Show details for Boolean Variables | IV_013

Boolean Variables | IV_013

In this tutorial, we will learn how to utilise the Boolean variable type. This variable allows for a true or false value, and has a number of uses. In our example, we will see how we can link our Boolean Variable to another variable, in order to show or hide it.

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00:00:12:16 - 00:00:12:27
And this

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tutorial will learn
how to utilize the boolean variable type.

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This variable allows for a true
or false value

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to be returned
and has a number of potential uses

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such as showing it
hiding fields on a template itself

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or potentially showing in hiding variable
within our form, for example.

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So to begin, we're going to navigate to
our variables tab within the Invent plugin

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and click on Add new variable.

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Now there's a few different variable types
that we can choose from.

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In this case,
we're going to go for a Boolean variable.

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The setup of this one is quite simple.

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We just need to enter a name and specify
whether the default state of that

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boolean is true or false.

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I might say that my default state is true

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and then click save

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to link to our boolean variable

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so that it controls the visibility
of another variable.

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We're going to click edit on the variable
that we want to be controlled.

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So in the example I avoided up here,

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we only have one other variable
that would be visible on the form.

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If I go to edit,
you'll see that right underneath

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where we enter the name
and we have the type of variable.

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We also have the ability
to enable a parent variable.

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This gives us a list of

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associated variables that

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we can link with this one
as a parent variable,

00:02:01:24 - 00:02:04:24
and we can control
what happens to the current variable

00:02:05:02 - 00:02:07:21
based on the condition
of the parent variable.

00:02:09:04 - 00:02:12:12
So for example,
we can say condition to show this variable

00:02:13:25 - 00:02:15:07
is true.

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So basically when the parent variable
is listed as true,

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then this variable
will currently entering editing.

00:02:22:24 - 00:02:25:09
So the address is variable will show

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and then save.

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Now another thing we might want to test
with our boolean variable

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is the ability to show or hide

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entries on the template itself.

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So as an example of this,
let's say that we want to hide the title

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field here.

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First thing is
we need to make sure that this is enabled

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so that we're actually able to

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modify this

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field dynamically.

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And then we're going to go back
to our variables tab and set up

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some logic.

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So logic we've seen in one previous video,

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we'll do a very similar process here

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where I'm going to add a logic statement

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and then define a condition and an action.

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So my condition would be
that if the

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if the Boolean value is not selected,
then the resulting action

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if the Boolean value is not selected,
then the resulting action

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would be the one of those fields

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would be hidden.

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So I can select the field of interest
and then change the state

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based on this show and hide.

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And then just to complete that
statement will make an all statement where

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if the boolean value is anything
but not selected,

00:04:00:03 - 00:04:04:14
then we'll show that field.

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So there's two example sets of there.

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Let's export this template as a MEX file

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and imported into our MegaEdit template

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so that we can
actually see this in action.

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So with this template now loaded,
we can test that behavior.

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Now, remember,
there was two things that we linked to

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this particular Boolean variable.

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Both of them were showing and hiding.

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When this is set to true,
we see both the address variable

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and we see the title field
within the document itself.

00:04:41:04 - 00:04:46:10
However, if I deselect that option,
we can see the variable disappears

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along with

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the text frame

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