Show details for Connect: Tharstern - Connecting the Infigo and Tharstern systems | ID: CI_Tharstern_001

Connect: Tharstern - Connecting the Infigo and Tharstern systems | ID: CI_Tharstern_001

In this tutorial, we will learn how to connect our Infigo and Tharstern systems using the Connect:Tharstern integration plugin.

Tutorial Video Transcript

A transcript of our tutorial video, ensuring you can find exactly what you need, when you need it.

You can search this page to find the relevant time-stamp in the video. Also, this text can be used as part of the tutorial search feature.

00:00:12:06 - 00:00:12:19
In this

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tutorial we'll take a look
at how to connect our Infigo

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and Tharstern systems using the Connect
Tharstern integration plugin.

00:00:21:15 - 00:00:23:14
The first thing we need to do
is to make sure that the.

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is activated on our storefront.

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So first.

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Of all, if I type in Connect into.

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The search bar
and I want to start by going to connect

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Now connect settings and Connect plug ins

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are the two areas of Infigo
that we're going to be mainly utilizing.

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Here. If you can't see those as.

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Part of your setup, then.

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Please get in contact. With Infigo support.

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You can activate those on your system.

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So if I go to connect settings,
this is giving me

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a list of all of my available plugins.

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Your list will likely be much,
much shorter than this.

00:01:02:19 - 00:01:07:05
Make sure that the relevant plugin in
this case Connect:Tharstern is selected.

00:01:07:21 - 00:01:09:02
And click save.

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Scrolling a little bit further
down on this same page,

00:01:12:26 - 00:01:16:13
you can control whether or not
the plugin is handling price

00:01:16:13 - 00:01:20:14
and stock information,
so by default these will be set to non.

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However, you do have the ability

00:01:21:25 - 00:01:25:09
to choose from your available plugins
that handle this capability.

00:01:25:27 - 00:01:26:29
So I can say that I want.

00:01:26:29 - 00:01:30:08
Tharstern to handle Price
and I want Tharstern to handle.

00:01:30:08 - 00:01:31:27

00:01:31:27 - 00:01:34:03
So connect plugin to handle price.

00:01:34:20 - 00:01:37:18
This setting allows the retrieval of price
from the.

00:01:37:18 - 00:01:39:14
Tharstern. Estimates and that is.

00:01:39:14 - 00:01:41:28
Set on a storefront by storefront. Basis.

00:01:43:03 - 00:01:45:20
And then we have Connect plugin
to handle stock.

00:01:46:02 - 00:01:49:18
This setting allows the retrieval
of stock levels from Tharstern

00:01:49:18 - 00:01:51:22
rather than using the Infigo stock level.

00:01:52:07 - 00:01:55:05
So whenever Infigo tries to place
an order in Tharstern,

00:01:55:05 - 00:01:58:26
we first check whether the stock meets
the minimum order requirement.

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That is set within Infigo.

00:02:01:26 - 00:02:03:00
And again, this is done on.

00:02:03:00 - 00:02:06:18
A storefront by storefront basis.

00:02:08:12 - 00:02:11:26
And I'm going to make sure
I save those settings again.

00:02:11:26 - 00:02:13:18
And then I'm going to type in connect
in my.

00:02:13:18 - 00:02:15:11
Search. Bar and go to.

00:02:15:11 - 00:02:18:27
The connect plugins screen.

00:02:19:17 - 00:02:22:24
From here, you need to identify
the relevant plugin you want to work on.

00:02:22:25 - 00:02:34:15
In this case, connect Tharstern
and then go to the Configure tab.

00:02:34:29 - 00:02:37:19
Now from here,
what we primarily need to do is enter

00:02:37:19 - 00:02:40:14
our API and account information.

00:02:41:13 - 00:02:44:27
Now there is a very important step
that you do need to be aware of here.

00:02:45:05 - 00:02:48:24
So our outgoing IP
addresses need to be accessible to the.

00:02:48:24 - 00:02:49:16

00:02:49:16 - 00:02:50:12
That your Tharstern.

00:02:50:12 - 00:02:52:23
Installation is located on.

00:02:52:23 - 00:02:55:19
So if your team doesn't restrict access,

00:02:55:19 - 00:02:58:19
then there should be no additional actions
that you need to take here.

00:02:59:02 - 00:03:02:00
if your security policy means. The.

00:03:02:27 - 00:03:05:11
The IP addresses listed there can't.

00:03:05:11 - 00:03:06:17
Currently be accessed.

00:03:06:17 - 00:03:07:09
Then they will.

00:03:07:09 - 00:03:10:27
Require whitelisting.

00:03:10:27 - 00:03:12:17
And it's these two IP addresses here.

00:03:12:17 - 00:03:14:26
Just to be absolutely clear.

00:03:15:26 - 00:03:16:07

00:03:16:07 - 00:03:18:13
So now we'll
start filling in some of this information.

00:03:18:17 - 00:03:20:17
The first thing we need is the API.

00:03:20:17 - 00:03:22:03
URL. End point.

00:03:22:03 - 00:03:25:08
So this is the Tharstern API endpoint
which our.

00:03:25:08 - 00:03:27:12
API will communicate with.

00:03:27:12 - 00:03:28:28
This is generally a task for your.

00:03:28:28 - 00:03:31:01
Internal IT team.

00:03:31:01 - 00:03:34:15
However, if they require clarification
on this point, please do.

00:03:34:15 - 00:03:36:26
Contact Tharstern Support.

00:03:36:26 - 00:03:39:03
If there is a specific port. Required for.

00:03:39:03 - 00:03:40:03
This connection.

00:03:40:03 - 00:03:41:17
You will need to ensure that our IP.

00:03:41:17 - 00:03:43:21
Addresses which we listed a moment ago.

00:03:44:11 - 00:03:48:08
Have access to this particular port.

00:03:49:14 - 00:03:51:22
So I'm just going to enter the relevant

00:03:51:22 - 00:03:54:05
information into that.

00:03:54:26 - 00:03:56:19
Next, we have our email address.

00:03:56:19 - 00:04:00:04
So this along with the password,
will be used to authenticate.

00:04:00:04 - 00:04:03:14
Access to the API through the endpoint.

00:04:04:13 - 00:04:06:15
So I'm just going to take those details
as well.

00:04:07:05 - 00:04:11:12
Email address and our password.

00:04:12:05 - 00:04:14:16
We also need to enter an application ID,

00:04:16:02 - 00:04:20:21
so this will be a unique identifier
for this particular storefront.

00:04:21:03 - 00:04:23:02
This can be a random value. Or.

00:04:23:02 - 00:04:24:22
Something relevant.

00:04:24:22 - 00:04:27:08
Such as

00:04:28:10 - 00:04:29:19
something like INFACA001

00:04:31:25 - 00:04:32:03
And we.

00:04:32:03 - 00:04:34:02
Use this to generate the authentication.

00:04:34:02 - 00:04:35:28
Token for Tharstern.

00:04:35:28 - 00:04:37:29
So it. Is simply.

00:04:37:29 - 00:04:41:26
Required to be unique for each storefront.

00:04:42:19 - 00:04:44:27
Then also in here we want to input.

00:04:45:07 - 00:04:49:10
A. Storefront customer code.

00:04:49:21 - 00:04:53:17
So this may be different
for each one of your storefronts,

00:04:53:25 - 00:04:58:26
and it will be used to retrieve product
information from your Tharstern system.

00:04:59:18 - 00:05:02:17
So when we interact with products

00:05:02:17 - 00:05:05:20
from your Tharstern system,
this customer code must have.

00:05:05:20 - 00:05:06:09
Access to.

00:05:06:09 - 00:05:09:11
All of the products
that you intend to use, as

00:05:09:11 - 00:05:12:18
the system will only return products
which the customer will have.

00:05:12:18 - 00:05:13:07
Access to.

00:05:14:27 - 00:05:17:22
So whilst we're talking about this,
I do need to make a quick note

00:05:17:22 - 00:05:19:20
on terminology.

00:05:19:20 - 00:05:24:16
And Infigo department manages
a group set of users

00:05:25:01 - 00:05:26:23
such as those representing one.

00:05:26:23 - 00:05:28:17
Particular company.

00:05:28:17 - 00:05:32:13
Whereas an Infigo customer
is an individual user.

00:05:32:13 - 00:05:34:18
Of our storefront.

00:05:35:03 - 00:05:39:12
Tharstern's terminology is very slightly
different with a Tharstern customer.

00:05:39:12 - 00:05:42:28
Relating to a group of users
such as those representing

00:05:42:28 - 00:05:45:03
one company.

00:05:45:03 - 00:05:49:23
The store from customer code will serve
as the customer code of the default Tharstern

00:05:49:23 - 00:05:53:11
customer to use for creating estimates
and sending orders.

00:05:53:21 - 00:05:55:08
However, it is possible to assign

00:05:55:08 - 00:05:59:16
customer codes at a department level,
allowing more granular control.

00:05:59:16 - 00:06:02:21
Over which Infigo orders
turn into Tharstern orders.

00:06:02:29 - 00:06:12:27
And I'll show that in a later tutorial.

00:06:14:20 - 00:06:16:17
So I'm just going to enter a.

00:06:16:17 - 00:06:22:29
Fallback customer code in that.

00:06:22:29 - 00:06:26:17
And then the last setting we're going
to talk about on this particular tutorial

00:06:26:25 - 00:06:29:18
is the cache refresh interval.

00:06:30:09 - 00:06:34:13
So this is the interval
which the cache will be cleared

00:06:35:05 - 00:06:37:29
and we will request updated price

00:06:38:08 - 00:06:41:06
stock values products and so on and.

00:06:41:06 - 00:06:43:15
So forth. From Tharstern.

00:06:43:15 - 00:06:46:29
So this is measured in minutes
with the default value being 1440

00:06:46:29 - 00:06:48:01
that we can see there.

00:06:48:01 - 00:06:50:15
So meaning every 24 hours.

00:06:50:15 - 00:06:52:05
We do recommend leaving this at.

00:06:52:05 - 00:06:54:25
The default value of 1440.

00:06:54:25 - 00:06:58:14
When we collect information
from the Tharstern system, we pull the.

00:06:58:14 - 00:07:01:13
API and gather
all of the product information.

00:07:01:13 - 00:07:03:28
And store. It within our cache

00:07:03:28 - 00:07:07:01
This means we do not need to constantly
hold the.

00:07:07:01 - 00:07:09:19
API to. Ensure that we have relevant

00:07:09:19 - 00:07:12:06
within our system which can be mapped.

00:07:13:18 - 00:07:16:14
So the refresh the refresh interval
is the time between.

00:07:16:14 - 00:07:22:25
Refresh of this cache data.

00:07:22:25 - 00:07:25:21
So we'll come back to some of these other
settings in a later tutorial.

00:07:25:22 - 00:07:29:11
For now, I'm just going to click on Save

00:07:32:23 - 00:07:36:09
and then go back to my plug in list.

00:07:37:21 - 00:07:41:27
And from here, we just want to actually
test the connection to the Tharstern.

00:07:41:27 - 00:07:43:28
System is. Successful.

00:07:43:28 - 00:07:48:19
So back on our Connect plugins page,
find the relevant row and then click.

00:07:48:19 - 00:07:51:05
On Check Connection.

00:07:51:16 - 00:07:52:20
We can see there that my.

00:07:52:20 - 00:07:54:12
Tharstern Connection was.

00:07:54:12 - 00:07:55:23

00:08:02:10 - 00:08:04:13
if this link fails for whatever reason.

00:08:04:14 - 00:08:08:01
The first thing you should check
is to re-import.

00:08:08:01 - 00:08:10:01
Your input credentials and.

00:08:10:01 - 00:08:12:18
Your account. Credentials.
Just to make sure there's no mistakes.

00:08:12:24 - 00:08:15:27
As most times,
that is actually the problem.

00:08:16:19 - 00:08:19:25
Another potential issue
is the required IPs

00:08:19:25 - 00:08:22:04
They may. Not have been. Whitelisted.

00:08:22:04 - 00:08:23:02
So please see the.

00:08:23:02 - 00:08:24:29
Instructions either.

00:08:24:29 - 00:08:26:28
In step ten in the written tutorial.

00:08:26:28 - 00:08:31:01
Or earlier on in here to find out
which IP addresses

00:08:31:08 - 00:08:36:18
need to be whitelisted.

