Show details for MegaEdit product properties | ID:ME_005

MegaEdit product properties | ID:ME_005

In this tutorial, we will investigate the Product Properties of our MegaEdit products. These consist of general product settings including; available number of pages, page pricing, preview options and more.

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00:00:13:24 - 00:00:14:28
In this tutorial, we're going

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to investigate the product properties
of our MegaEdit products.

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So these consist of general product

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including things
such as available number of pages,

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page pricing information, preview options

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and various other associated settings.

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The first thing we need to do is
to get access to our product properties.

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So if we navigate
to our MegaEdit products,

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same as previous tutorials,
this is within catalog

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product types.

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MegaEdit and then MegaEdit products.

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Once we're on this screen, we just
highlights the appropriate products

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and go to edit over
on the right hand side.

00:01:01:26 - 00:01:05:19
And then what we're going to focus on
within this tutorial is the Product

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Properties tab.

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So starting off with the minimum
and maximum number of pages,

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this controls the page quantity limit
for these products.

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So if the number of pages is not variable

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to set both values
to the required page value.

00:01:21:04 - 00:01:22:19
So for example, by default,

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this product has a minimum of two
and a maximum of two pages.

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However, I could set

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this to change, so maybe a minimum
of one maximum of three.

00:01:31:20 - 00:01:35:09
For example.

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And that gives my user
the option to start off with one page,

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but to add a couple of pages
at their own leisure.

00:01:46:18 - 00:01:49:04
we have this book layout option here.

00:01:49:10 - 00:01:53:23
So this specifies whether your product
is intended to be in a book format,

00:01:53:23 - 00:01:56:29
so it will generally control
how the layout will behave.

00:01:58:13 - 00:02:00:14
In our example,
we're not going to create a booklet,

00:02:00:14 - 00:02:04:04
so I'm going to just turn that off.

00:02:04:04 - 00:02:07:25
And then the last setting in this section
is outputs as spreads.

00:02:08:13 - 00:02:12:14
So this will determine
how your output pdf will be configured.

00:02:12:29 - 00:02:16:28
if you're creating a booklet,
you can choose one of the cover options

00:02:18:06 - 00:02:19:14
for our example will have

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each page as a single page.

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So the next section down
is price per page.

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So this is primarily for booklet creation

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with a dynamic number of pages, a price
can be set against each page that's added.

00:02:35:14 - 00:02:39:19
The user specifies a tier
and then a price per page.

00:02:39:29 - 00:02:42:21
So for example,
if I say insert price per page,

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I get there's a little dropdown appearing

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quantity less than so price

00:02:48:17 - 00:02:51:27
a quantity of pages less than that a price

00:02:51:27 - 00:02:54:11
per page.

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Also within that section,
we have the ability to insert a discount.

00:02:59:26 - 00:03:03:02
So this is focused on booklet,
or photo book customers

00:03:03:09 - 00:03:05:14
and is not generally used elsewhere.

00:03:07:06 - 00:03:10:24
So here we could insert a discount
based on product quantity.

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This would not display in the basket
as a separate discount.

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So as I said, it's not generally
used is in most cases

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administrators will want customers
to use coupon code to obtain discount.

00:03:23:07 - 00:03:27:05
So that usage can be tracked
rather than just being automatically

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applied to a product.

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Then we have a number of flags
that are available.

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So product property flags

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in here.

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Be aware of MegaEdit pricing.

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So during the setup of this product,
we have seen areas where price t

00:03:48:03 - 00:03:51:29
is a specified
and factor increases are specified.

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They will be applied
as soon as those settings are saved.

00:03:56:03 - 00:03:58:21
Should you wish to revert a product

00:03:59:09 - 00:04:01:27
to using the standard Infigo
pricing structure.

00:04:01:28 - 00:04:05:02
So what's specified in the product
variant settings

00:04:05:29 - 00:04:07:17
then the option you should click is in.

00:04:07:17 - 00:04:11:14
This list of flags
ignore MegaEdit pricing for

00:04:11:15 - 00:04:13:00
this product.

00:04:13:21 - 00:04:15:17
The other options in this list
will not be covered

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in this specific tutorial,
but will be covered in

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other relevant tutorials in the future.

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Go into the next section.

00:04:30:06 - 00:04:35:07
Down, we have the ability
to specify a preview type,

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so this specifies whether a product
preview will be available.

00:04:38:17 - 00:04:41:18
So just the choice because we know preview
and standard preview

00:04:46:12 - 00:04:48:09
coming down a couple of steps,
we have the ability

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to select a batch source.

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So this allows the customer
to upload a variable data file

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such as from a CSV.

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So this is useful

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if there are multiple data records
to be utilized in your dynamic product,

00:05:03:14 - 00:05:07:11
such as if you're creating a business card
for multiple people within a business,

00:05:09:00 - 00:05:13:09
this option selects the type of upload
the dynamic product will accept.

00:05:13:09 - 00:05:16:12
In our example,
will choose the CSV plugin.

00:05:17:01 - 00:05:21:06
So this is where users
can upload their own CSV documents.

00:05:22:11 - 00:05:25:01
Now we won't cover these last two options
in too much detail,

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but just to make you aware of what
they are, we have the page splits option.

00:05:28:26 - 00:05:31:03
So this is if you want to allow your

00:05:32:28 - 00:05:34:29
your output PDFs

00:05:34:29 - 00:05:39:11
to be a one single product
to be created as multiple output PDFs.

00:05:40:12 - 00:05:43:20
So for example,
if you were creating a book or something

00:05:43:20 - 00:05:47:20
like that, then you might have
two separate PDFs, one for the cover

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and one for the internal spreads.

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And then you have an output mega script.

00:05:55:09 - 00:05:58:15
So this is if you need to perform
some operations

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on your product
before it's sent off to the printer.

00:06:02:07 - 00:06:04:17
So let's say, for example,
it needs to be rotated

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before it can be loaded into the printer.

00:06:10:09 - 00:06:11:17
Make sure you click on Save

00:06:11:17 - 00:06:16:10
at the top of the screen
or save and continue edit to retain those

00:06:16:10 - 00:06:22:05
settings that you've changed.

