Picture of Tag Category Search | GT_PR_011

Tag Category Search | GT_PR_011

Infigo gives you the ability to apply a tag search to your categories, allowing your users to view all of the products within a particular category then filter the results to find exactly what they need. This action is undertaken using a range of Tag features available within Infigo, namely: Product Tags - Individual tags that are applied to products. Multiple tags can be applied to a single product, whilst multiple products can be given a single tag. Tag Categories - A grouping of tags, such as "pens" and "notebooks" and "mugs" tags being grouped within the "Office supplies" tag category. Tag Category Search Sets - The ability to group multiple tag categories within a single search. These search sets can be applied to a regular product category, meaning you can filter between its contained tag categories.

Tutorial Video Transcript

A transcript of our tutorial video, ensuring you can find exactly what you need, when you need it.

You can search this page to find the relevant time-stamp in the video. Also, this text can be used as part of the tutorial search feature.

00:00:14:24 - 00:00:15:22
Infigo gives you the

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ability to apply a tag
search to your categories,

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allowing users to view all of the products
within a particular category

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and then filter the results
to find exactly what they need.

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This action is undertaken

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using a range of tagging features
available within Infigo.

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So we have product tags.

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So these are individual tags
that are applied to our products.

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Multiple tags
can be applied to a single product whilst

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multiple products
can also be given a single tag.

00:00:46:00 - 00:00:47:26
Next, we have tag categories.

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So this is a grouping of product tags

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such as pens or notebooks and mugs.

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Those might be individual tags
and then they might be grouped

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within the office supplies tag category.

00:01:02:14 - 00:01:05:16
And finally,
we have the tag category search sets.

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So this is the ability to group

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multiple tag categories together
within a single search.

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These search sets can be applied
to a regular product category,

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meaning you can filter
between its contained tag categories.

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So to

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we're going to create some tag categories.

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So if I navigate to that particular page
with it Infigo,

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so if I just type tag and go to tag

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this gives us a screen where we can create

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new records for our tag categories.

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So if I click add
new record up in the top corner

00:01:43:19 - 00:01:45:19
and at this stage
all I want to do is create

00:01:45:19 - 00:01:48:28
a tag category name

00:02:00:18 - 00:02:04:22
and then insert.

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I can click on the ‘+’ icon to expand

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the contents
of that particular tag category.

00:02:11:20 - 00:02:15:03
And what that will show me
is all of my available product tags

00:02:15:11 - 00:02:18:02
where I can select
one or multiple within here.

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So I select the product tags
I want to include within that category

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and click on save changes.

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From this screen, I can also add new tags.

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And just give us a summary of the selected
tags just as

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a sanity check.

00:02:38:11 - 00:02:38:23
In this

00:02:38:23 - 00:02:41:14
example, we've created two tag categories.

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One category contains the new tags
that we created in a previous tutorial,

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and the other contains
the product type tags

00:02:50:18 - 00:02:54:17
which are associated with
some of our products we're using.

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For this example.

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Next, we're going to navigate to our tag

00:03:00:08 - 00:03:03:08
category search sets.

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So again, this has its own separate page.

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I can get to it
just by searching for tag and tag.

00:03:08:11 - 00:03:13:05
Category Search sets.

00:03:13:05 - 00:03:14:19
This works in a very similar way,

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and we're going to add a new record
to the search set

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and then assign it a name.

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Click on the plus icon to show
what's included within that search set.

00:03:38:21 - 00:03:42:02
And we can see that
that we have our tag categories

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that we just created
that we are able to choose from.

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So for this example,
I'll choose both of those

00:03:49:03 - 00:03:49:10
and I'll

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click Save.

00:04:01:17 - 00:04:03:05
So these tag category

00:04:03:05 - 00:04:07:14
search sets are assigned on a category
by category basis.

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So the next thing we need to do
is to actually navigate to our individual

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categories and select
if we want to show the tag category

00:04:15:26 - 00:04:18:26
filtering capability
and which of the search sets

00:04:18:26 - 00:04:21:22
we want to include
on that particular category.

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So if I go to my menu search and search

00:04:25:14 - 00:04:29:28
for categories, manage categories,
that's my regular

00:04:31:01 - 00:04:32:27
level categories that we work with.

00:04:32:27 - 00:04:34:03
in Infigo.

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and click on edit
next to my relevant category

00:04:41:26 - 00:04:42:08
next, I'm

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going to go ahead to my display settings

00:04:45:23 - 00:04:48:14
and then right down
to the bottom of those display settings,

00:04:48:14 - 00:04:51:08
you'll see that there is a show
tag filtering option

00:04:51:20 - 00:04:55:20
which will enable that
filtering capability on our product page,

00:04:55:23 - 00:04:59:27
on our category page,
and then we have our target category set.

00:04:59:28 - 00:05:01:05
So this is the

00:05:02:10 - 00:05:04:25
tag category
search sets that we just created.

00:05:04:25 - 00:05:08:19
It gives us the ability to select
the one we want

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that we want to utilize.

00:05:15:01 - 00:05:17:13
I'll go ahead and save that

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and then I'm going
to view the category page

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and what you can see there in addition
to the usual category list that

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you might have as part of your category,
we now have this tag filtering capability.

00:05:35:23 - 00:05:37:25
And based on how we've set this up,
you can see

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we have two major categories
within our filter.

00:05:41:28 - 00:05:44:27
So our new tags and our product types.

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And then within
each of those tag categories,

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we have the individual tags
that we can select between.

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So hopefully this

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explains why we need to go through all
those different levels of specification

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and how this works.

00:06:00:14 - 00:06:03:18
So for example, if I only wanted to see

00:06:03:18 - 00:06:06:00
product type
one and product type two categories,

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quick search and it will just show me

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those related products.

00:06:17:00 - 00:06:21:14
we can also enable a setting
allowing the update to be automatic

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when a new filter is clicked,
rather than having to manually

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click the search button.

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So to do this, we need to navigate
to our catalog settings.

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So within the admin area of Infigo,

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I go to my catalog settings.

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You can search for tag if you want to
find it in a slightly easier way.

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Or in this case, if you go
right down to the bottom of the screen,

00:06:48:26 - 00:06:54:01
we've got this option here,
which is tag search, trigger on change.

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Click Save
to make sure those settings are applied.

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And then I'm just going to go
and refresh my category page.

00:07:03:28 - 00:07:06:13
And what you can see now
is that the search button has disappeared.

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And when I click on one of my filters,
the list of properties

00:07:10:29 - 00:07:13:28
should automatically refresh.

00:07:13:28 - 00:07:25:07
should automatically refresh.

