00:00:08:03 - 00:00:08:12
00:00:08:12 - 00:00:12:19
We're going to have to set up
the very basics of the Connect Flow plugin
00:00:12:28 - 00:00:16:24
so that we can begin to ensure
the plugin is creating relevant outputs.
00:00:18:00 - 00:00:20:04
tutorials will go into the details
00:00:20:04 - 00:00:23:15
of how to fine tune
the content of these output files.
00:00:24:20 - 00:00:27:18
So to begin with, we're going to enable
the Connect Flow plugin
00:00:28:01 - 00:00:30:20
first by going to our Connect Settings
00:00:30:20 - 00:00:31:19
00:00:31:19 - 00:00:34:15
In your list of available connect
plugins, locate,
00:00:35:24 - 00:00:38:07
connect, flow
00:00:38:07 - 00:00:38:21
so your list.
00:00:38:21 - 00:00:39:24
will likely be
00:00:39:24 - 00:00:42:17
much shorter than the one
I've got on my sample storefront here
00:00:43:04 - 00:00:45:01
and then click on Save
00:00:51:07 - 00:00:53:02
Next we want to navigate to the Connect
00:00:53:02 - 00:00:56:27
Plugins area
00:00:56:27 - 00:00:59:16
and locate
the Connect Flow entry
00:00:59:26 - 00:01:03:08
and then go to configure.
00:01:04:13 - 00:01:08:07
although we can eventually fully customize
the content of the output file.
00:01:08:15 - 00:01:12:02
We initially have the selection
between JSON and XML.
00:01:12:02 - 00:01:16:23
generation selecting between
those two formats is controlled
00:01:17:13 - 00:01:22:16
by the user data format XML option,
which is here.
00:01:22:16 - 00:01:25:06
If selected,
an XML file will be generated.
00:01:25:16 - 00:01:28:19
If deselected,
a JSON file will be generated.
00:01:29:00 - 00:01:31:14
JSON creation is the default option.
00:01:31:14 - 00:01:33:22
In this case.
00:01:33:22 - 00:01:34:19
00:01:34:19 - 00:01:40:07
The simplest way to test the plugin is via
Hotfolder or email, so to send the output
00:01:40:07 - 00:01:45:05
to a Hotfolder, we select this drop to Hotfolder section here.
00:01:45:23 - 00:01:46:03
00:01:46:03 - 00:01:47:17
We need to select the Hotfolder
00:01:47:17 - 00:01:50:29
that you wish to utilize
by specifying an ID number.
00:01:51:09 - 00:01:54:20
So I know in this case, for example,
that my ID number is 11
00:01:56:12 - 00:01:57:20
a list of Hotfolders
00:01:57:20 - 00:02:01:25
and their associated IDs,
a detailed below in this available
00:02:02:03 - 00:02:10:14
Hotfolder section.
00:02:10:14 - 00:02:11:15
So we're not going to be covering
00:02:11:15 - 00:02:14:21
Hotfolders in a massive amount of detail
in this tutorial.
00:02:14:21 - 00:02:17:18
But just for context,
the Hotfolder must be configured
00:02:17:28 - 00:02:21:19
prior to being able to establish
a link to the Connect Flows
00:02:21:25 - 00:02:23:29
Hotfolder functionality.
00:02:23:29 - 00:02:26:25
So to do this, we go to our Hotfolders section with it
00:02:26:25 - 00:02:27:27
00:02:32:01 - 00:02:34:11
we create or select a print location
00:02:34:21 - 00:02:37:15
and then within there
we can create a new Hotfolder
00:02:39:07 - 00:02:41:09
and we can specify what mapping that
00:02:41:15 - 00:02:44:20
Hotfolder will have, so which products
it will be associated with.
00:02:44:20 - 00:02:46:04
For example, we also need to specify
that we want to be able
00:02:46:04 - 00:02:48:20
For example, we also need to specify
that we want to be able
00:02:48:20 - 00:02:53:14
to use this specific Hotfolder
or Infigo connect to do this.
00:02:53:14 - 00:02:56:06
If we go to edit
mapping on the relevant Hotfolder
00:02:59:06 - 00:03:00:13
and then right down to the bottom,
00:03:00:13 - 00:03:03:17
we have the option for use Hotfolder for Infigo connect.
00:03:04:12 - 00:03:06:14
So let's that checkbox and click save
00:03:14:21 - 00:03:15:01
00:03:15:01 - 00:03:15:29
We're just going to take a quick
00:03:15:29 - 00:03:19:10
look at the content management
of that particular Hotfolder.
00:03:19:22 - 00:03:23:06
So expand the print location, find the hot
00:03:23:07 - 00:03:28:24
Hotfolder interested in
and go to manage contact.
00:03:28:24 - 00:03:33:18
So whilst we can usie Infigo sync
to push output files to Hotfolders,
00:03:33:26 - 00:03:36:11
it is not a requirement
for our initial test.
00:03:36:24 - 00:03:40:28
Once we've specified a Hotfolder ID within the Connect four plugin,
00:03:41:06 - 00:03:44:23
any generated outputs will be shown
within this manage hot
00:03:44:23 - 00:03:50:21
Hotfolder screen
00:03:50:21 - 00:03:53:29
So inputting an email address
is also a simple method
00:03:53:29 - 00:03:57:07
to confirm the Connect operation.
00:03:57:07 - 00:04:01:27
So underneath where we've been specifying
Hotfolders on the connect flow settings,
00:04:02:15 - 00:04:09:12
I could say send to emails.
00:04:09:12 - 00:04:12:07
Now I just need to input
a relevant email address
00:04:14:25 - 00:04:16:28
if you want to put in multiple emails,
just comma
00:04:16:28 - 00:04:22:09
separate between them.
00:04:22:09 - 00:04:24:15
So this method will place the output
00:04:25:09 - 00:04:29:19
of the connect flow plugin
within the body of the email itself,
00:04:29:19 - 00:04:35:05
not as an attachment to receive
the formatted XML or JSON file.
00:04:35:12 - 00:04:40:09
It's recommended
to use another distribution method.
00:04:40:09 - 00:04:43:02
Once you've got those specified,
click on Save
00:04:45:02 - 00:04:48:05
and then to test this setup,
we're going to navigate to our storefront
00:04:48:14 - 00:04:52:09
and actually place an order.
00:04:52:09 - 00:04:56:20
So we do recommend placing an order
for a stock product at this initial stage.
00:04:56:29 - 00:04:59:25
As an artwork
output is not required to be generated.
00:05:00:03 - 00:05:04:11
These will be the fastest to produce your
XML and JSON outputs.
00:05:05:12 - 00:05:08:05
So I'm just going to go ahead
and place a test order.
00:05:09:13 - 00:05:11:25
That order has now
been successfully processed.
00:05:12:20 - 00:05:15:23
So with that order placed, I'm
now going to navigate back to our
00:05:15:23 - 00:05:17:17
Hotfolder management
00:05:19:25 - 00:05:22:00
and take a look at the content
00:05:22:00 - 00:05:24:12
of that Hotfolder.
00:05:25:15 - 00:05:29:04
And what I can see there is the JSON
file has now been generated
00:05:30:04 - 00:05:32:24
and automatically placed
within that Hotfolder.
00:05:33:09 - 00:05:37:08
If I want to obtain that information
can just select and
00:05:38:09 - 00:05:39:24
download it
00:05:40:21 - 00:05:46:10
and then take a look.
00:05:46:10 - 00:05:50:18
As we also configured the email addresses,
I've also received email output
00:05:50:18 - 00:05:54:15
from that particular job,
but as you can see, it places
00:05:54:15 - 00:05:58:19
that information
in the body of the email itself.