Picture of Renaming frames in Invent | IV_017

Renaming frames in Invent | IV_017

In some scenarios within Invent, particularly when setting up variable logic, you will need to identify which frame on your artwork is being used. The default naming convention is a numerical ID number and does not make it easy to establish a connection between ID and the frame it represents. We can rename the frame within InDesign, which is then also picked up by Invent.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:07:06 - 00:00:07:18
In some

00:00:07:18 - 00:00:11:11
scenarios with Invent, particularly
when setting up variable logic,

00:00:11:19 - 00:00:15:19
you will need to identify
which frame on your artwork is being used.

00:00:16:11 - 00:00:19:15
The default naming
convention is a numerical ID number,

00:00:19:15 - 00:00:23:03
which doesn't really make it easy
to establish a connection between the ID

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and the frame it represents.

00:00:25:04 - 00:00:28:06
So what we can do
is rename the frame within InDesign,

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which is then also picked up by Invent

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when creating variable logic.

00:00:36:05 - 00:00:40:21
You may notice that the Fields section
is populated with quite unhelpful

00:00:40:21 - 00:00:45:10
ID numbers for your dynamic frames.

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Now what we actually want to do as part of
this tutorial is rename those ID numbers

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so they actually have some relation
to the frames that they represent.

00:00:54:27 - 00:00:59:23
We start off here by going to the Layers
tab within InDesign itself.

00:00:59:23 - 00:01:02:26
So this is an InDesign feature
rather than Invent

00:01:03:05 - 00:01:06:13
and it's this icon here.

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If you

00:01:08:24 - 00:01:11:28
can't see the icon for whatever reason,
then you can activate.

00:01:11:28 - 00:01:14:27
The Layers tab
by going to the window dropdown

00:01:15:13 - 00:01:16:28
and then layers

00:01:21:17 - 00:01:24:18
by default you'll see something like this,
so you'll see your available layers

00:01:24:27 - 00:01:27:21
and that will be an initial dropdown list
where you can then

00:01:27:21 - 00:01:30:20
show the frames
that are part of that layer,

00:01:31:02 - 00:01:35:13
which in our case is all of the frames
that are on our artwork.

00:01:36:22 - 00:01:40:06
The next step is to identify
the frame that we want to rename.

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The easiest way to do this,
if you click on the frame,

00:01:43:06 - 00:01:47:25
it will give you a little highlighted
indication of which one is selected.

00:01:48:09 - 00:01:51:13
you can hit the visibility icon

00:01:51:20 - 00:01:54:16
and that will just show
and hide the relevant frame so you can

00:01:54:16 - 00:01:57:22
identify which one it is.

00:02:00:13 - 00:02:02:23
Once you've identified the right frame,

00:02:02:23 - 00:02:05:11
just slow double click
on the name of the frame

00:02:06:08 - 00:02:09:22
that will give you the ability
to rename it.

00:02:10:19 - 00:02:13:04
So I'll go with title and email,
for example, for this.

00:02:13:17 - 00:02:17:16
This one.

00:02:17:16 - 00:02:18:09
And for this one.

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I'll go with the logo.

00:02:25:07 - 00:02:27:11
And then that's basically
all you need to do.

00:02:27:12 - 00:02:30:09
Now, when you go back
to your variable logic,

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instead of seeing those ID numbers,
you'll now

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see those renamed

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00:02:38:06 - 00:02:44:24
that you're now able to select between.

