Picture of Global enabling / disabling of product types | BG_043

Global enabling / disabling of product types | BG_043

Here, we will learn how to globally turn on or turn off the ability to create particular product types. This allows you to simplify the amount of options available in the storefront if only certain types are utilised. It also provides the ability for administrators themselves to enable access to product types, rather than having to defer to Infigo Support.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:07:29 - 00:00:09:03
Here we learn how to

00:00:09:03 - 00:00:14:02
globally turn on or turn off the ability
to create particular product types.

00:00:14:23 - 00:00:17:26
This allows you to simplify
the amount of options available

00:00:17:26 - 00:00:20:29
in the storefront
if only certain types are utilized.

00:00:21:15 - 00:00:25:06
It also provides the ability
for administrators themselves to enable

00:00:25:06 - 00:00:29:12
access to product types rather than having
to defer to Infigo support.

00:00:31:02 - 00:00:33:28
So to demonstrate what I mean by
this were first going to navigate

00:00:33:28 - 00:00:36:02
to our product management screen

00:00:39:16 - 00:00:40:24
and then I'm just going to click on

00:00:40:24 - 00:00:46:16
Add New.

00:00:46:16 - 00:00:51:01
Now when creating a new product,
you may find the list under product type

00:00:51:09 - 00:00:54:05
does not contain
every entry that you're looking for.

00:00:55:05 - 00:00:57:21
you may wish to shorten this list

00:00:57:21 - 00:01:00:22
to make the processes easier
for storefront

00:01:00:22 - 00:01:04:03
administrators to navigate.

00:01:06:11 - 00:01:06:20
Now the

00:01:06:20 - 00:01:10:02
same behavior will also be seen
under catalog

00:01:10:15 - 00:01:14:26
and product types
were only entries for enabled product

00:01:14:26 - 00:01:20:05
types will be visible.

00:01:20:05 - 00:01:23:20
Now, to control the available product
types, we're going to navigate

00:01:23:20 - 00:01:25:29
to our admin area settings

00:01:32:02 - 00:01:32:28
and then you'll see

00:01:32:28 - 00:01:36:05
right near the top
we have this product types selection.

00:01:37:04 - 00:01:39:28
So, so from here
you can check the product types

00:01:39:28 - 00:01:43:09
that you wish to enable
globally on your storefront.

00:01:43:09 - 00:01:44:24
So for example, I could say that

00:01:44:24 - 00:01:47:28
maybe I want to enable kit products
on my particular storefront

00:01:49:05 - 00:01:53:01
and then click on Save.

00:01:53:01 - 00:01:55:29
Now, if I navigate
back to our product management screen

00:01:57:20 - 00:02:00:11
and try and create a new product again,

00:02:00:11 - 00:02:03:09
you'll see that I now have the custom

00:02:03:09 - 00:02:06:20
selection here of which the kits products
have enabled is one of them.

00:02:07:00 - 00:02:10:04
And then Kit is my only available option
within those custom

00:02:10:04 - 00:02:14:01
product types.

00:02:14:01 - 00:02:17:24
Also, if I go to my catalog
and product types, you can see

00:02:17:24 - 00:02:21:08
I now have custom products available
giving me access to

00:02:21:08 - 00:02:28:12
those kit products.


Step by Step Guide

Global enabling / disabling of product types

Here, we will learn how to globally turn on or turn off the ability to create particular product types.

This allows you to simplify the amount of options available in the storefront if only certain types are utilised. It also provides the ability for administrators themselves to enable access to product types, rather than having to defer to Infigo Support.

Creation Date: Jul 25, 2023
Created By: Sam Webster

1. Navigate to Product Management

Navigate to Product Management

2. Click on Add new

Click on Add new

3. When creating a new product, you may find the list under Product Type does not contain the entry you are looking for.

Alternatively, you may wish to shorten this list to make the processes easier for storefront administrators to navigate.

When creating a new product, you may find the list under Product Type does not contain the entry you are looking for.

4. The same behaviour will be seen under Product Types, where only entries for enabled product types are visible.

The same behaviour will be seen under Product Types, where only entries for enabled product types are visible.

5. To control available product types, navigate to Admin Area Settings

To control available product types, navigate to Admin Area Settings

6. Navigate to the Product Types section

Navigate to the Product Types section

7. Check the product types you wish to enable globally on your storefront

Check the product types you wish to enable globally on your storefront

8. Click on Save

Click on Save

9. Navigate to Product Management

Navigate to Product Management

10. Click on Add new

Click on Add new

11. Your newly activated product types will now be available in the admin area UI of Infigo.

Your newly activated product types will now be available in the admin area UI of Infigo.

Individual Search Words

activation, deactivation, control, permissions, settings, access, customization, selection, visibility, options

Alternate Search Phrases

toggle product features, adjust product availability, control product access, customize product types, enable item categories, manage product settings, restrict product options, set product permissions, streamline product list, configure product types