Picture of Configure and enable the default approval workflow | BG_038

Configure and enable the default approval workflow | BG_038

The approval workflow allows you to configure a storefront so that orders placed by certain customers need to be verified by a designated approver prior to being added to the main workflow. Order approval works in two ways: Customer submits an order as normal, and approval takes place between submission and order arriving in print operations (Type 1) Customer creates variable print, submits it for approval and the approval process skips delivery and billing details (Type 2) Please Note Registered Customer and Approver must be in the same Department. Up to three Approvers can be linked to each Department. Approval can be Storefront wide or against specific products.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:07:11 - 00:00:10:16
The approval workflow
allows you to configure a storefront

00:00:10:16 - 00:00:14:12
so that orders placed by certain
customers need to be verified

00:00:14:20 - 00:00:17:12
by a designated approver prior
to being added

00:00:17:12 - 00:00:20:01
to the main workflow.

00:00:20:01 - 00:00:22:13
So order approval works in one of two ways

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and will go through them
both in the next few tutorials.

00:00:25:14 - 00:00:29:22
A customer can submit an order as normal
and the approval then takes place

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between the submission and the order
arriving in shared prints operations.

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That's what we call type one.

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And then type two is
where the customer creates

00:00:38:21 - 00:00:43:03
variable print, submits it for approval,
and then the approval process

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skips delivery and billing details
that type to

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give some generalized notes
around this as well.

00:00:50:08 - 00:00:54:08
Please keep in mind
that registered customers and approvers

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must be within the same department,
so we'll cover that in a second.

00:00:58:07 - 00:01:01:03
Up to three
approvers can be linked to each department

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and then approval can be storefront

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or it can be against specific products.

00:01:07:13 - 00:01:13:21
And that will be
that will be covered in a later tutorial.

00:01:13:21 - 00:01:16:07
So our starting point here
in this example,

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we've already have certain conditions

00:01:19:20 - 00:01:23:05
which are required
for this approval workflow.

00:01:23:05 - 00:01:25:17
Why just go to departments
to start off with?

00:01:25:17 - 00:01:29:07
So a department has already been created
and set up.

00:01:29:07 - 00:01:31:23
There's other tutorials
if you need to figure out how to do that

00:01:32:09 - 00:01:35:09
and we've got two or more uses
created as well,

00:01:35:26 - 00:01:38:28
and at least one of these
is going to be the designated approver.

00:01:39:24 - 00:01:42:29
And these users have been placed
inside the department

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that we've created.

00:01:46:28 - 00:01:49:24
We've also created one
or two little sample products as well,

00:01:50:03 - 00:01:57:29
but apart from that, it's
a completely clean storefront, right?

00:01:57:29 - 00:02:02:17
So the first thing we're going to do
is to actually specify one of these users,

00:02:02:17 - 00:02:05:10
one of these customers as an approver.

00:02:05:23 - 00:02:08:15
So I'm going to navigate to my customer

00:02:08:15 - 00:02:13:07

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click on edit next to the user that
requires the approver status.

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And then this user can be granted

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approval status, which is available
as a default customer role.

00:02:23:27 - 00:02:26:19
So if I go and click on customer role

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just make sure that approver is selected

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and then click Save.

00:02:39:21 - 00:02:43:14
We're now going to click edit next to
the registered user, which in this case is

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this one here

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and now we must define the approver

00:02:51:04 - 00:02:54:22
for this registered user.

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So to do this we go over to
the Departments and Customer Relationships

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tab. You can see there the department
that this customer was already placed in.

00:03:02:21 - 00:03:06:18
You can change that if you need to do so.

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And then scrolling further down,

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you have relationships by department.

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So there's two options in there.

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One is the approver
which we're covering in this series,

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and the other is budget management, which
we're not going to be covering right now.

00:03:24:24 - 00:03:26:21
So if I go for a approver,

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that shows me all of the available users
in the same department,

00:03:30:06 - 00:03:33:16
and I've just got to make sure
that the one I want as the approver

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for this current user is highlighted.

00:03:37:09 - 00:03:40:21
So you can see I've already got checked
the approver user.

00:03:41:10 - 00:03:43:13
That means they are going to approve
any order

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that this user submits.

00:03:47:07 - 00:03:48:12
We'll go ahead and save that

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for next.

00:03:51:06 - 00:03:54:20
All we need to do is to activate
the approval workflow itself.

00:03:54:20 - 00:03:56:05
Now there's loads of settings

00:03:56:05 - 00:03:59:15
related to the approval workflow,
so it's got its own area.

00:04:00:06 - 00:04:02:28
If I just start typing approval

00:04:02:28 - 00:04:06:10
approval workflow settings
and you can see we've got all of these

00:04:06:10 - 00:04:13:05
configuration options here, most of which
will be covered in a different tutorial.

00:04:13:05 - 00:04:16:16
So by default
your workflow will be disabled.

00:04:16:16 - 00:04:18:28
So this check,
this checkbox will be disabled.

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All you need to do to enable the workflow
in its default and most simplified form

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is to make sure that checkbox is turned on

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and then click Save.

00:04:34:01 - 00:04:37:16
So the default approval workflow
configuration is now available

00:04:37:24 - 00:04:40:02
on your storefront.

