Show details for Using repeaters to duplicate content blocks in custom Content Templates | ID: BG_ADV_CCT_003

Using repeaters to duplicate content blocks in custom Content Templates | ID: BG_ADV_CCT_003

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the Repeater field type within our custom Content Templates. The Repeater field type allows us to create easily duplicated code and input fields within the same Content Template. For example, if we require several text and image combinations (in the same format, but with different content) then we could easily accomplish this using a repeater. In this example, we will add a Repeater to our custom Content Template to allow the input of additional text and image data.

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00:00:13:06 - 00:00:14:14
In this tutorial we'll learn

00:00:14:14 - 00:00:18:23
how to use the repeater field type
within our custom content templates.

00:00:19:15 - 00:00:23:13
The repeats of field type
allows us to create easily duplicated code

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and input fields
within the same content template.

00:00:27:14 - 00:00:31:15
For example, if we require several text
and image combinations,

00:00:31:23 - 00:00:35:14
so let's say they're in the same format
but with different content,

00:00:35:25 - 00:00:38:23
then we could easily accomplish
this using a repeater.

00:00:41:04 - 00:00:43:09
In this particular example,

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we'll add a repeater
to our custom content template,

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so we'll have the input of additional text
and image

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The first thing I'm going to do

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here is add
some additional boilerplate code.

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This is not a necessity,

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but it will create
a completely new section on our page,

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allowing us to keep this section
of the tutorial isolated just

00:01:08:05 - 00:01:09:08
for additional clarity.

00:01:10:09 - 00:01:12:23
So I've
got a copy of the additional code here,

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which you will also find
on the accompanying

00:01:18:02 - 00:01:20:05
tango workflow.

00:01:20:15 - 00:01:22:19
And then with that separate section

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I'm just going to create
an additional field on here.

00:01:25:02 - 00:01:28:22
The same location
where we created the page title

00:01:28:22 - 00:01:32:23
and the description fields
in a separate tutorial.

00:01:35:15 - 00:01:37:29
I'm going to give this field a name

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and then select the field

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type of repeater.

00:01:47:27 - 00:01:49:29
Now, before going any further
with the repeater

00:01:49:29 - 00:01:51:12
itself, I'm just going to make sure

00:01:51:12 - 00:01:55:08
that the field is actually referenced
in our HTML markup code.

00:01:55:27 - 00:01:59:16
So I'm just going to make sure
that our placeholder

00:01:59:27 - 00:02:02:27
is in the correct location

00:02:06:07 - 00:02:07:22
and just click Save and continue.

00:02:07:22 - 00:02:11:07
Edit to confirm those details.

00:02:14:21 - 00:02:15:06
Now looking

00:02:15:06 - 00:02:19:03
at the additional data field
in more detail,

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you'll see at the bottom of this,
we have another code editor.

00:02:24:09 - 00:02:26:10
We also have another field editor.

00:02:26:10 - 00:02:31:04
These are basically nested
within the actual repeater field itself.

00:02:31:14 - 00:02:33:22
So we can create isolated
sections of code.

00:02:35:10 - 00:02:39:03
The process is virtually identical
to the creation of HTML markup

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and fields that we've done already.

00:02:43:15 - 00:02:47:26
The primary difference
is that the section is isolated.

00:02:47:28 - 00:02:52:14
I mean, we can easily duplicate
its contents within the content template.

00:02:53:10 - 00:02:54:10
So the same as before.

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I'm just going to create
a couple of new fields in here.

00:02:57:27 - 00:03:02:16
Two new examples for this particular one,
we're going to have a text area

00:03:02:16 - 00:03:05:18
where we can write a paragraph of text
if we wanted to,

00:03:05:28 - 00:03:08:20
and an image field.

00:03:08:20 - 00:03:12:03
Well, just create those very quickly.

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So text as a text area, an image

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as an image field type.

00:03:29:05 - 00:03:30:05
Now we need to put some

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boilerplate code
within our repeater itself

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and then replace certain parts
of that boilerplate code

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with our placeholders,
the same as we did with the top level

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HTML markup.

00:04:02:14 - 00:04:03:09
With those two place

00:04:03:09 - 00:04:06:23
holders in place,
I can go save and continue.

00:04:06:23 - 00:04:08:27

00:04:09:23 - 00:04:11:10
Now the same as we've done previously.

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I'm now just going to go towards
the actual content page itself,

00:04:15:01 - 00:04:18:12
making sure that we're using
that same content template.

00:04:19:14 - 00:04:22:20
So I've already got it open on a separate
tab, so I'll just refresh that page.

00:04:23:18 - 00:04:26:03
Now what you'll see
is that our additional data section

00:04:26:03 - 00:04:30:14
that we've just made is now visible,
although it currently has no content.

00:04:31:08 - 00:04:35:11
So by default, repeater content
is excluded until specifically added.

00:04:35:24 - 00:04:39:15
So each click of the add new button
down on the bottom right here

00:04:40:26 - 00:04:42:11
will add a new instance of

00:04:42:11 - 00:04:45:24
our repeater HTML code
and its associated fields,

00:04:46:04 - 00:04:50:09
allowing different data
to be placed in each one.

00:04:50:14 - 00:04:53:18
So for example,
if I click Add New couple of times,

00:04:54:06 - 00:04:58:29
we get a repeated instance
of that additional data section,

00:04:59:09 - 00:05:02:27
but we can put different data in each one.

00:05:06:00 - 00:05:09:27
So I'll just populate this data
very quickly

00:05:13:01 - 00:05:13:19
and then I'll click

00:05:13:19 - 00:05:14:28

00:05:14:28 - 00:05:18:05
And what we should see now, if we actually
view that page on the frontend,

00:05:18:22 - 00:05:21:15
is that we'll have
a separate section of the page

00:05:23:14 - 00:05:25:15
where we've now got our repeated

00:05:26:26 - 00:05:27:24
code block.

00:05:27:24 - 00:05:31:11
So we've got additional text one
an image, an additional text two

00:05:31:11 - 00:05:33:12
and an image.

