00:00:07:15 - 00:00:07:23
00:00:07:23 - 00:00:12:23
We'll see how to enable and configure the
approval workflow on individual products.
00:00:14:03 - 00:00:15:08
So the first thing we need to do
00:00:15:08 - 00:00:19:02
within the workflow Settings
page is to activate the
00:00:19:02 - 00:00:23:18
what is currently the second setting down
so per product approval settings enabled
00:00:24:11 - 00:00:27:02
and then make sure we hit save.
00:00:27:02 - 00:00:30:10
So this will override any customer
level approval workflow
00:00:30:10 - 00:00:34:10
that we've discussed
in previous tutorials.
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Next, we want to navigate
to the product management
00:00:37:15 - 00:00:45:28
00:00:50:04 - 00:00:51:23
Then we need to identify the product
00:00:51:23 - 00:00:55:06
or products that require approval
and then click edit.
00:00:55:06 - 00:00:58:16
Next to that particular product.
00:01:00:13 - 00:01:01:29
From here there will be a new tab.
00:01:01:29 - 00:01:06:00
This appeared on your product details,
which is the approvals tab.
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So go over to this
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and then it's simply a case of checking
00:01:10:05 - 00:01:14:15
that we want the requirements
of approval on this particular product.
00:01:17:04 - 00:01:19:27
You can also
assign approvers to this product as well.
00:01:19:27 - 00:01:23:15
So if you look a bit further down
the page, there's a section for approvers
00:01:23:27 - 00:01:26:05
and you can select the approvers
that you want to apply.
00:01:26:20 - 00:01:28:00
So that means anyone who orders
00:01:28:00 - 00:01:31:00
this product will need it
to be approved by an approver.
00:01:32:18 - 00:01:35:23
Make sure you hit both safe changes
to confirm this list
00:01:36:07 - 00:01:39:11
and save at the top of the page
to save the entire product
00:01:39:11 - 00:01:40:14
00:01:45:29 - 00:01:48:28
From the requestor,
the perspective items requiring approval
00:01:48:28 - 00:01:52:14
will be indicated at several points
during the checkout process
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and it will also be indicated
in the orders page.
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Once that order is sent off for approval.
00:02:09:21 - 00:02:13:17
So you can see, for example, in this case
that because I've only set one product
00:02:13:17 - 00:02:17:09
to require approval, I've only got those
notes on the one product.
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If I go ahead and confirm that order
00:02:20:26 - 00:02:27:13
and then view the orders page, I will see
within that order that one of them
00:02:27:13 - 00:02:31:21
has immediately been ordered to bypass
the approval process completely.
00:02:32:05 - 00:02:36:26
Whereas one of them is awaiting approval.
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From the approval perspective,
they will only see the order lines
00:02:42:09 - 00:02:47:06
that require approval.