Picture of Default approval workflow on the front-end | BG_039

Default approval workflow on the front-end | BG_039

In this tutorial, we will show how the default configuration of the approval workflow appears to both standard users and approver users.

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00:00:07:22 - 00:00:11:12
This tutorial will show how the default
configuration of the approval

00:00:11:12 - 00:00:14:24
workflow appears to both standard users
and approval.

00:00:14:25 - 00:00:19:02
Users will begin
by placing an order as a standard user,

00:00:19:02 - 00:00:22:09
so I'm just going to proceed
through the checkout.

00:00:23:12 - 00:00:25:07
And what you'll see on the confirm

00:00:25:07 - 00:00:28:28
order page is if any of your order lines
do require approval.

00:00:29:09 - 00:00:34:28
You get a little note
telling the user that that is the case.

00:00:34:28 - 00:00:39:08
If I submit the order,

00:00:39:08 - 00:00:42:00
I gets another line of information
saying that I have other items

00:00:42:00 - 00:00:43:16
that require approval

00:00:43:16 - 00:00:47:11
and I can also see information related
to this inside the order details itself.

00:00:47:27 - 00:00:50:19
So I can see there
that my product is awaiting

00:00:50:19 - 00:00:55:12

00:00:55:12 - 00:00:59:16
Next, we'll see a continuation
of the workflow from the approver

00:00:59:16 - 00:01:01:04

00:01:02:11 - 00:01:06:22
So on the front end, as the approver,
if I go to my my account's

00:01:06:22 - 00:01:10:19
dropdown at the top, I will see that
there's now an approvals section

00:01:11:20 - 00:01:14:22
back on that will take me directly
to the approvals page.

00:01:15:03 - 00:01:18:06
You can also get directly to the page
by just typing

00:01:18:17 - 00:01:20:12
/approval onto the end of your storefront.

00:01:20:12 - 00:01:28:10

00:01:28:10 - 00:01:32:13
So all the jobs that are awaiting approval
will be displayed on the approvals page

00:01:32:22 - 00:01:37:21
and the approver can choose whether
to approve or reject any of those jobs.

00:01:37:21 - 00:01:41:08
So I've got two jobs currently
within the approval workflow here,

00:01:41:08 - 00:01:43:19
so I'll accept one of them

00:01:45:04 - 00:01:51:26
and I will reject the other.

00:01:51:26 - 00:01:52:29
And that's all the approver

00:01:52:29 - 00:01:56:09
actually needs to do at this stage
so I can go ahead and continue

00:01:56:09 - 00:02:01:16
the approval workflow again,
viewing it as the standard user.

00:02:01:16 - 00:02:05:18
So we'll see how this information
is relayed back to that.

00:02:06:25 - 00:02:10:00
So the standard user
as well can get onto the approvals page.

00:02:11:29 - 00:02:13:24
They won't
see any particular details in here.

00:02:13:24 - 00:02:17:24
But if I go on to the Work in Progress
page at the top, that will show me

00:02:17:24 - 00:02:21:27
feedback on any of the jobs
which have been rejected, for example.

00:02:22:23 - 00:02:26:07
So you can see there, I've got one
I've got two jobs that have been rejected.

00:02:26:07 - 00:02:28:17
One was from a previous attempt.

00:02:28:17 - 00:02:30:16
This is the one that we've just rejected.

00:02:30:16 - 00:02:32:20
They're clicking on that will show us

00:02:33:08 - 00:02:36:01
some additional information
to do with when it was approved.

00:02:36:01 - 00:02:40:07
Here it was rejected by
and then some details on the order

00:02:41:12 - 00:02:41:24
from here.

00:02:41:24 - 00:02:45:24
We have the ability to resubmit the order
to wish to do so or to cancel

00:02:45:24 - 00:02:50:04
the job.

00:02:50:04 - 00:02:54:01
More information can also be seen in the
My Orders area.

00:02:54:01 - 00:02:56:08
So looking at one particular job
that we had available,

00:02:56:08 - 00:02:59:05
we can see that's now been approved.

00:02:59:05 - 00:03:02:13
Approval status of a job
will also be displayed within the shared

00:03:02:13 - 00:03:22:26
print operations
so the admin team can see it as well.

