Picture of Connect: Flow Quick Start Guide | CI_Flow_002

Connect: Flow Quick Start Guide | CI_Flow_002

Here, we will learn how to set up the very basics of the Connect:Flow plugin, so that we can begin to ensure the plugin is creating outputs. Later tutorials will go into the details of how to fine-tune the content of these output files.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:08:03 - 00:00:08:12

00:00:08:12 - 00:00:12:19
We're going to have to set up
the very basics of the Connect Flow plugin

00:00:12:28 - 00:00:16:24
so that we can begin to ensure
the plugin is creating relevant outputs.

00:00:18:00 - 00:00:20:04
tutorials will go into the details

00:00:20:04 - 00:00:23:15
of how to fine tune
the content of these output files.

00:00:24:20 - 00:00:27:18
So to begin with, we're going to enable
the Connect Flow plugin

00:00:28:01 - 00:00:30:20
first by going to our Connect Settings

00:00:30:20 - 00:00:31:19

00:00:31:19 - 00:00:34:15
In your list of available connect
plugins, locate,

00:00:35:24 - 00:00:38:07
connect, flow

00:00:38:07 - 00:00:38:21
so your list.

00:00:38:21 - 00:00:39:24
will likely be

00:00:39:24 - 00:00:42:17
much shorter than the one
I've got on my sample storefront here

00:00:43:04 - 00:00:45:01
and then click on Save

00:00:51:07 - 00:00:53:02
Next we want to navigate to the Connect

00:00:53:02 - 00:00:56:27
Plugins area

00:00:56:27 - 00:00:59:16
and locate
the Connect Flow entry

00:00:59:26 - 00:01:03:08
and then go to configure.

00:01:04:13 - 00:01:08:07
although we can eventually fully customize
the content of the output file.

00:01:08:15 - 00:01:12:02
We initially have the selection
between JSON and XML.

00:01:12:02 - 00:01:16:23
generation selecting between
those two formats is controlled

00:01:17:13 - 00:01:22:16
by the user data format XML option,
which is here.

00:01:22:16 - 00:01:25:06
If selected,
an XML file will be generated.

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If deselected,
a JSON file will be generated.

00:01:29:00 - 00:01:31:14
JSON creation is the default option.

00:01:31:14 - 00:01:33:22
In this case.

00:01:33:22 - 00:01:34:19

00:01:34:19 - 00:01:40:07
The simplest way to test the plugin is via
Hotfolder or email, so to send the output

00:01:40:07 - 00:01:45:05
to a Hotfolder, we select this drop to Hotfolder section here.

00:01:45:23 - 00:01:46:03

00:01:46:03 - 00:01:47:17
We need to select the Hotfolder

00:01:47:17 - 00:01:50:29
that you wish to utilize
by specifying an ID number.

00:01:51:09 - 00:01:54:20
So I know in this case, for example,
that my ID number is 11

00:01:56:12 - 00:01:57:20
a list of Hotfolders

00:01:57:20 - 00:02:01:25
and their associated IDs,
a detailed below in this available

00:02:02:03 - 00:02:10:14
Hotfolder section.

00:02:10:14 - 00:02:11:15
So we're not going to be covering

00:02:11:15 - 00:02:14:21
Hotfolders in a massive amount of detail
in this tutorial.

00:02:14:21 - 00:02:17:18
But just for context,
the Hotfolder must be configured

00:02:17:28 - 00:02:21:19
prior to being able to establish
a link to the Connect Flows

00:02:21:25 - 00:02:23:29
Hotfolder functionality.

00:02:23:29 - 00:02:26:25
So to do this, we go to our Hotfolders section with it

00:02:26:25 - 00:02:27:27

00:02:32:01 - 00:02:34:11
we create or select a print location

00:02:34:21 - 00:02:37:15
and then within there
we can create a new Hotfolder

00:02:39:07 - 00:02:41:09
and we can specify what mapping that

00:02:41:15 - 00:02:44:20
Hotfolder will have, so which products
it will be associated with.

00:02:44:20 - 00:02:46:04
For example, we also need to specify
that we want to be able

00:02:46:04 - 00:02:48:20
For example, we also need to specify
that we want to be able

00:02:48:20 - 00:02:53:14
to use this specific Hotfolder
or Infigo connect to do this.

00:02:53:14 - 00:02:56:06
If we go to edit
mapping on the relevant Hotfolder

00:02:59:06 - 00:03:00:13
and then right down to the bottom,

00:03:00:13 - 00:03:03:17
we have the option for use Hotfolder for Infigo connect.

00:03:04:12 - 00:03:06:14
So let's that checkbox and click save

00:03:14:21 - 00:03:15:01

00:03:15:01 - 00:03:15:29
We're just going to take a quick

00:03:15:29 - 00:03:19:10
look at the content management
of that particular Hotfolder.

00:03:19:22 - 00:03:23:06
So expand the print location, find the hot

00:03:23:07 - 00:03:28:24
Hotfolder interested in
and go to manage contact.

00:03:28:24 - 00:03:33:18
So whilst we can usie Infigo sync
to push output files to Hotfolders,

00:03:33:26 - 00:03:36:11
it is not a requirement
for our initial test.

00:03:36:24 - 00:03:40:28
Once we've specified a Hotfolder ID within the Connect four plugin,

00:03:41:06 - 00:03:44:23
any generated outputs will be shown
within this manage hot

00:03:44:23 - 00:03:50:21
Hotfolder screen

00:03:50:21 - 00:03:53:29
So inputting an email address
is also a simple method

00:03:53:29 - 00:03:57:07
to confirm the Connect operation.

00:03:57:07 - 00:04:01:27
So underneath where we've been specifying
Hotfolders on the connect flow settings,

00:04:02:15 - 00:04:09:12
I could say send to emails.

00:04:09:12 - 00:04:12:07
Now I just need to input
a relevant email address

00:04:14:25 - 00:04:16:28
if you want to put in multiple emails,
just comma

00:04:16:28 - 00:04:22:09
separate between them.

00:04:22:09 - 00:04:24:15
So this method will place the output

00:04:25:09 - 00:04:29:19
of the connect flow plugin
within the body of the email itself,

00:04:29:19 - 00:04:35:05
not as an attachment to receive
the formatted XML or JSON file.

00:04:35:12 - 00:04:40:09
It's recommended
to use another distribution method.

00:04:40:09 - 00:04:43:02
Once you've got those specified,
click on Save

00:04:45:02 - 00:04:48:05
and then to test this setup,
we're going to navigate to our storefront

00:04:48:14 - 00:04:52:09
and actually place an order.

00:04:52:09 - 00:04:56:20
So we do recommend placing an order
for a stock product at this initial stage.

00:04:56:29 - 00:04:59:25
As an artwork
output is not required to be generated.

00:05:00:03 - 00:05:04:11
These will be the fastest to produce your
XML and JSON outputs.

00:05:05:12 - 00:05:08:05
So I'm just going to go ahead
and place a test order.

00:05:09:13 - 00:05:11:25
That order has now
been successfully processed.

00:05:12:20 - 00:05:15:23
So with that order placed, I'm
now going to navigate back to our

00:05:15:23 - 00:05:17:17
Hotfolder management

00:05:19:25 - 00:05:22:00
and take a look at the content

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of that Hotfolder.

00:05:25:15 - 00:05:29:04
And what I can see there is the JSON
file has now been generated

00:05:30:04 - 00:05:32:24
and automatically placed
within that Hotfolder.

00:05:33:09 - 00:05:37:08
If I want to obtain that information
can just select and

00:05:38:09 - 00:05:39:24
download it

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and then take a look.

00:05:46:10 - 00:05:50:18
As we also configured the email addresses,
I've also received email output

00:05:50:18 - 00:05:54:15
from that particular job,
but as you can see, it places

00:05:54:15 - 00:05:58:19
that information
in the body of the email itself.


Step by Step Guide
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Connect: Flow quick start guide

Here, we will learn how to set up the very basics of the Connect:Flow plugin, so that we can begin to ensure the plugin is creating outputs.

Later tutorials will go into the details of how to fine-tune the content of these output files.

To begin, we will enable the Connect: Flow plugin.

Creation Date: Jul 11, 2023
Created By: Sam Webster

1. Navigate to Connect Settings

Navigate to Connect Settings

2. Check Connect: Flow

Check Connect: Flow

3. Click on Save

Click on Save

4. Navigate to Connect Plugins

Navigate to Connect Plugins

5. Click on Configure next to the Connect: Flow table entry

Click on Configure next to the Connect: Flow table entry

6. Select an initial data format to use

Although we can eventually fully customise the content of the output file, we initially have the selection between JSON and XML generation. Selecting between these two formats is controlled by the Use Data Format Xml option.

If selected, an XML file will be generated. If deselected, a JSON file will be generated.

JSON creation is the default option.

Select an initial data format to use

7. To drop the produced output file into an existing Hotfolder, click Drop to Hotfolder.

The simplest way to initially test the plugin is via Hotfolder or email.

To send the output to a Hotfolder, select "Drop to Hotfolder".

To drop the produced output file into an existing Hotfolder, click Drop to Hotfolder.

8. Next, select the Hotfolder you wish to utilise by specifying an ID

A list of Hotfolders and their IDs is detailed below the input box.

Next, select the Hotfolder you wish to utilise by specifying an ID

9. Navigate to Hotfolders and Print Locations

The Hotfolder must be configured prior to being able to establish a link to Connect: Flow's Hotfolder functionality.

This tutorial will not detail the general setup of Hotfolders. Other tutorials exist on this topic within the Infigo Academy.

Navigate to Hotfolders and Print Locations

10. Click on highlight

Click on highlight

11. Click on Edit mapping

Click on Edit mapping

12. Click on Use hotfolder for Infigo Connect

This setting should be selected in order to push outputs from Infigo Connect plugins to this Hotfolder.

Click on Use hotfolder for Infigo Connect

13. Click on Save

Click on Save

14. Click on Manage content

If you cannot see the Manage Content button, it may need enabling on your platform. Please contact Customer Support who will be able to get you up and running.

Click on Manage content

15. Hotfolder contents

Whilst we can use Infigo Sync to push output files to Hotfolders, it is not a requirement for our initial test.

Once we have specified a Hotfolder ID within the Connect: Flow plugin, any generated outputs will be shown within this Manage Hotfolder screen.

Hotfolder contents

16. Inputting an email address is also a simple method of confirming Connect: Flow operation

Input an email address within this field in order to push any generated outputs as an email.

This method will place the output within the body of the email, not as an attachment. To receive the formatted XML or JSON, it is recommended to use another distribution method.

Inputting an email address is also a simple method of confirming  Connect: Flow operation

17. Click on Save

Click on Save

18. To test the setup, navigate to your storefront and place an order

We recommend placing an order for a stock product at this initial stage. As an artwork output is not required to be generated, these will be the fastest to produce your XML or JSON output.

To test the setup, navigate to your storefront and place an order

19. Return to your admin area and navigate to Shared Print Operations (SPO)

Return to your admin area and navigate to Shared Print Operations (SPO)

20. Locate the job just submitted and review the status.

If the Connect: Flow plugin has been activated, the status history of the job will be updated to reflect this.

Please note, for any product type other than a Stock product you may need to wait a while prior to the Connect: Flow plugin firing. This is due to the fact they are triggered from the app server, not the web server (where we configure the settings) so may take a short while to propagate.

As a reminder, stock products will trigger immediately.

Locate the job just submitted and review the status.

21. Navigate back to your Hotfolder management

If the Connect: Flow plugin was correctly configured and triggered, the output file will be uploaded to the Hotfolder.

From here, it can be downloaded for further review. If the Hotfolder is configured with Infigo Sync, the file can also be pushed to an external folder.

If you configured an email address as a distribution method for your Connect: Flow output, you should also receive an email with the output as part of the email body.

Navigate back to your Hotfolder management
Alternate Search Terms

Individual Search Words

setup, enable, configure, output, plugin, format, data, hotfolder, email, order

Alternate Search Phrases

how to setup Connect Flow, enabling plugin features, configuring data outputs, selecting output format, JSON versus XML, using hotfolder with plugin, email output settings, Connect Flow quick start, plugin activation guide, testing Connect Flow