00:00:12:21 - 00:00:15:06
In this
tutorial, we'll learn how to map products
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between Infigo and Tharstern
using the Connect Tharstern plugin.
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So how this works, Infigo.
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will initially retrieve
a sample estimate request from Tharstern
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with default values
provided and transferred
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via JSON file
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using the user interface
or advanced configuration settings
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that will see in this particular tutorial,
we can overwrite certain parts
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of that estimate
and then return it to Tharstern.
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The first thing we want to do
is to actually navigate
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to the product
that we want to set up the link for.
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So we'll begin
by going to the product management screen
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and then locating one of the products
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that we want to link.
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Now we set up this link on a product
variant basis,
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so you want to click on the plus icon
next to your relevant product.
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And then wherever you see this
connect link icon,
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where you can set up a link between Infigo
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and a third party system.
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So when you click the Connect link
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button, a pop up will be displayed
with the Connect settings.
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For this product variant.
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All we have to do
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is to begin typing the name of our product
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and then select it
from the filtered list of products.
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So you'll see there,
if I click on this external ID box
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based on the settings
we've already configured
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as part of the Tharstern integration,
all of our product
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details are now being drawn through.
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From there, I can select the
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relevant product,
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relevant product,
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specify whether or not I want to use live
pricing for this product
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and then hit save external reference.
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This will pull through the parts
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and processes
for this product from Tharstern.
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From here we just need to select the parts
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and processes that you wish to use
for this particular product.
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So, for example,
we can select a finished size
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and we can specify any of the processes
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that we want to utilize.
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that we want to utilize.
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And then further down from here,
we can see the parts,
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select the parts and the processes
you wish to use for this product.
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So clicking toggle advanced configuration
will reveal another couple of settings
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00:03:14:05 - 00:03:18:02
Now the estimate request mapping
that's displayed here has been generated
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from the part and process options
that we've seen further up the screen.
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So all the selection options
that we have available here
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now, the code
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that's in here is completely configurable.
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So this means that
if any additional mapping is required,
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the user can make additional changes.
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But word of warning,
if you are planning to use the
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manual modification
of the estimate request mapping,
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it's highly recommended that you complete
configuring the process and part settings
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prior to modifying the advanced
configuration settings.
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If you change any of the process settings
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discussed further up the screen,
once you've started making changes
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to the estimate request mapping,
it will request it.
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It will refresh the JSON script.
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So any changes that you've made to
this mapping will be lost.
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And then right at the bottom of
the screen, we also have the product type.
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This is primarily debugging information
retrieved straight
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from the Tharstern and system.
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Then apply the mapping by going further up
page and clicking save
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external reference.