 00:03:23:02
that will bring me to a new screen

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which is allowing me
to define a new delivery method.

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And as we mentioned in the introduction
there, it's very basic.

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It's just

00:03:32:02 - 00:03:34:13
defining what that delivery method
is going to be.

00:03:34:13 - 00:03:40:05
And all of the calculation behind that
delivery method will be done elsewhere.

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So if I put something very creative
like my first delivery

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method, I can enter a description

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if I wish to do so
and I can control the display order.

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Now, we've seen that numerous times
in other locations.

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It's just where it appears
in the list of similar options.

00:04:01:09 - 00:04:03:11
So if we're
looking at a list of our delivery options

00:04:03:11 - 00:04:06:10
on the storefront, we can control
where that appears in the list

00:04:07:14 - 00:04:12:04
and I'll save that.

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And that's our delivery method
defined thus.

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That's about it, to be honest.

00:04:18:22 - 00:04:28:21
Next, we're going to navigate
to delivery restrictions.

00:04:28:21 - 00:04:32:03
So this section allows
a storefront administrator to define

00:04:32:03 - 00:04:35:19
any limitations
with any of your shipping methods.

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This is to ensure that customers
are only able to access delivery options

00:04:39:18 - 00:04:44:20
that are relevant to them
and to their locations.

00:04:44:20 - 00:04:48:15
So for example, if I go to add new record

00:04:52:06 - 00:04:53:10
and specify

00:04:53:10 - 00:04:55:19
something in here,
I'm just going to make it

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delivery restrictions.

00:05:00:08 - 00:05:02:20
You can have numerous sets
of delivery restrictions.

00:05:03:14 - 00:05:06:04
However, we'll just create
one for now and insert

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we can define

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define some additional details
by clicking the configuration

00:05:14:03 - 00:05:17:21

00:05:17:21 - 00:05:22:08
This is allowing us to further
define delivery restrictions.

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So it could be an offset
so you can set a delivery offset

00:05:26:08 - 00:05:29:20
where this is the amount of days
required for delivery after

00:05:30:04 - 00:05:33:08
the status
is set to shift elsewhere Infigo

00:05:34:07 - 00:05:36:04
or we can set particular dates.

00:05:36:04 - 00:05:42:15
So selected days are ignored when
calculating the execution time offset.

00:05:42:15 - 00:05:47:01
So for example, if we want to say it's
three day standard delivery

00:05:47:12 - 00:05:51:10
and we don't want to include Saturdays
and Sundays within that three days.

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So it's working days only

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that we can be selective like this.

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We also have the ability
to utilize calendars

00:05:58:23 - 00:06:01:08
that we've defined within our storefront.

00:06:02:01 - 00:06:04:22
We won't be covering that
in this particular tutorial, but

00:06:04:22 - 00:06:09:10
if you have defined a calendar elsewhere,
you can utilize it for this purpose.

00:06:09:22 - 00:06:13:18
And this is, for example,
if you've got certain days

00:06:13:18 - 00:06:17:08
within your calendar month
or a specific month where

00:06:18:15 - 00:06:21:23
your printing capability
is not going to be available.

00:06:21:23 - 00:06:26:00
So say the machine is being serviced,
for example, you could set up a calendar

00:06:26:00 - 00:06:28:18
which shows you that information
and then select that here.

00:06:29:03 - 00:06:37:00
And it will include that
when calculating the delivery offset.

00:06:37:00 - 00:06:41:05
So I'll save on there as well.

00:06:41:05 - 00:06:44:09
We've also got the ability
to apply country restrictions.

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So that's this tab here.

00:06:50:03 - 00:06:53:00
So this screen just allows us to select

00:06:53:18 - 00:06:58:03
the countries in which a particular method
is not available.

00:06:58:03 - 00:07:00:14
So we're going to leave first
and second class alone

00:07:00:14 - 00:07:02:20
as they're controlled
from a storefront level.

00:07:02:20 - 00:07:06:08
However, with our own modified
or specified delivery method,

00:07:06:16 - 00:07:09:16
I can choose the countries
where that is not available.

00:07:10:12 - 00:07:13:22
So let's say, for example,
that particular method is not available

00:07:13:22 - 00:07:15:08
in North America.

00:07:15:08 - 00:07:19:01
I could say United States and Canada.

00:07:19:01 - 00:07:21:20
Save that
and then that method won't appear

00:07:23:07 - 00:07:26:01
to those particular uses.

00:07:26:02 - 00:07:29:07
Okay, finally,
we're going to go to shipping computation

00:07:29:22 - 00:07:36:23
or delivery computation.

00:07:36:23 - 00:07:41:21
So from this screen, administrators
can define or calculate cost of delivery

00:07:42:06 - 00:07:45:12
along with defining the methods
available to their customers.

00:07:46:19 - 00:07:50:13
The methods displayed are a mixture
of those contained solely within Infigo.

00:07:51:00 - 00:07:54:03
So this is things such as fixed
rate shipping

00:07:55:01 - 00:07:57:20
and shipping by weight.

00:07:57:20 - 00:08:02:00
These are set up completely within Infigo
and calculated within Infigo.

00:08:02:00 - 00:08:06:06
And there's also a lot of options in here
which are going to external services

00:08:06:06 - 00:08:08:01
via available plugins.

00:08:08:01 - 00:08:11:21
And the primary example of
that is our easy post plug in.

00:08:13:02 - 00:08:16:04
Now this particular tutorial
will focus on the methods

00:08:16:04 - 00:08:20:11
that are internal to Infigo.

00:08:20:11 - 00:08:24:19
So what I'm going to do is locate fixed
rate shipping because that's nice, simple,

00:08:25:09 - 00:08:36:15
and I'm going to hit configure.

00:08:36:15 - 00:08:39:18
And what you can see here
is that administrators can define

00:08:39:18 - 00:08:42:13
shipping costs which are fixed in value.

00:08:43:02 - 00:08:46:15
So I was specified shipping
methods are all listed

00:08:47:00 - 00:08:52:22
and then we have a fixed rate
for each of those shipping methods.

00:08:52:22 - 00:08:55:18
I want to update those
values. I can just add, edit,

00:08:56:19 - 00:08:58:14
change the value

00:08:58:17 - 00:09:14:04
and update.

00:09:14:04 - 00:09:18:12
Next, we'll explore the shipping
by weight option.

00:09:18:12 - 00:09:19:04
It's crucial to

00:09:19:04 - 00:09:23:15
remember that before we do utilize
this methodology that all of our relevant

00:09:23:15 - 00:09:28:13
products do have weights assigned to them,
otherwise it won't accurate.

00:09:28:13 - 00:09:31:19
We'd be able to calculate
the total of the weights and will

00:09:31:19 - 00:09:35:05
not really effectively
be able to utilize this delivery method

00:09:36:04 - 00:09:39:04
and the method for doing
that is contained in other

00:09:39:04 - 00:09:40:15
tutorial videos.

00:09:43:07 - 00:09:47:15
So for simplicity, well, first, going to
deactivate the fixed rate shipping method.

00:09:47:15 - 00:09:50:03
So we're going to make it so that we can't

00:09:50:17 - 00:09:54:13
choose fixed rate shipping and it's
going to be just shipping by weight.

00:09:55:06 - 00:09:57:15
We do this by going to the relevant line

00:09:58:10 - 00:10:00:13
and then over on the right hand side,
we have edit

00:10:01:16 - 00:10:04:14
that just gives the ability to choose
whether a particular option

00:10:04:14 - 00:10:08:04
is active or not.

00:10:08:04 - 00:10:09:11
And then update

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and I'm going to do the same

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on shipping by weight,

00:10:15:23 - 00:10:27:05
so I'll enable that one.

00:10:27:05 - 00:10:29:19
So now let's configure
the shipping by weight method.

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So just go to the configure option
next to the relative

00:10:33:13 - 00:10:40:15
relevant line.

00:10:40:15 - 00:10:44:07
So the shipping by weight option
allows you to set weight

00:10:44:07 - 00:10:47:12
based on each country on your storefront.

00:10:48:05 - 00:10:51:17
This means that if a customer is ordering
a particularly heavy order line,

00:10:51:19 - 00:10:54:18
you could restrict them
to only having certain methods available

00:10:55:07 - 00:10:58:04
and you could charge them different costs
for different weight tiers.

00:10:59:09 - 00:11:01:23
So that this page comes in two parts.

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The top is a table of existing

00:11:05:03 - 00:11:09:03
weight tiers, which we've defined,
and then we have a series of fields

00:11:09:03 - 00:11:12:06
underneath it
which allow us to define a new entry

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into this table.

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So the information is looking for
we can specify a country if necessary,

00:11:21:15 - 00:11:25:12
or you can just leave it
as the default asterisk,

00:11:25:12 - 00:11:29:18
which will leave it as applying
to all countries.

00:11:29:18 - 00:11:32:20
You select the delivery method
that you want to apply this against,

00:11:32:20 - 00:11:34:19
so we can set this against
the one we've just made.

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For example, then we specify a weight
from an A weight to

00:11:43:09 - 00:11:49:17
so if it sits between these two values,
it will be a certain charge.

00:11:49:17 - 00:11:53:01
So if we go from zero to say ten kilos,

00:11:54:13 - 00:11:57:21
that would be, let's say £8

00:12:02:00 - 00:12:03:13
in the charge amount.

00:12:03:13 - 00:12:07:03
You also have the ability
to charge the delivery

00:12:07:03 - 00:12:10:09
fee as a percentage of the total order
cost as well.

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And we'll do that
on one of our other tiers.

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So I can add that record,

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you see, that adds a line for me
with all that information detailed

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and I can edit it if I wish to do so.

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So I'm going to define
two more records in here.

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One is going to be
a delivery charge of £12,

00:12:38:14 - 00:12:40:22
and that's if it's between ten kilos

00:12:40:22 - 00:12:48:10
and 20 kilos, again, apply

00:12:48:10 - 00:12:52:07
to the same delivery method.

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And then finally we'll do one,
which is a percentage.

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And that's going to be
still the same delivery method

00:12:59:14 - 00:13:02:10
it's going to be
if it's above 20 kilograms.

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So we'll go with 20 kilograms.

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We'll put a really large number
in there for the maximum.

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And then
instead of putting a charge amount,

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I can put in a percentage

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and then a percentage

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00:13:30:04 - 00:13:30:14

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We also have an option further down
underneath these definitions

00:13:34:07 - 00:13:37:18
which allows us to limit delivery options
to configured ones.

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So this option ensures
that only the delivery options defined

00:13:41:15 - 00:13:45:07
by records on the shipping to weight
page will be utilized.

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So it's up to us whether we check that

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and then save.


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4 / 5
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"Delivery" or "Shipping"
The terms "Shipping" and "Delivery" will be displayed differently based on the location of your platform, simply due to regional differences. If your platform is located in North America, you will most likely see "Shipping" referenced in the Infigo admin area. Europe will instead see "Delivery". The tabs in which this is seen, although labelled differently, operate in exactly the same way.
( 1 ) | ( 0 )
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Shipping settings
not delivery
( 0 ) | ( 0 )