Show details for MegaEdit Stock | ID:ME_003

MegaEdit Stock | ID:ME_003

In this tutorial, we will learn how to specify stock for use in MegaEdit and how to apply a stock to our products. Stock in MegaEdit controls the following aspects of a paper: 1. Color 2. Thickness 3. Weight 4. Texture

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:12:15 - 00:00:15:06
In this tutorial
we will learn how to specify stock

00:00:15:06 - 00:00:19:12
for use in MegaEdit
and how to apply a stock to our products.

00:00:22:01 - 00:00:26:15
So just to show you where to specify
a stock and similar

00:00:26:15 - 00:00:30:19
to a canvas, a stock is specified
independently from a product.

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In case we want to utilize the same stock
of multiple products with ease.

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So first going to go to my catalog

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Product types, a MegaEdit.

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And then you can see that edit
stock called mega.

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Edit stock is one of the options
in that subsequent list.

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So a stock, a mega

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edit controls certain aspects of the paper
that you want to utilize.

00:00:56:04 - 00:01:00:21
So things like color, thickness, weight,
and if you've got a texture.

00:01:00:21 - 00:01:03:16
So to create a new stock,
we just go over to the right hand side

00:01:03:16 - 00:01:06:16
and hit create
on the MegaEdit stock screen.

00:01:07:26 - 00:01:10:15
Then we get presented with a few options.

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So we have the name, which is just the

00:01:14:03 - 00:01:16:10
the name of the stock
that we want to utilize.

00:01:17:23 - 00:01:19:26
So I'll just call in general stock,
for example.

00:01:20:29 - 00:01:27:20
We have a description.

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So that's just for information purposes.

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We then have micron thickness.

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So that's the micrometer
thickness of this particular stock.

00:01:37:11 - 00:01:38:21
So we have price adjustment.

00:01:38:21 - 00:01:43:06
So each stock item
can adjust the price based on factors.

00:01:43:21 - 00:01:46:10
So there is a base price
that we've specified in the product

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that we've seen in other tutorials.

00:01:48:26 - 00:01:53:21
And this is a factor price
adjustment of that.

00:01:55:11 - 00:01:58:28
We have weights, which is the weight
of the paper that we want to specify.

00:01:59:08 - 00:02:03:09
In grams per metre squared by default.

00:02:05:10 - 00:02:06:14
We then have colour.

00:02:06:14 - 00:02:09:15
So this is the colour of the actual paper

00:02:10:01 - 00:02:11:27
This will not appear in the output.

00:02:11:27 - 00:02:15:00
PDF but will appear on the previews.

00:02:15:14 - 00:02:18:08
So just to confirm what this is,
is representing the color

00:02:18:15 - 00:02:20:17
of the actual stock itself.

00:02:20:17 - 00:02:24:01
It's not a color
that's printed as part of the job.

00:02:25:01 - 00:02:27:21
So, for example,
if we wanted to use a sort of creamy

00:02:27:21 - 00:02:30:22
colored paper,

00:02:30:22 - 00:02:33:09
I could find that particular color
that I want to utilize.

00:02:34:22 - 00:02:36:23
And that is of the actual paper itself.

00:02:36:23 - 00:02:42:09
Not that's not going to be printed
as part of our job.

00:02:44:20 - 00:02:49:24
Same kind of methodology
with this texture upload.

00:02:50:13 - 00:02:53:06
So you can upload a texture file
to be used

00:02:53:06 - 00:02:56:11
in the background
of your particular product.

00:02:56:26 - 00:02:59:11
this will not appear in the output PDF

00:02:59:11 - 00:03:01:14
but will appear on the previews.

00:03:01:14 - 00:03:02:11
So it's representing.

00:03:02:11 - 00:03:06:04
The texture of the actual stock itself
is not a printed

00:03:06:13 - 00:03:09:18
representation of texture.

00:03:15:00 - 00:03:15:08
So with

00:03:15:08 - 00:03:17:23
that information specified,
we can click on Save

00:03:19:02 - 00:03:22:09
You can see that stock is now being
applied with the relevant information

00:03:22:09 - 00:03:23:04

00:03:23:25 - 00:03:25:29
We now need to go ahead and apply
that stock

00:03:25:29 - 00:03:28:26
entry to our product.

00:03:29:02 - 00:03:30:24
So the easiest way to navigate to our mega

00:03:30:24 - 00:03:33:23
edit products is to come
to this dropdown list on the top right

00:03:34:07 - 00:03:39:08
when we've got one of our MegaEdit resources pages open.

00:03:39:08 - 00:03:46:03
And then there's a product section
within that, here

00:03:46:03 - 00:03:47:29
will be a list
of all of your MegaEdit products.

00:03:47:29 - 00:03:50:15
In my case, I only have one.

00:03:50:15 - 00:04:00:20
Go to the right hand
side and click on edit.

00:04:00:20 - 00:04:03:20
So it's in this page
that we need to specify the actual stock

00:04:03:20 - 00:04:05:09
that we want to utilize.

00:04:05:09 - 00:04:09:08
So if I navigate across to the stock tab,
you can see

00:04:09:08 - 00:04:13:15
I've already got my sample
stock selected here.

00:04:14:13 - 00:04:17:13
I can add an additional stock on there
if I wish to do so,

00:04:18:08 - 00:04:20:28
or I can just leave it as one option
by selecting

00:04:20:28 - 00:04:25:08
the original stock.

00:04:25:08 - 00:04:27:04
Save those changes.

00:04:27:04 - 00:04:29:04
And now let's take a look
at how that appears

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on our actual product.

00:04:40:29 - 00:04:41:11
So you'll see

00:04:41:11 - 00:04:44:05
there because I have multiple
stock options available.

00:04:44:16 - 00:04:48:06
I also have the ability to select
which stock I want to use.

00:04:48:08 - 00:04:51:13
If I only had one stock option
selected in those mega

00:04:51:13 - 00:04:55:08
edit resources,
then this option would not appear for me.

00:04:55:08 - 00:04:57:24
He would just use
the one selected option by default.

00:05:02:11 - 00:05:03:13
So that's a stock.

00:05:03:13 - 00:05:06:23
Any price adjustments will be calculated
and applied.

00:05:06:23 - 00:05:10:08
Of course, we haven't applied a price
in this particular product so far.

00:05:11:08 - 00:05:14:08
And then when I hit Start,
it will load the product

00:05:14:08 - 00:05:18:06
with the selected canvas size
and the selected stock.

00:05:19:05 - 00:05:21:12
So what we should see
when this product loads

00:05:22:09 - 00:05:24:23
is the color

00:05:24:23 - 00:05:27:08
of that particular stock

00:05:27:08 - 00:05:29:06
in the background.

