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In this tutorial.
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we’ll learn how to begin
creating customized content templates.
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So content templates
aim to eliminate the need
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for HTML knowledge
to create beautiful storefronts.
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They do this
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by replacing the standard Code Mirror
editor with a series of simple inputs
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and controls to create the content
that works for you.
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Whilst Infigo, provide a range of default
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content templates
which you can use straight out of the box.
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We also provide users
the ability to generate their own custom
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content templates.
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Some thing to note on this configuring
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a content template
does require HTML and coding knowledge.
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However, once those content templates
have been set up and configured,
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it can be used over and over again without
the need to interact with any code.
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This makes them perfect for use cases
where a particular
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configuration of content
will need to be repeated numerous times.
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So for example, this could be
what you need to make identically
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laid out product pages.
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A person with HTML
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knowledge can set up the templates
and other administrative uses
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are then able to utilize them
and populate them as required.
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Over this short series of videos
will be generating a very simple content
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template aimed at showcasing
some of the key features.
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This includes things
such as the creation of input fields,
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utilization of custom scripts, and more.
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So to begin, we want to navigate
to our content templates section.
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Now you will likely need to request access
to this section from our customer
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support team if you want to use it
as it's not enabled by default.
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However, once it's enabled once
you'll be able to create content
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templates on any of your storefronts
or future storefronts.
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So once you click on the content templates
area, you'll see a list
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of existing default content templates.
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Any custom ones that have already been
made will be at the bottom of the list
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and they are the only ones that
are editable.
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The rest are
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fixed and can't be changed by the user.
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We can add a new content template
by clicking on Add New on the top right
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hand corner.
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We're going to start off
just by entering a name
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you can check
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for enabling or disabling
this particular content template.
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So if you want it to be
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a unusable, then turn that off
so it's selected
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and then it'll mean that that content
template is not currently in use.
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Enabled of course,
means that you are able to utilize
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that content template
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and click on Save
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and Continue edit
to fix that as a content template.
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And you'll see
we now get access to additional settings
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and additional taps.
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The first thing we want to actually do
is to define
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where the new content template
can be used.
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To do this, we go on the Settings tab
and what this primarily contains
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is the different areas Infigo
where we can use content templates.
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So you may be making this content template
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for a product
or specifically for categories.
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So you would just site the one.
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However, you can select multiple of these
if you want the same templates available
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in multiple places.
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So for this
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I'm going to go for a content page
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and then again
click Save and continue. Edit
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So I'll go back to General and next
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we're going to start
populating the HTML markup section.
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So this is the main HTML content
to be used when selecting this template.
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Later on, we'll make sections of this code
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However, for now, we will simply place
a section of static boilerplate code.
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So in our example,
we'll create a very simple HTML section
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containing a h2 title block
and a paragraph of text.
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I have some preconfigured code available
which I'm just going to
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copy and paste, and
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from there I'm just going to click
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Save and continue, edit
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and then it's most simple form.
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That's all we need to do,
but we want to actually see
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how that's going to be utilized.
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So what I want to do
first, we've specified that this template
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is going to be available
on a content page.
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So I'm actually going to go and create
a new content page to use this on
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and we'll use this throughout this short
tutorial series.
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So if I go to content pages,
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I'll make a new content page
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and then I'll save that.
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We can access the content templates
by switching the body
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editor type
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and then that will give us a selection
list of all the default
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templates, which are the ones
with the star next to them,
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or the custom made templates
which we can see down at the bottom.
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So this is the one I've just made.
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So if I select this, you see that that
custom template is now loaded, there isn't
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any additional settings at the moment
because we haven't specified them.
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now once we hit save and continue to edit
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and then view this page, the haz
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HTML markup code that we had
within the actual template itself
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should be defined to that particular page.
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So if I go and view that page,
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we can see there that we have our H2 title
and our paragraph description.
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So that's successfully using
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that content template.